Spieler (uncredited)
Dos antiguos pistoleros se asocian para escoltar un cargamento de oro. Uno intenta hacer un buen trabajo y volver a su casa. Pero la única intención del otro es robar la valiosa carga.
Cab Driver (uncredited)
La familia Poole quiere adoptar un niño, tras años de intentar tenerlo ellos. Para gestionar la adopción se les asigna Miss Novick como asistenta social. A través de una maraña de malentendidos, ella recibe muy mala impresión de Augie Poole y le comunica que su informe será desfavorable. Por otra serie de circunstancias todavía más confusas, Augie es capaz de cambiar la opinión de Miss Novick quien, más tarde, llega a creer que es el responsable de su embarazo. La agencia debe proporcionar a los Poole un niño y Augie cree que va a ser el de Miss Novick, del cual está convencido que es el padre, hasta el punto de que su mujer también llega a creerlo. Al final todo se aclarará en un maravilloso final feliz.
Backstage Card Player (uncredited)
El abogado Thomas Farrell presta sus servicios a Rico Angelo, el gángster más poderoso de Chicago. Un día, se enamora de Vicki Gaye, una bailarina que acude a todas las fiestas de la mafia. Aunque Farrell intenta dejar de trabajar para Rico Angelo, éste se lo impide amenazando a Vicki.
Liveryman (uncredited)
James McKay, un capitán naval retirado, llega, desde el Este, a las vastas llanuras de Texas para casarse con Pat Terrill, la hija de un rico ganadero. El choque entre McKay, hombre pacífico y educado, y los violentos y toscos rancheros es inevitable. No sólo tendrá que enfrentarse con el capataz Steve Leech, sino que, incluso su novia se sentirá decepcionada por su comportamiento. Mientras tanto, el padre de Pat y el clan de los Hannassey luchan encarnizadamente por el control del agua para abrevar el ganado.
Restaurant Waiter (uncredited)
Irene Bullock (June Allyson) necesita un nuevo mayordomo, y su hija Irene encuentra a un camarero en el puerto llamado Godfrey Godfrey (David Niven). Empieza a trabajar al servicio de la excéntrica familia Bullock, resultando un hombre tan eficiente como elegante, pero muy reservado para hablar de sí mismo.
Saloon Piano Player
In this western, a Mexican bandit and an angry rancher team up and take on a crooked saloon keeper.
Barber (uncredited)
Adaptación de un musical de Broadway basado en un cuento de Damon Runyon, gran maestro de la literatura picaresca americana. Nathan Detroit (Frank Sinatra), organizador de las partidas más selectas de dados de Nueva York, apuesta mil dólares con uno de los jugadores (Marlon Brando) a que no es capaz de enamorar a una joven puritana que pertenece al Ejército de Salvación (Jean Simmons).
Se basa en una obra de éxito de Broadway que había sido interpretada por Paul Newman. Tres fugitivos secuestran a una familia y mantienen a sus miembros como rehenes en una casa en las afueras de una ciudad.
Drunk in Speakeasy (uncredited)
Pete Kelly es un trompetista que toca con su banda de jazz, conocida como "Pete Kelly y sus Big Seven", en un local de Kansas City. Un día aparece por allí Frank McCarg, un mafioso que le exige ser su manager a cambio del 25% de las ganancias y de que su novia Rose cante en el grupo. Tras negarse, Frank asesina a uno de los amigos de Pete, por lo que esté decidirá aceptar sus condiciones, esperando tener en el futuro la oportunidad de vengarse de él...
Story follows the rise and subsequent fall of the notorious head of a New York crime family, who decides to testify against his pals in order to avoid being killed by his fellow cohorts.
Harvey (uncredited)
Harry y Willie son timados por un hombre llamado Gorman.Deciden seguir su rastro hasta Hollywood, donde, sin ellos saberlo, ha tomado la identidad de un director de cine extranjero. Los muchachos terminan como dobles de acrobacias en la película que Gorman está filmando, mientras él intenta acabar con la pareja antes de que se den cuenta de quién es realmente.
Town Loafer
Cuatro bandidos intentan robar una caja fuerte, pero se encuentran con que no hay dinero. El líder de la banda decide trasladarse a su pueblo, Cholla, y robar el banco. (FILMAFFINITY)
Miner (uncredited)
En 1896, Jeff, un solitario aventurero de oscuro pasado, se dedica al lucrativo negocio de surtir de carne de vacuno los asentamientos de buscadores de oro del Yukon, en Alaska.
Hollywood Tour Bus Pitchman
Harry vive en San Francisco y como representante comercial debe viajar mucho. Está casado con Eve y ambos están intentando adoptar un bebé. Mr. Jordan, director de la agencia de adopción, comienza a hacer una serie de averiguaciones y sospecha de Harry, el cual guarda un secreto. Pronto descubre que éste tiene en Los Angeles una segunda esposa y un bebé.
