Makeup Department Head
La película comienza con la trágica muerte del agente Murphy, que es asesinado por unos brutales criminales haciéndole saltar por los aires. Un equipo de científicos y doctores reconstruirán sus restos y lo convertirán en un organismo cibernético imparable, programado para combatir el crimen sin descanso. De esta forma crearán a Robocop. Pero lo que nadie se imagina es que bajo su nueva carcasa cibernética, Robocop vive atormentado por los recuerdos de su vida anterior acompañados de pesadillas de su muerte a manos de los despiadados asesinos.
Makeup Department Head
An ex-con finds his plan to go straight foiled by a loan shark who manipulates his target into taking on one last heist.
Makeup Artist
Cuando Santa comienza sus deberes navideños un día antes, choca contra la casa de la familia Fox, termina con amnesia y pierde su saco mágico de regalos, ¡necesita ayuda! Pero la familia Fox es una familia moderna y rota. ¿Podrán ayudarlo? Los padres están preocupados por el trabajo y los niños no son muy festivos. Pero depende de ellos ayudar a Papá Noel a encontrar su bolsa mágica de juguetes y el tiempo corre o la Navidad se arruinará. Obligados a dejar de lado sus propios problemas y trabajar juntos, la familia Fox redescubre cuánto disfrutan estar juntos y se dan cuenta de que tal vez necesitan cambiar las prioridades de sus vidas. The Night Before The Night Before Christmas es una loca fantasía navideña para toda la familia, llena de espíritu festivo.
Makeup Artist
An eccentric older woman implicates her brutal & controlling lover in the murder of a young retarded girl. Absorbed with "Murder She Wrote" and "Matlock", she creates details of the murder from clues she picks up from the detectives on the case. Implicating herself and sentenced to jail, she then recants her testimony. But no one believes her until clues surface from the real killer that he is still out there, has killed before, and will kill again. He signs his messages with Happy Faces.
Key Makeup Artist
Silken Laumann's dreams of winning gold at the 1992 Olympics are shattered after a training accident.
Makeup Artist
A naive 16 year old waitress falls for a corrupt, married police officer. When she falls pregnant, her lover plots her murder.
Makeup Artist
A grieving family opens its household to an unknown woman who claims to have been their dearly departed's girlfriend.
Key Makeup Artist
New York: Every night the mysterious "Night Owl" goes on the air with her moody radio show. She seems to have an inexplicable influence on some men; several of Julie's friends commit suicide while listening to her voice. She fears for her husband Harry, who becomes more and more distant from her.
Makeup Artist
A divorced woman falls in love with a mentally-disabled man, but his family objects to their relationship.