Femme de pétard
Martin is 12 years old and dreams of playing on the neighbourhood baseball team. When he doesn’t make the cut, his father steps in and organizes a B team. Father and son spend a summer full of hope and disappointment, surprises and foul balls.
Comtesse de La Motte
Biografía de María Antonieta (1755–1793), archiduquesa de Austria y Reina de Francia y de Navarra. Con tan solo 14 años llega a la opulenta corte francesa tras prometerse al rey Luis XVI. Sola, incomprendida y repudiada por su propio marido, la joven pronto se convierte en protagonista de diversos escándalos cortesanos.
Mélanie Blackburn
A reporter goes to a mysterious village to investigate mysterious disappearances until one night, his friend gets abducted and every citizen wants him dead.