Mile Blažević


Los niños del cura
Gashi Bedri
Don Fabian es un joven párroco recién llegado a una pequeña isla del adriático. Para fomentar la escasa natalidad de la isla, decide pinchar los preservativos antes de ponerse a la venta, confabulándose con el quiosquero y el farmacéutico. (FILMAFFINITY)
Love has probably never been so commercialized and falsely portrayed as today. It became a commodity that everybody can afford. However, very often the real picture is something completely different.This film tells about this different picture.The film "Together" tells about love relationships that encounter difficulties. Those are real difficulties that test not only the relationship but very often also the destinies of the persons involved.
Where the Penguins Fly
Zastupnik Mile
On the same day several interrelated characters try to change their own lives and, in the process, change the lives of others.
On Cows and Men
Sound Recordist
Milan and Silvana live in Medulin, a small coastal town in Croatia. Milan rears cows on the nearby island of Finera, tending them daily, as many did before him. But Silvana wants much more and keeps complaining that Milan should pay more attention to their house and possibly rent it to tourists. However, a dramatic event in Milan's life will clearly show that the times have changed and they are not getting any younger.