Cabby (uncredited)
Dave Bannion es un honesto policía que investiga el suicidio de un compañero. Bertha, la viuda, le explica a Bannion que a su esposo le habían diagnosticado una grave enfermedad. Pero Lucy, la amante del difunto, le cuenta que, en realidad, el policía había descubierto un complejo entramado de corrupción en su departamento. Cuando Lucy aparece brutalmente asesinada, Bannion decide acusar a Lagana, el mayor mafioso de la ciudad. Al cabo de poco tiempo, el coche de Bannion explota y mata a su esposa, hecho que le llevará a iniciar una salvaje venganza.
Blackjack Dealer
Professional killer Bus Crow is hired by cattlemen to eliminate squatters. When Marshal Sam Rochelle is sent to investigate, saloon owner Hallie has to be a reluctant witness.
Jacob (uncredited)
Erie Canal, N.Y., 1850: Molly Larkins, cook on Jotham Klore's canal boat, has a love-hate relationship with her boss. She hires handsome new haul-horse driver Dan Harrow and the inevitable triangle develops (complicated by Dan's desire to farm and Molly's to boat) against a background of the canalmen's fight against the encroaching railroad.
El Ministerio de Asuntos Exteriores quiere que Ethel Barrymore represente al teatro americano en una exposición de arte en París. Pero la invitación de Ethel Barrymore le llega por error a Ethel “Dinamita” Jackson, una corista muy rubia y muy ordinaria.
Abbott y Costello son una pareja de bomberos que salvan la vida de Nugget cuando éste trataba de suicidarse. El motivo es que su novia lo ha dejado, algo que no ha podido superar. Los bomberos deciden ayudar al tipo, lo que les acarreará un gran problema con la justicia. Cuando van con él a su pueblo natal para intentar solucionar las cosas con su chica, descubren que muchos de sus vecinos preferirían que estuviera muerto.
Slawson's Bartender
Carrie (Jennifer Jones) es una campesina que decide irse a Chicago, donde se convierte en una famosa actriz. Allí vivirá un amor apasionado con un hombre casado (Laurence Olivier), un respetable padre de familia de conducta intachable.
Passerby on Street (uncredited)
Un hombre que ha conseguido dejar el vicio de la bebida gracias a las reuniones de Alcohólicos Anónimos, se enamora de una actriz que se niega a admitir que se está convirtiendo en una borracha. Dadas las circunstancias, él empieza a dudar si quiere realmente romper su matrimonio por ella.
Un misterioso forajido llamado "Sidewinder", es el líder fantasma de una tribu de indios Utah renegados, que tiene aterrorizado a todo el territorio de Arizona en 1870. (FILMAFFINITY)
Taxi Driver (uncredited)
Adaptación de una obra de Broadway que describe la vida cotidiana en una comisaría de policía de Manhattan. Un temperamental policía (Kirk Douglas) recurre a los métodos más implacables para obtener información de cualquier sospechoso de un crimen. Obtuvo cuatro nominaciones a los Óscar de 1952: mejor director, mejor actriz principal (Eleanor Parker), mejor actriz secundaria (Lee Grant) y mejor guión adaptado.
A college basketball star collaborrates with organized crime and becomes involved in 'point shaving.' A sportswriter tries to get him back on the right track.
Joe McDoakes asks for a raise and is informed by his boss that the employee selected by him to run the office while he is on vacation will get a raise.
Interesante muestra de cine negro, sigue a un fotógrafo sin demasiados escrúpulos, que encandila a un gángster para que le deje tomar determinadas instantáneas que enseguida le sitúan en lo más alto del periodismo. Pero se enredará en su ambición al enemistar a su contacto con otro gángster, y al verse ligado a un caso de chantaje.
Bunco Truck Driver (uncredited)
Dos agentes de policía son encargados de desbaratar una organización de timadores. Los incautos son atraídos ante la posibilidad de ponerse en contacto con seres queridos ya fallecidos. Un experto timador reúne a una banda ante una víctima ideal: una viuda millonaria cuyo hijo murió en la guerra en Europa.
Cab Driver
Cuando el profesor Brookfield y sus preciosas hijas Peggy y Susan llegan a la pequeña ciudad de Pasadena, en California, su nueva vecina, la señora Fielding inmediatamente toma el control, ayuda a la mudanza, e insta a las niñas a participar en el concurso de belleza anual Rose Bowl. A pesar de que no están encantadas, entran en la competencia. Mientras tanto, el hijo de la señora Fielding, Tom, se fija en Peggy, ignorante de que su corazón ya pertenece a un jugador de fútbol famoso. Así que trata de reorientar su interés a su hermana Susan.
A Treasury Department agent on the trail of an international jewel smuggling ring joins a carnival that he thinks the gang is using as a front. He finally locates the jewels hidden as the eyes of wax figures.
