Toni Climent


The Pyrenees, 1883. Silo and his brother Bruno are escaping from a crowd of villagers when they begin a trip through the mountains.
Cruzando el sentido
Alonso es un skater que recorre España con su tabla como único medio de transporte. La carretera le obligará a cruzarse con personajes que cambiarán su vida e irán descubriendo el motivo por el cual Alonso realiza este curioso y extraño viaje. Libertad, crítica, comedia y drama en una historia entretenida y con mensaje. Un alegato a ser feliz, a ir a contracorriente, a vivir tu propia vida. Nuestra intención no es dar una respuesta si no plantear una pregunta: ¿Qué pasaría si cada uno de nosotros decidiera cumplir sus sueños?.
A Slice of Life in Barcelona
Three dysfunctional couples in Barcelona, Spain end up colliding due to nothing but bad decisions. There's Paula, a beautiful klepto who lives with her abusive, alcoholic brother Ramsey and his annoying drunk girlfriend Faye. Paula and her gorgeous punk girlfriend Anna terrorize the streets of Barcelona stealing hearts, wallets and anything they can get their hands on. From young tourists to old men, these girls don't care who they target as long as they get what they want. Then there's Molly and Christina, two working-class women in a long-term relationship very much in love. Molly warns Christina not to speak to a local loser skinhead named Robert that is a regular at the punk bar. Christina doesn't listen and does as she pleases. Molly is Christina's first lesbian lover and her most successful relationship to date until a series of terrible choices leave the girls in a bad situation.
L'últim ball de Carmen Amaya
Candela es una bailarina que intenta regresar a los escenarios después de sufrir un accidente. La oportunidad para volver a bailar surge cuando le ofrecen participar en un espectáculo que celebra el centenario del nacimiento de Amaya.