Andrés Varela


Benedetti, 60 años con Luz
Mario Benedetti and Luz López met when they were teenagers, he became a writer and she became a public servant. Together they shared life, exile, failures, success, friends and love. Sixty years and eighty books later, Luz suffers from Alzheimer's, forgets all of her past, and finally she forgets Mario just before she died. The film reconstructs this memory with an eye set on the author and the love that bound them together.
Benedetti, 60 años con Luz
Mario Benedetti and Luz López met when they were teenagers, he became a writer and she became a public servant. Together they shared life, exile, failures, success, friends and love. Sixty years and eighty books later, Luz suffers from Alzheimer's, forgets all of her past, and finally she forgets Mario just before she died. The film reconstructs this memory with an eye set on the author and the love that bound them together.
Sangre de Campeones
1924: a group of men, amateur footballers of diverse professions and humble origins, set out on a journey towards the greatest adventure of their lives. They depart from Uruguay for Europe to disembark in Paris in its "Crazy Years" where, against all odds, Olympic glory and the amazement of the whole world awaited them. This feat would be the first of others to come in 1928 and 1930.
The unexpected victory over Uruguay in the World Cup Brazil 1950 continues to have social and political ramifications for both countries.
El día de la final del torneo entre brasileños y celestes, el 10 de enero de 1981, los miles de uruguayos que abarrotaron el Centenario, avivados por el triunfo de la selección, explotaron al grito de “Se va a acabar, se va a acabar la dictadura militar”, que había sido rechazada con un rotundo NO en el plebiscito y desataron una espontánea manifestación contra la dictadura que continuó en las calles y cuya perspectiva se hizo indetenible. El film recaba opiniones de los protagonistas de todos los sectores que participaron de aquel momento y va imprimiendo un aguafuerte donde cada personalidad surge con sus tonos propios. La edición le da ritmo al paneo de relatos y a la vez sabe contar la historia concreta de aquel Mundial Copa de Oro, en el marco tan particular en que se dio y que, hasta este rescate, lo había marcado para el olvido o para el soslayo. (FILMAFFINITY)
Executive Producer
The Silva family is pioneer and a role model within the community; it shows values and the goal to not let the candombe tradition fade away. Not only do they have an internal hierarchy, but also in his neighbourhood, Waldemar “Cachila” Silva is a respected leader. Cachila decide to pass on his legacy to his sons Matias and Wellington, who should now lead the family business, afro descendants playing candombe, a drum rhythm for the carnival contest and keep the privilege place obtained by the family. Patriarchy, hierarchy and cultural traditions are the concepts that drive this documentary about the life of a man of African descent and a dysfunctional family trying to perpetuate its power, which is crucial for the future of a culture.
The Silva family is pioneer and a role model within the community; it shows values and the goal to not let the candombe tradition fade away. Not only do they have an internal hierarchy, but also in his neighbourhood, Waldemar “Cachila” Silva is a respected leader. Cachila decide to pass on his legacy to his sons Matias and Wellington, who should now lead the family business, afro descendants playing candombe, a drum rhythm for the carnival contest and keep the privilege place obtained by the family. Patriarchy, hierarchy and cultural traditions are the concepts that drive this documentary about the life of a man of African descent and a dysfunctional family trying to perpetuate its power, which is crucial for the future of a culture.
The Silva family is pioneer and a role model within the community; it shows values and the goal to not let the candombe tradition fade away. Not only do they have an internal hierarchy, but also in his neighbourhood, Waldemar “Cachila” Silva is a respected leader. Cachila decide to pass on his legacy to his sons Matias and Wellington, who should now lead the family business, afro descendants playing candombe, a drum rhythm for the carnival contest and keep the privilege place obtained by the family. Patriarchy, hierarchy and cultural traditions are the concepts that drive this documentary about the life of a man of African descent and a dysfunctional family trying to perpetuate its power, which is crucial for the future of a culture.
La Matinée
Executive Producer
La murga es una forma de expresión artística del carnaval uruguayo .La misma ha funcionado como un catalizador de las ideas e inquietudes de las clases mas oprimidas de nuestra sociedad a través de la sátira que caracteriza a este genero musical. Luego de una intensa búsqueda de murguistas sexagenarios, referentes de las nuevas generaciones del carnaval uruguayo , se logra conformar un plantel de 17 integrantes quienes se presentan al concurso oficial de carnaval 2004 . La Matinee nos permite revivir esta historia bajo la dirección de Sebastian Bednarik.
La Matinée
La murga es una forma de expresión artística del carnaval uruguayo .La misma ha funcionado como un catalizador de las ideas e inquietudes de las clases mas oprimidas de nuestra sociedad a través de la sátira que caracteriza a este genero musical. Luego de una intensa búsqueda de murguistas sexagenarios, referentes de las nuevas generaciones del carnaval uruguayo , se logra conformar un plantel de 17 integrantes quienes se presentan al concurso oficial de carnaval 2004 . La Matinee nos permite revivir esta historia bajo la dirección de Sebastian Bednarik.