Tamio Hayashi


In the Wake
Baffling serial killings unfold in which the victims are tied up and left to starve. Tone was just released from prison after finishing his sentence for another crime, and he surfaces as a suspect but detective Tomashiro can't nail down conclusive proof.
The Sun Stands Still
Kazuhiko Takano and Ryoichi Taoka are industrial spies. A conspiracy exits behind the technology which can shake the political and economic world in Japan. Takano faces Korean spy Kim, a mysterious woman Ayako and powerful men from various countries.
Threads - Our Tapestry of Love
Ren Takahashi and Aoi Sonoda were both born in 1989. They met for the first time at the age of 13 and became each other's first love, but they separated. At the age of 21, they met again. They were unable to undo their past. Now, they are 31 years old.
Let's Go, Jets!
Female students, including Hikari Tomonaga, from a high school cheerdance club follow strict instructions from their teacher Kaoruko Saotome. They compete at the USA Cheerdance Championship.
Cats Don't Come When You Call
Mitsuo is a boxer who prefers dogs but ends up looking after two cats that his brother rescues.
La división de investigación de delitos cibernéticos en el Departamento de Policía Metropolitana de Tokio encuentra un video en el sitio web "YOURTUBE". En el video, un hombre cubierto por un periódico, advierte que un incendio se pondrá en una empresa de procesamiento de alimentos. Pronto se detectan más denuncias de crímenes violentos. Geitsu es el tipo principal detrás del grupo "Shinbunshi", que ha publicado los videos. Solía ​​trabajar como empleado temporal en una empresa de TI, pero fue despedido injustamente. Luego comienza a trabajar manualmente y se reúne con los otros miembros de "Shinbushi".
Till Death Do Us What?
Kota and Yoko have known each other for 17 years. They finally get married and Yoko becomes pregnant. During her pregnancy, Yoko feels ill and gets a checkup. She learns that she has terminal cancer. Yoko is able to give birth and they try to smile everyday until her very last day.
A Stitch of Life
Ichie is the owner of a dressmaking shop. Her grandmother started the shop and now Ichie runs the business. Her clothes are made with an old sewing machine and are very popular. Following her grandmother’s will, Ichie only makes clothes for individuals and turns down offers to turn her clothing into a brand.
The Snow White Murder Case
Yuji Akahoshi trabaja en un programa de televisión. Un día recibe una llamada de una amiga que le cuenta que una compañera de la empresa de cosméticos donde trabaja ha sido apuñalada hasta morir. Akahoshi pronto descubre que Miki Shirono, quien también trabajaba en la empresa de cosméticos, desapareció la misma noche que se produjo el asesinato. Akahoshi intenta aclarar el misterio tras Miki Shirono.
El cero eterno
Dos jóvenes hermanos, Kentaro y Keiko Saeki, empiezan a buscar información sobre su abuelo, que murió en las Fuerzas Especiales del ejército japonés durante la Segunda Guerra Mundial. Descubren que su abuelo, Kyuzo Miyabe, estaba aterrorizado por la muerte y obsesionado por mantener su vida. Según algunos de sus antiguos compañeros de combate fue un genio, según otros un cobarde. Kentaro y Keiko descubrirán una impactante verdad mantenida en secreto durante 60 años.
Los protectores
«Mate a este hombre y recibirá 1 millón de yenes como recompensa ». Con esta publicidad publicada en todos los periódicos japoneses, el multimillonario Ninagawa pone un precio a la cabeza de Kiyomaru, El presunto asesino de su nieta. Millones de enemigos potenciales van a obstaculizar la ruta de los policías responsables de escoltar a Kiyomaru hasta Tokio, transformando el periplo en una persecución infernal que lleva al espectador al corazón de un western urbano cuyo final es incierto.
See You Tomorrow, Everyone
After Satoru Watarai graduated from elementary school, he dropped out of school and decided to live within his apartment complex, never to venture outside. Satoru Watari then meets his old friends as they are coming back from their middle school classes. Satoru has now gotten a job at a cake shop within the apartment complex and eventually gets engaged to one of his friends. Satoru, still lives within the apartment complex only, but, as time passes, more of his friends leave ..