Spectator (Uncredited)
Willi Stark (Broderick Crawford), un hombre honrado y valiente, sufre una transformación el día que decide entrar en política y descubre que todo es juego sucio. Tras ser elegido gobernador, olvidando sus principios, lo primero que hace es apoderarse de la prensa y la radio. Convertido en un ser corrupto hará cuanto esté en su mano para permanecer en el poder.
Fish Peddler (uncredited)
Año 1849, en Nueva York. Catherine Sloper, una rica heredera, tímida, inocente, poco agraciada y no muy joven, es pretendida por un apuesto joven. Ella se enamora de él apasionadamente, pero su cruel y despótico padre se opone a la boda y amenaza con desheredarla...
Hot Dog Vendor (uncredited)
Un maduro boxeador en decadencia, para demostrarse a sí mismo que todavía no está acabado, decide seguir boxeando, a pesar de la desaprobación de su mujer. Incluso su propio mánager, convencido de su derrota, apuesta contra él. Obtuvo excelentes críticas por las escenas de boxeo y por la vibrante interpretación de Robert Ryan.
Mailman (uncredited)
Película rodada en estilo casi documental que relata la caza de un ladrón que asesina a sangre fría a un policía y que es perseguido por las calles de Los Ángeles. Los policías siguen su rastro hasta las mismas alcantarillas de la ciudad.
Peggy Martin (Marilyn Monroe) y su madre Mae (Adele Jergens), son coristas en un salón de variedades donde no faltan las invitaciones de improcedentes hombres adinerados que buscan pasar el rato con las bellas chicas. Pero Mae no quiere que su hija sea como las más frívolas entre el grupo, aunque Peggy se resiente por su soledad. Entonces llegará el día en que un serio pretendiente buscará llegar a su corazón.
Vaudeville Man
Un bailarín es sospechoso de asesinato tras hallarse sus pisadas en la escena del crimen. Su esposa sigue el rastro del verdadero asesino
Andy McGoon (uncredited)
In this comedic short, Joe McDoakes is evicted from his apartment and decides to build his own home. As the project progresses, his dream house turns into a nightmare.
Cab Driver
A young woman must find a way to break the news to her parents and a stuffy suitor that she is now married to a sailor.
Photographer with Reporter (uncredited)
A judge flees the pressures of professional and family life for a job as a short-order cook.
Cab Driver (uncredited)
An old millionaire, who believes he's dying, bequeaths his fortune to a young woman with a fanatical obsession with movie stars. But then the elderly tycoon recovers from his illness and decides he wants his money back. Comedy most notable for its numerous unbilled cameos by Warner Bros. actors.
News Vendor on Train (uncredited)
Steve Randall se acaba de casar y busca un nuevo trabajo como camionero, pero se da cuenta de que la carga del camión es robada y lo denuncia a la policía. El temible gangster Walt Radak jura venganza. Steve y su esposa empiezan a temer por sus vidas...
Tie Demo Bystander (uncredited)
Después de servir con una notable falta de distinción en la Segunda Guerra Mundial, el cabo Slicker Smith y el soldado Herbie Brown regresan a los Estados Unidos. Desconocido por su amargado sargento Collins, Slicker y Herbie se han traído a la pequeña huérfana de guerra Evie, ocultándola de las autoridades de inmigración. En sus esfuerzos por encontrar un hogar digno para Evie, nuestros héroes vuelven a los trabajos de antes de la guerra como vendedores ambulantes, para hacer después un desastroso intento de recolectar su dinero de los bonos de guerra. También luchan por salvar a Evie de la deportación, evitando por todos los medios al sargento Collins... Secuela de "Los reclutas" ("Buck Privates", 1941).
Career-slipping movie star Carole Raymond buys in as a real estate partner of Jeff Caldwell. Actually, through his secretary, Nola Reed, Caldwell runs a matrimonial bureau and, with the aid of his associate, Lee Kirby, they defraud and blackmail a large group of lonely people. Carole, unknowingly, is used as bait for one of their victims, Walter Desmond, who "commits suicide." Reporter William Tyler thinks otherwise.
Un oficial de policía, Joe Warne, investiga el asesinato de un compositor, Keith Vincent. Las pruebas evidentes conducen a creer que se trata de un suicidio y la policía cierra el caso. Joe, por el contrario, no cree la versión oficial y decide continuar la investigación por su cuenta interrogando a las diez mujeres que ocuparon la vida de Vincent, ya que todas ellas tenían motivos para matarle.
Stable Hand
A couple on board a plane find themselves mixed up in a plot to steal atomic secrets.
Reporter (uncredited)
Tras la Segunda Guerra Mundial (1939-1945), el padre de Alicia Huberman, un espía nazi, es condenado por traición contra los Estados Unidos. Después del juicio, Alicia da una fiesta en la que aparece un apuesto desconocido llamado Devlin. Se trata de un agente de los servicios de Inteligencia que reclama su colaboración para atrapar a Alexander Sebastian, el cerebro de los nazis en Brasil. Al principio se muestra reacia, pero finalmente accede, sobre todo, porque se ha enamorado del atractivo agente americano. Una vez en Brasil, Alicia se gana la simpatía de Sebastian y se va a vivir a su casa. Pero su implicación en el asunto acaba poniendo en peligro su vida.
