Neal Dodd

Nacimiento : 1879-09-06, Fort Madison, Iowa, USA

Muerte : 1966-05-26


Minister (uncredited)
Architect Hal Norton and wife Meg invite his widowed mother Louisa to move in with them, only to discover the sweet elderly lady is romantically involved with what seems to be every old coot in town.
Nacido para matar
Clergyman (uncredited)
En Reno (Nevada), Helen Brent (Claire Trevor), una mujer fría y calculadora acaba de recibir una demanda de divorcio. Esa misma noche, se produce un doble asesinato en su barrio: Sam Wild (Lawrence Tierney), un atractivo psicópata, mata sin motivo alguno a una pareja. Para no verse involucrada en el asunto, al día siguiente, Helen coge un tren para San Francisco, pero Sam ha tenido la misma idea
Minister (uncredited)
Una vez terminada la Segunda Guerra Mundial (1939-1945), Swede Lunn, un soldado veterano y boxeador en declive, encuentra dificultades para reincorporarse a la vida civil. Un día conoce a la novia de un gángster, la irresistible y misteriosa Kitty Collins.
El extraño
Minister (uncredited)
Wilson, un agente de la comisión de crímenes de guerra, está buscando a Franz Kindler, uno de los cerebros de los campos de exterminio nazis, que ha conseguido huir sin dejar huellas. Siguiendo la pista de un antiguo camarada de Kindler llega hasta Harper (Connecticut), donde es asesinado antes de poder identificar al fugitivo. La única pista que le queda es la fascinación del criminal nazi por los relojes antiguos.
Priest (uncredited)
Christopher Cross es un simple cajero infelizmente casado, pero tiene un raro talento para la pintura. En cierta ocasión, conoce a una aventurera de la que se enamora y le hace creer que es un pintor de éxito. La chica y su novio, un individuo sin escrúpulos, aprovechan la ocasión para explotar al pobre hombre, que llegará incluso a cometer un desfalco en su empresa para que ella siga creyendo que es un artista de éxito.
Marriage Is a Private Affair
Una chica rica y mimada no está dispuesta a que el matrimonio se entrometa en su afición a perseguir a los hombres.
Steel Against the Sky
Justice of the Peace (uncredited)
Steel-worker brothers compete for the same woman.
Four Wives
Minister at Wedding (uncredited)
In this sequel to Four Daughters, Ann struggles to move on after the death of her husband as she falls in love with Felix, but on the day of her engagement discovers that she carries Mickey's child.
Caballero sin espada
Senate Chaplain (uncredited)
Jefferson Smith, un joven ingenuo e idealista, que parece fácilmente manipulable, es nombrado senador. Ignora que en Washington tendrá que vérselas con políticos y empresarios sin escrúpulos que le harán perder la fe. Sin embargo, gracias a su secretaria, una joven que conoce muy bien los entresijos de la política, protagoniza en el Senado una espectacular y maratoniana intervención en la que, además de defender apasionadamente la democracia, pone en evidencia una importante trama de corrupción.
Three Smart Girls Grow Up
Three sisters who believe life is going to be easy, now that their parents are back together, until one sister falls in love with another's fiancé, and the youngest sister plays matchmaker.
Fisherman's Wharf
Carlo Roma and his foster-son, Toma, and their friend Beppo, are living a happy fisherman's life in San Francisco until Carlo's widowed sister-in-law, Stella, shows up with her brat-son, Rudolph, and takes over. Poor Toma gets his feelings hurt and the idea he "isn't wanted" and runs away
Youth Takes a Fling
McCrea plays Joe Meadows, whose only ambition as a Kansas farm boy was a life at sea. He moves to New York to try to get a job as a sailor, finds it more difficult than he thought, and meets Helen Brown, who falls for him and uses her feminine wiles to try to prevent him leaving.
Draegerman Courage
Priest (uncredited)
After a mine cave in, the rescue crew risks their lives to search for two trapped miners.
You Belong to Me
Minister at Funeral
When vaudeville performer Florette Faxon is left penniless with her six-year-old son Jimmy, she relies on the friendship of fellow performer Bud Hannigan to help her get a job. Bud is reluctant to become her partner, as he has proven to himself to be unreliable in relationships, but he tells her to call him whenever she needs help. While working in a beer garden, Florette meets Hap Stanley, an avaricious performer who marries her to get the rights to perform her show routine. Hap dislikes Jimmy and eventually convinces Florette to send him away to school. Both Jimmy and Florette are broken-up over being apart, but Jimmy pretends it is what he wants so Florette can be happy with Hap.
Sucedió una noche
Minister at Wedding (uncredited)
Peter Warren, es un periodista desempleado que se topa con Ellie, la hija de un millonario que huyó del barco de Alexander Andrews, su padre, porque no acepta al hombre con el que ella se quiere casar. Peter ve la oportunidad de conseguir una buena historia, pero varios hechos acaban por crear un vínculo entre ellos.
Lilly Turner
Minister at Wedding (uncredited)
One woman faces many trials on the road to romance after unwittingly marrying a bigamist, then a carnival's barker and then falling for a young engineer.
Tuya para siempre
Minister (uncredited)
Un escritor alcohólico se dispone a estrenar su primera obra en Broadway, pero le conlleva tanto trabajo que le crea problemas matrimoniales...
Such Men Are Dangerous
Wedding Celebrant (uncredited)
A wealthy and powerful industrialist changes his identity to avenge himself on the wife that spurned him on their wedding night.
The Only Woman
Minister (as Rev. Neal Dodd)
A 1924 film directed by Sidney Olcott.