Usagi Drop
Cuando Daikichi, un hombre de 30 años, vuelve a casa por el funeral de su abuelo, conoce a Rin, la hija ilegítima de su abuelo con una mujer desconocida, una niña de 6 años. La niña es una vergüenza para todos los familiares y nadie se preocupa por ella. Daikichi, molesto por la actitud de sus familiares, decide quedarse a cargo de Rin, a pesar de ser soltero y no tener experiencia con los niños. Mientras Rin se convierte en parte de su vida, Daikichi descubre lo duro que es criar a un niño él solo.
Gene Waltz
La doctora Rie es conocida como la Juana de Arco de Obstetricia y Ginecología. Trabaja en un entorno desafiante con el cierre de las clínicas debido a la falta de médicos y al sistema mismo que se descompone. La doctora Rie ayuda a una mujer infértil a concebir con una madre sustituta, lo cual está prohibido en Japón...
Softball Boys
High school student Noguchi learns that there isn't a single male softball team in the nearby area. He figures if he starts up a softball team, they are sure thing to go to the national tournament. He then persuades his friend Onitsuka to help him start a softball club. Once Noguchi and Onitsuka rounds up enough players, they teams preps to win one all important game in the tournament.
Sunshine Ahead
Scenario Writer
Based on a true story, "Sunshine Ahead" tells the story of environmentalist Koji Kinjo & his wife who embarks on a ambitious plan to create coral reefs in the sea. Although it takes the couple 10 years to finally succeed, they are able to persevere and become the first persons to ever spawn coral reefs.
Golden Slumber
When easy-going Aoyagi meets an old friend for a fishing trip, he ends up drugged, framed for the Prime Minister's assassination, and on the run from corrupt cops. It's only the beginning of what quickly becomes the worst, weirdest day of his life. But he'll get by with a little help from his friends, who include a famous pop diva, a rockabilly deliveryman, a crippled old gangster, and the world's most cheerful serial killer.
Fish Story
"Fish Story" se centra en una banda de rock de 1975 que decide separarse debido a que no tuvieron éxito y graban una última canción antes de que todos tomen caminos distintos. Décadas más tarde aquella canción tendrá un profundo efecto en la vida de la gente
Fish Story
"Fish Story" se centra en una banda de rock de 1975 que decide separarse debido a que no tuvieron éxito y graban una última canción antes de que todos tomen caminos distintos. Décadas más tarde aquella canción tendrá un profundo efecto en la vida de la gente
Naoko conoce a Yusuke mientras se queda en una isla para recibir tratamiento médico. La elegante figura atlética de Yusuke cautiva sus ojos y ella se enamora de él. Pero su relación pronto se rompe después de que el padre de Yusuke muere mientras intenta salvar a Naoko de ahogarse. El recuerdo de Yusuke lleva a Naoko a la pista, y seis años después, se reencuentran en una competencia de maratón. Naoko decide convertirse en gerente para ayudar a Yusuke, un corredor talentoso, y se embarcan en un entrenamiento juntos para curar sus penas del pasado.
Tomoki Sakai is your average junior-high student. Fascinated by the diving skills of Yōichi Fujitani, an elite athlete born into a family of former Olympic divers, Tomoki joins the Mizuki Diving Club (MDC) where Yōichi trains. However, the club is in the red, and its very survival is under question. Beautiful Kayoko Asaki has just returned from the US and joins the club as a new coach, with the mission to save MDC. Her goal is for the club to produce an athlete capable of competing in the Olympics. She brings in Shibuki Okitsu, a skillful diver with a wild streak from Tsugaru. Meanwhile, Kayoko discovers that Tomoki possesses a unique ability called "diamond eyes" and inspires him to begin serious training. Tomoki, Yōichi, and Shibuki have to overcome personal problems and struggle through conflicts and setbacks in the sport to achieve their dreams.
Route 225
Two kids, fourteen-year-old Eriko and her thirteen-year-old brother Daigo, suddenly find themselves trapped in a parallel universe. Most things are the same as in their own world, but their parents are missing from home and are only contactable when using one particular phonecard.
Kazuo Umezz's Horror Theater: Present
A bunch of happy students enjoying themselves at a Christmas party until a sadistic Santa Claus comes and interrupts the festivities. Spruce Green becomes blood red when the plot is different from the naughty children they please.