Carnival Barker
A mystery grows after a bank robbery car leads investigators to a carnival sideshow.
Reporter (Uncredited)
A private detective is hired to find a young heiress but finds himself accused of murder.
Reporter (Uncredited)
A daily news editor recalls a married detective and the deadly woman behind his downfall.
Taxi Driver
Michael Shayne is a private detective who is disliked greatly by Pete Rafferty, local chief of police detectives. Rafferty notifies the newspaper press that he is going to close Shayne's agency, just as Michael is about to be hired by the wealthy Eleanor Ramsey, who is being blackmailed. She is the stepmother of what she considers to be two grown-up brats, Dorothy and Ernest, and she considers their father to be of little value to the world himself. They all conspire to get their hands on her money, even to the extent of attempting to hire Shayne to frame an insurance robbery. Mrs. Ramsey is murdered, and Rafferty is trying to pin the killing on Shayne, despite the fact that suspicion points to Buell Renslow, brother of the slain woman. Shayne's secretary, the fetching Phyllis Hamilton, decides to do a little detective work to help her boss.
Salesman (uncredited)
Un ingenuo campesino llamado Benny Miller, de Cucamonga, California, ha estado tomando clases por correspondencia en materia de ventas. Al finalizar el curso, deja a su madre y a su novia Martha para labrarse un porvenir en Los Ángeles. Va en busca de su tío Clarence, contable de una empresa, quien le va a facilitar una entrevista para trabajar en el departamento de ventas. El día de la entrevista, el corrupto gerente de ventas, John Morrison, lo confunde con uno de los modelos para una nueva campaña de ventas y le pide que se quite la ropa. La esposa secreta de Morrison, Hazel Temple, descubre el error y sugiere que Benny sea contratado para evitar que esa equivocación trascienda a la opinión pública...
A playboy is reformed by his daughter and fiancee.
2nd Photographer
John Carradine stars as Dr. Charles Randolph, a scientist dedicated to deciphering the secrets of life and death. Aided by assistant David Cochran (Robert Shayne), Charles conducts experiments that have horrifying side effects. Charles's lonely wife, Elaine (Claudia Drake), is frightened by his work, and in order to protect her, housekeeper Maria (Rosa Rey) unleashes a torrent of voodoo that wrecks havoc.
Cab Driver (uncredited)
Radio's miracle show is on the screen.
Croupier (uncredited)
En la década de 1890, el capitán Sam lleva su barco-teatro River Queen a lo largo del río Mississippi, llevando su espectáculo de entretenimiento a cada pueblo. Durante una de esas escalas, en la ciudad de Ironville, se encuentra con tres granujas, Crawford, Bonita y Bailey, que se esconden de la policía local. Dexter Broadhurst y su jefe Sebastian Dinwiddle, se unen a ellos para jugar una partida de cartas. Después de beber hasta embriagarse, y a resultas de una partida amañada, el capitán pierde su barco. Los nuevos dueños usan su poder para convertir el Showboat en un casino flotante. Pero Dexter y Sebastian ayudarán al capitán a recuperar la propiedad de su buque y expulsar a los delincuentes...
Assistant Dance Director
Broadway producer Earl Carroll was a Ziegfeld-like entrepreneur who staged lavish revues featuring attractive young ladies. Carroll's annual "Vanities" provided story material for three Hollywood films: Murder at the Vanities (34), A Night at Earl Carroll's (40) and Earl Carroll Vanities (45). This last film was produced by Republic Pictures, a bread-and-butter studio specializing in Westerns and serials; Republic had made musicals before, but few of them were expensive enough to allow for lavish production numbers. Earl Carroll Vanities is likewise rather threadbare, though some of the individual musical highlights aren't bad. The plot, such as it is, concerns financially strapped nightclub owner Eve Arden, who finagles Earl Carroll into staging one of his revues at her club.
A war hero returns home following a medical discharge and ends up entangled with a young woman speeding away from her wedding day in her fiance's car. Seeing the soldier, she gives him a ride and explains her predicament. Things get sticky when the cops capture them and accuse the soldier of desertion.
Man Taking Dance Lesson (uncredited)
Tres amigos, Oliver Quackenbush (Lou Costello), Molly McCarthy (Martha O'Driscoll), y su hermano Slats McCarthy (Bud Abbott) tienen un trabajo en el Salón Miramar como bailarines. Slats publica un artículo falso en el periódico local, con la ambición de Molly para recaudar fondos para asistir a Bixby Colegio. El decano de Bixby (Donald Cook) lee el artículo y le ofrece una beca. Ella está de acuerdo, pero solo si sus dos amigos pueden acompañarla, por lo que son contratados como vigilantes.
