Jack McGowan
Nacimiento : 1894-01-12, Muskegon, Michigan, USA
Muerte : 1977-05-28
Theatre Play
A playboy helps a young woman turn her father's Nevada ranch into a haven for divorcees.
Danny has been in the army for 4 years, yet all he thinks about is Brooklyn and how great it is. When he returns after the war, he soon finds that Brooklyn is not so nice after all. He is able to share a place with Nick, the janitor of his old High School, and get a job as a singer in a music store. He also meets Leo, a talented pianist and his teacher Anne, whose dream is to singing Opera. When Jamie arrives from England, Danny tries to show him the Brooklyn experience and help him compose modern swing music. Together, these four also try to help Leo get the Brooklyn Music scholarship.
Director Hal Walker's 1945 musical comedy stars Betty Hutton as a hat-check girl at New York City's famous nightclub. The cast also includes Barry Fitzgerald, Don Defore, Andy Russell, Iria Adrian and Robert Benchley.
Broadway producer Johnny Demming is only interested in big-name talent and scoffs that his sister, father and other small-time talent could be used in a successful show.
Danny Churchill es un joven de familia rica que sólo piensa en las chicas, por lo que su padre decide enviarlo a un instituto masculino en mitad del desierto, donde se supone que no habrá chicas a la vista. Lo cual es completamente cierto si no contamos a la hija del director.
Sailors and spies mingle in between the acts at Hattie's nightclub in the Canal Zone.
Married songwriters almost split up while putting on a big show.
Married songwriters almost split up while putting on a big show.
La joven irlandesa Nellie se enamora de Jerry, un guapo muchacho, pero sus padres se oponen a la relación. Ambos deciden casarse y mudarse a Nueva York.
Johnny Brett y King Shaw son dos ambiciosos bailarines que buscan la fama en Broadway, y que trabajan como empleados en el café de una sala de espectáculos. Uno de ellos es elegido para el papel principal de un gran musical, pero se confunden de nombres y escogen al compañero. Desde entonces son rivales en la carrera hacia el éxito...
Dos jóvenes se proponen triunfar en el mundo del espectáculo: son Mickey Moran (Mickey Rooney), talentoso músico y cantante, hijo de un artista veterano, y Patsi Barton (Judy Garland), una joven cantante
Steve Raleight (Robert Taylor) quiere producir un "show" en Broadway y, aunque ya tiene al promotor, Herman Whipple, y a la estrella, la joven Sally Lee (Eleanor Powell), no le dejan realizar su sueño. Caroline Whipple (Binnie Barnes) quiere utilizar para el espectáculo a una estrella conocida, y no a una cualquiera. Por otro lado, Sally compra un caballo con la intención de participar en una carrera para obtener fondos con los que promocionar el show...
Steve Raleight (Robert Taylor) quiere producir un "show" en Broadway y, aunque ya tiene al promotor, Herman Whipple, y a la estrella, la joven Sally Lee (Eleanor Powell), no le dejan realizar su sueño. Caroline Whipple (Binnie Barnes) quiere utilizar para el espectáculo a una estrella conocida, y no a una cualquiera. Por otro lado, Sally compra un caballo con la intención de participar en una carrera para obtener fondos con los que promocionar el show...
Nora Paige (Eleanor Powell) llega a Nueva York con el propósito de conquistar Broadway cuanto antes. Es bailarina, aunque por ahora no la conoce nadie.
Bob Gordon recibe una buena oferta económica para su representación de Broadway, pero debe contar para su espectáculo con la viuda Lilian. Delicioso musical que optó al Oscar a la mejor película, en la que se habla de los entresijos del Broadway de la época, donde los artistas desean alcanzar la fama y el reconocimiento.
Jack Oakie and Jack Haley are songwriters are enroute from New York to Hollywood to make their fame and fortune; Ginger Rogers, a lunchwagon proprieter, joins them.
New York playboy Danny Churchill is sent to a small town in Arizona, where being sheriff is very dangerous, to keep away from girls, but he decides to open a dude ranch there. He asks his friend Slick, a professional gambler and his wife Kitty, to help him. Slick decides to go there in a cab, driven by shy Jimmy. Jimmy's younger sister Tessie also travels there. There Danny has fallen in love with Molly, but troubles arise for him when the local heavy decides that he doesn't like the ranch and announces running for sheriff. Danny and Slick got the idea that Jimmy would be the ideal candidate, especially because of the fact that the heavy has announced he would kill another sheriff. With some help Jimmy is elected, but Molly leaves Danny with a New York shyster for Mexico. Mitzi, Danny, Kitty, Patsy - Jimmy's sweetheart as well as Jimmy and Slick follow her to win her heart back for Danny, but they are followed by the local heavy and his friend.
Joe, a weakling gangster, and Bob, an ex-gambler, compete for Lyla Mason, a working girl who also runs a 10th Avenue rooming house in New York city. Bob's desire to show Lyla he can support her leads him back to the gambling table when past-due rent threatens her with eviction. Bob and Joe are both suspected when Fink, a bootlegger, is found murdered in his room.