Krister Linder


Original Music Composer
As the successful actor Ingrid arrives at her daughter's 35th birthday party, her unexpected return is not as well received as she has hoped. Instead, her years as an absent mother come to the fore and the gap between mother and daughter are felt to be an abyss.
El Cairo confidencial
Noredin, un detective corrupto con un futuro brillante en el cuerpo de policía cuyo principal propósito no es exactamente hacer el bien sino hacerse rico, es llamado al hotel Nile Hilton, donde acaban de descubrir el cuerpo de una hermosa mujer. La identidad de ésta, sus conexiones con las élites de El Cairo y otros incidentes más personales acabarán llevando a Noredin a tomar decisiones trascendentales y a descubrirse a sí mismo.
Our Need for Consolation
Swedish writer Stig Dagerman (1923-1954) was a literary sensation who after a few productive years, suddenly fell silent. Struggling with writer's block, Dagerman wrote the essay "Our Need for Consolation" about his inner demons and his quest for freedom. For the first time in English, featuring Stellan Skarsgard as an on-camera narrator, this film brings Dagerman's powerful words to life in the form of a visual poem.
Original Music Composer
Metropia es un film de animación que nos lleva a una Europa no tan lejana ni espantosa, donde el mundo se ha quedado sin petróleo y una red de metro subterránea ha sido conectada creando una inmensa red bajo el suelo europeo. Roger de Farsta (un suburbio de Estocolmo), elige alejarse del metro ya que piensa que es desagradable y a veces oye voces extrañas dentro de su cabeza. Un día, Roger descubre que su vida es controlada en cada detalle, así que trata de escaparse, pero para lograrlo necesitará la ayuda de la super-modelo Nina, ¿o quizás es Nina la que necesita a Roger?. Voces de la versión americana: Juliette Lewis, Vincent Gallo, Udo Kier.
Downloading Nancy
Original Music Composer
Una mujer desesperada contrata a un hombre al que conoció en línea para que la torture y la mate.
Never Like the First Time!
Four people share the stories of their first sexual experience in this animated short subject from Swedish filmmaker Jonas Odell. Each vignette features a different look and animation style, and the stories cover a time span from the 1920s to the present day. Each narrator recalls their loss of virginity in a different way, ranging from deeply romantic nostalgia to befuddled disappointment to terror in the face of unexpected violence as their stories play out on screen.
Original Music Composer
Looks at the link between Guantanomo Bay and the torture methods used in Iraq. How US forces handle the task of retrieving information from the detainees. Ex detainee Mehdi from Sweden breaks his vow of silence.