Newspaper Reporter
In New York City, a newly hired photographer becomes embroiled in a scandal when her photo is mistaken for evidence of a murder and she must try to prove her own innocence.
Taxi Driver (uncredited)
Esta intriga policiaca narra las aventuras de Philip Marlowe, un detective privado de Los Ángeles que resuelve todo tipo de misterios. Cuando el exconvicto Moose se pone en contacto con él sobre lo que parece un caso de lo más rutinario, una serie de pistas falsas aparecen en escena acusando al protagonista de unos crímenes que no ha cometido. Sin embargo, todas las pruebas clarifican su intervención en el terrible homicidio… ¿Conseguirá Philip resolver el enrevesado enigma?
First Elevator Operator (uncredited)
El profesor Wanley y sus amigos comienzan a obsesionarse con el retrato de una bella muchacha, que está expuesto en el escaparate contiguo al club en que se reúnen. Wanley conoce por casualidad a la mujer del retrato y acepta ir a su apartamento. Pero allí ocurrirá algo inesperado.
Newspaper Photographer (uncredited)
A drifter claims the money in an old bank account. Soon he finds himself the target of two men who turn out to be the sons of the man's old partner, who is now in prison because of a conflict with him over the money in that account.
In 1915, Atlantic City is a sleepy seaside resort, but Brad Taylor, son of a small hotel and vaudeville house proprietor, has big plans: he thinks it can be "the playground of the world." Brad's wheeling and dealing proves remarkably successful in attracting big enterprises and big shows, but brings him little success in personal relationships. Full of nostalgic songs and acts, some with the original artists. Reissued in 1950 as "Atlantic City Honeymoon".
Member of Horse Act (uncredited)
Durante la Segunda Guerra Mundial (1939-1945), todos los hombres útiles fueron reclutados por el ejército para ir al frente. Mientras que en las fábricas se hacían turnos de veinticuatro horas, los adolescentes pululaban a sus anchas por las calles trapicheando sin temor a reprimendas. Un soldado herido, que regresa a casa, decide abrir un centro de acogida para enseñar a los chicos a encauzar sus vidas y ofrecerles la oportunidad de conseguir su primer trabajo.
Newspaper Reporter
To save their music publishing firm from bankruptcy, Bill "Brains' Watson creates a colorful life-story about his partner, Danny Lee, representing him as a descendant of Louisiana's famous Josh Lee family and rightful poet laureate of Dixieland.
La película narra las múltiples aventuras de cuatro hermanas, las Angel sisters, todas ellas cantantes y bailarinas, que, en un principio, no quieren actuar juntas.
Guide on Bus (uncredited)
Un escritor de seriales radiofónicos anda desesperadamente falto de ideas. Hasta que se muda a un apartamento contiguo a la casa de una encantadora familia que le sirve de inspiración. El tipo pone en marcha un programa de gran éxito, pero se siente culpable de su enfoque de chanza, más cuando se enamora de la hija mayor del clan.
Cab Driver
Five officer candidates fight to prove their mettle during training.
Harry, the Bartender
A singer pretends to be younger so she can enter a music school.
Reporter at Winnipeg (uncredited)
Un policía canadiense (Errol Flyn) detiene a un espía nazi. Cuando el preso consigue escapar, el policía no se da por vencido y finge ser un desertor para infiltrarse entre los nazis. Thriller de espionaje con grandes dosis de acción y aventuras ambientado en la inmensidad de las blancas montañas canadienses
Photographer (uncredited)
Murders result from an uncle's wish to eliminate beneficiaries to a will.
Police photographer
Murders result from an uncle's wish to eliminate beneficiaries to a will.
Circumstances arise that result in a man impersonating his uncle. As the "uncle", he finds himself pursued by his girlfriend's aunt, who does not approve of their relationship.
Una chica de ciudad conoce un guapo cowboy de rodeo en una visita turística a la ciudad en autobús. Con él olvidará a sus pretendientes
Second Reporter in Court
Robert is found beside the highway with a head injury and amnesia. His amnesia motivates him to become a Physician and the country's leading criminal psychologist.
Career woman Jean. almost a partner in Mark's advertising firm, has been falling in love with Mark, who of course is unaware of it. But unknown to Jean, Mark has become engaged to singer Val. When Jean finds out she tries to save face by saying that she is also engaged, and then uses a little social blackmail to get psychiatrist Bill Perry to pretend to be her fiancé for an evening out with Mark and Val.
Lupe Vélez plays a dual role, twin sisters Rita and Elaine. After escaping a torpedoed ship, Rita shows up in Manhattan, where she takes the place of her Broadway-star twin sister Elaine, who's having problems with her marriage and needs to make a getaway. Neither Elaine's husband or Rita's saxophone-player boyfriend are aware of the switch.
Mail Boy
The management of touring ice show faces mounting debts.
