Gina Gagnon


Patiente fumoir hôpital
David is travelling. He's on a unique trip that doesn't take him from one place to another but from one moment in time to another. Seeking to understand the strange power he has to move around in his own timeline, David will eventually have to confront the disassembled chronology of his own life as well as his repressed past.
Slave Girl
Adaptación del cómic de Frank Miller (autor del cómic 'Sin City') sobre la famosa batalla de las Termópilas (480 a.C.). El objetivo de Jerjes, emperador de Persia, era la conquista de Grecia, lo que desencadenó las Guerras Médicas. Dada la gravedad de la situación, el rey Leónidas de Esparta (Gerard Butler) y 300 espartanos se enfrentaron a un ejército persa que era inmensamente superior.