A small-town blowhard runs for water commissioner while fighting to win custody of his niece and nephew.
Taxi Driver (uncredited)
Oliver conoce a Irena durante una visita al zoo, se enamoran y acaban contrayendo matrimonio. Durante el convite, una misteriosa mujer aparece y afirma ser pariente de Irena. Ella comienza desde entonces a comportarse de manera extraña. Por ello, Oliver solicita la ayuda del doctor Judd, un psiquiatra, mientras confía sus temores a Alice, una amiga. Los celos de Irena complicarán aún más la situación, poniendo en peligro la vida de Alice.
Pete the Passer (Uncredited)
Pinks es un hombre humilde, todo corazón, que vive única y exclusivamente para complacer a la mujer de la que está locamente enamorado. Sin embargo, ella está tan acostumbrada al lujo que es incapaz de agradecer los desesperados esfuerzos que él hace por ella.
Taxi Driver (uncredited)
A woman attempts to shelter a young girl from the publicity surrounding her socialite parents' divorce.
Sailor Herb
El tímido marinero Casey Kirby se convierte de repente en un lobo de mar cuando es fotografiado al lado de una actriz famosa. Sus compañeros entonces hacen una apuesta, para ver si es capaz de conquistar a una fría cantante de night-club conocida como la Condesa.
Crime drama starring Richard Cromwell as a young medic who becomes the private physician to an underworld gang.
John, the Chauffeur
An advertising executive and his temperamental wife adopt a war orphan who turns out to be a beautiful woman.
Skeeter, Barbershop Musician
Jeff crece cerca de Basin Street, en Nueva Orleans, tocando el clarinete en el muelle de estibadores. Forma una banda, La Basin Street Hot-Shots, que incluye a Memphis, un trompetista. Sufren para que su música jazz sea aceptada en los cafés de la ciudad. Betty Lou, una cantante, se une a la banda y consigue conciertos para ésta. Jeff y Memphis se enamoran de Betty Lou.
Watson, Errol's Butler
Leon Errol and his wife try to prevent their nephew's romance.
'Red' Keane, Photographer
While on their honeymoon, a reporter and his new bride stumble upon a ring of fifth columnists.
First New York Taxi Driver (uncredited)
A Kitty Foyle, una humilde chica de Filadelfia, Wyn Strafford, el rico heredero de una influyente familia de la ciudad, le ofrece el puesto de secretaria en la revista que dirige. Jefe y empleada se enamoran, pero las diferencias sociales serán durante años un obstáculo difícil de sortear. Con motivo de una de sus rupturas, Kitty se traslada a Nueva York y se pone a trabajar de dependienta en una perfumería. Allí conoce a Mark, un modesto médico que se enamora de ella, pero Wyn vuelve a irrumpir en su vida.
Nan's P.R. Man
Although she is secretly married to a student, a young girl is forced to give up her baby rather than be thought of as an "unwed mother".
'One-Shot' McGuire
Cuando la compañía Heath & Morton se enriquece gracias al doctor Carruthers, éste no se siente suficientemente recompensado y decide vengarse de los dueños del negocio familiar. Para ello, hará uso de un murciélago al que ha conseguido, mediante impulsos eléctricos, hacer alcanzar dimensiones gigantescas, y que guarda en su laboratorio. El murciélago ha sido entrenado para atacar cuando percibe el olor de un perfume que el propio doctor ha producido y se va encargando de suministrar a sus futuras víctimas.
Hospital Attendant
On his way to a post as special adviser of the new parachute troops of the French Foreign Legion in Morocco, Paul Dumont meets the beautiful Helene on the ship. A romance ensues, but the two decide to part when Paul learns that Helene is the fiancée of his best friend and fellow officer Raoul. Raoul is wounded during an Arab attack and the wedding is postponed, and Helene and Paul are thrown together and find it impossible to hide their feelings. The meet in the tent of Hassan, a fortune teller, not knowing the tent is a storage place for arms and ammunition belonging to Addullah, an Arab leader determined to avenge the death of his brother Ben Ali.
Citizen Carrying Mauled Ape Trainer
El Dr. Bernard Adrian es un científico amable que busca curar la polio de una mujer joven. Necesita líquido cefalorraquídeo humano para completar la fórmula de su suero experimental. Mientras tanto, un simio de circo vicioso ha escapado de su jaula y está aterrorizando a la gente del pueblo. ¿Puede haber una conexión?
Express Agent
The story opens as Stony returns to his home town, only to discover that his sheriff father has been murdered by person or persons unknown. The new sheriff (Henry Brandon) resents the arrival of the Mesquiteers, going so far as to frame Tucson on a murder charge.
Photographer in Hallway (uncredited)
Judy O'Brien forma parte de un grupo de baile y aspira a dedicarse al ballet clásico. Bubbles, compañera suya deja el grupo para centrarse en la comedia. Cuando el grupo se deshace, Bubbles le ofrece a Judy un ingrato trabajo: ser la telonera de su espectáculo.
A broke playboy signs on to help a young beauty save her ailing bus line.
Man Wanting Seat at Lunch Counter (uncredited)
El testimonio de un periodista sirve para llevar a un joven a la silla eléctrica. El reportero, torturado por las dudas acerca de su culpabilidad, cae en una telaraña de falsas pruebas que le señalan, ahora a él, como presunto autor de un nuevo crimen...
Car Owner
The future of a group of strangely connected lives is determined on one crucial night at a dinky motel in the desert.
Prison Library Clerk (uncredited)
A crop of millionaire inmates struggle to get accustomed to prison life, while inmate Nick Burton watches out for everyone's interests on the inside.
Parking Lot Attendant
A businessman boasts he'll give his daughter a large amount of cash for her wedding, and then frantically tries to raise the money. This 1940 comedy stars Leon Errol, Marjorie Gateson, Dennis O'Keefe, Adele Pearce and Walter Catlett.
Reporter in Phone Booth
Frankie Kelly is the soda jerk and embryo scientist in Midvales only drugstore. Two murders and an attempted killing suddenly swing Midvale into national prominence. Frankie and his pal, Jefferson, become involved when a wounded gangster starts to tell them where $300,000 in stolen loot is hidden, but he is murdered before he can give them all of the information. The search is on.
Taxi Driver
A rich society mother hires a male escort, but he falls for her daughter instead. The mother-daughter conflict forces the daughter to run off to stay with a friend who is enslaved by a prostitution ring.
Roving-Eyed Sailor
A runaway boy pretends to be the son of a Navy man, only to turn both their lives upside down.
Sailor in Bluebell
Ellie Mae lives on Primrose Hill with her good-hearted and fancy free mother, her drunken father, her younger sister and a mean-spirited grandmother. The Hill is not a good part of town, however. When she meets and falls for a hard-working man, they marry and she hides her past from him. When he discovers the truth it jeopardizes their marriage.
Sporting Goods Store Proprietor
A young millionaire gets hiccups whenever he kisses a pretty woman.
Nightclub owner Steve Larwitt (George Raft) sees his empire of investments collapse as he faces tax evasion charges and attacks by rivals. Believing Steve will be safer in prison for one year, his wife, Brenda (Joan Bennett), testifies against him on advice from his lawyer, Slant Kolma (Lloyd Nolan), who is in love with her. After Steve receives 10 years in Alcatraz, Brenda moves to be near him and avoids advances of airplane builder Tim Nolan (Walter Pidgeon), who knows nothing about her past.
A delivery boy for a flower shop, who thinks of himself as an amateur detective, finds out that his boss is mixed up with a foreign espionage ring.
New Recruit (uncredited)
Un chico de Brooklyn se alista al ejército, en el regimiento "Fighting 69th", para luchar contra los alemanes en la I Guerra Mundial. Su actitud de prepotencia e insubordinación en los entrenamientos le pone en contra de todos excepto del padre Francis Duffy, también soldado -y personaje que existión en la vida real-, que intenta ayudarle en todo momento. Ya en la guerra, a la hora de luchar, el joven comprobará que ésta es más horrible de lo que pensaba... (FILMAFFINITY)
Card Player (uncredited)
El Santo va trás la pista de un sofisticado ladrón de joyas que trafica diamantes dentro de una momia que viaja del El Cairo a Philadelphia, con la aparición de un cadaver en el jardín de la casa de un amigo suyo, Simon Templar decide hacerse pasar por el asesino ya que cuenta con un gran parecido fisico, de esta manera intentará resolver el caso.
The Drunk
When a police officer is murdered, Captain Street looks to Mr. Wong to catch the killer. Prime Suspect: Frank Belden Jr., whose father is a businessman well known for both his success and dishonesty. Mr. Wong faces increasing danger and is nearly executed himself as the investigation develops in treachery and complexity. As Mr. Wong follows the trail of dead bodies, he uncovers a jewel smuggling ring on the San Francisco waterfront and a case much larger than the death of a police officer.
Taxi Driver
Newlyweds Dennis and Carmelita have several obstacles to deal with in their new marriage: Carmelita's fiery Latin temper, a meddling aunt and a conniving ex-fiancee who's determined to break up their marriage.
Photographer (Uncredited)
Dos abogados (Pat O’Brien y Broaderick Crawford) se aprovechan de unos escándalos políticos en la administración de carreteras para hacer negocios. Dodd, una bella divorciada implicada en el escándalo, es hallada muerta con un cuchillo clavado a su espalda. O'Brien toma la determinación de resolver los crímenes por su cuenta y riesgo, pero a cada paso que da los problemas se agravan...
Waiter Bringing Drinks
A divorce lawyer prospers as a gambling tycoon.
Cabbie (uncredited)
Estados Unidos, Ley Seca, años 20. Relato sobre los diferentes caminos que siguen tres veteranos que se conocen durante la Primera Guerra Mundial (1914-1918). Cuando regresan a América tras luchar por su país, tropiezan con el problema del desempleo y con grandes difícultades económicas. Uno de ellos (Lynn) seguirá con decisión el buen camino; otro (Cagney), amargado por la falta de futuro, no encuentra más salida que el contrabando ilegal de licor; el tercero (Bogart) se convierte en un implacable gángster.
Reporter (uncredited)
Jefferson Smith, un joven ingenuo e idealista, que parece fácilmente manipulable, es nombrado senador. Ignora que en Washington tendrá que vérselas con políticos y empresarios sin escrúpulos que le harán perder la fe. Sin embargo, gracias a su secretaria, una joven que conoce muy bien los entresijos de la política, protagoniza en el Senado una espectacular y maratoniana intervención en la que, además de defender apasionadamente la democracia, pone en evidencia una importante trama de corrupción.
A spunky young bellhop investigates the murder of a hotel guest.
Taxi Driver
A pretty Chinese woman, seeking help from San Francisco detective James Lee Wong, is killed by a poisoned dart in his front hall, having time only to scrawl "Captain J" on a sheet of paper. She proves to be Princess Lin Hwa, on a secret military mission for Chinese forces fighting the Japanese invasion. Mr. Wong finds two captains with the intial J in the case, neither being quite what he seems; there's fog on the waterfront and someone still has that poison-dart gun...
Taxi Driver (Uncredited)
Jed Marlowe is a brilliant, scheming, unscrupulous criminal lawyer whose specialty is defending criminal he knows is guilty but gets them off through loop-holes or bribery. Then his daughter, misled by her father’s courtroom performance, but unaware of his back-room tactics, marries the killer her father has just unjustly save from the electric chair. What’s a poor father to do?
Pool Party Photographer
Un publicista (Power) conoce en Minnesota a una gran profesora de patinaje(Henie) a la que quiere llevar a Hollywood para que adquiera más fama. Finalmente ella decidirá regresar a su pueblo seguida del amor que el siente hacia ella.
Soda Vendor
Carmelita Fuentes is a fiery-Latin singer/dancer in Mexico City who has designs on Dennis Lindsay, an American publicity agent, for unclear reasons, while Lindsay's shiftless uncle Matthew Lindsay aids and abets her every step of the way to the marriage altar.
A San Francisco reporter and a lab assistant foil spies on an East-bound deportation train.
Seller in Play Palace (uncredited)
Una noche una joven heredera (Myrna Loy) conoce a un vagabundo (Robert Taylor) en un banco del parque. Y durante esa noche de diversión y borrachera se casa con él.
Newspaper Distributor (uncredited)
Jimmy, an idealistic and hard-working young man, has just arrived in New York City with dreams of making his fortune. Along the way he faces numerous obstacles, opportunities and temptations, but through it all, he considers the actions of his hero, Abraham Lincoln, for guidance. Will Jimmy see his dreams come true, or will he be another of the countless hopefuls chewed up and spit out by New York's mean streets?
Promises of happier times dawn for the financially distressed Patterson family when father Sweeney and brother-in-law Archibald "Doc" Finney win a $150,000 grand prize in the sweepstake contest. With their windfall, each member of the family decides to pursue a dream.
Saving a dog from the pound gets a man mixed up in murder.
Taxi Driver
Mason is a former race-horse owner who gave up everything and started to drink after the death of one of his jockeys. One day he meets Goldie who has run away from home, hoping to find a job around horses; his biggest hobby. When he finds out the real identity of Mason, Goldie takes care of him. The two find an occasion to buy a horse for only two dollars, and start entering competitions. Goldie is an instant celebrity, but his mom reads the newspapers and tracks him down. Mason is very surprised to see her, his ex-wife, and even more astonished to hear that Goldie is his own son. However, Goldie must go back to school and so they decide to keep the secret. Since Goldie does not want to leave Mason behind, he goes to the bookies and fixes the next race, hoping to disappoint Goldie by asking him to lose on purpose.
Man in Ring After First Fight (uncredited)
Johnnie Bradfield acaba de proclamarse campeón mundial de boxeo, y todo el mundo le adora. Su tremenda popularidad se basa en que proviene de una familia humilde y debe luchar en el ring por necesidad, lo cual resulta admirable a ojos de sus seguidores. Sin embargo, una noche de borrachera cuenta a un periodista que esta inocente imagen de sí mismo no es más que un montaje, ya que en realidad es un mujeriego y un bebedor empedernido. Al desvelar el secreto, el manager de Johnnie, fuera de sí, mata al periodista para que la noticia no salga a la luz. Pero al darse cuenta de la crudeza de su crimen decide inculpar al boxeador.
On parole after three years in prison, a football player (Robert Kent) encounters the man (Sidney Blackmer) who framed him.
Milk Truck Driver
In 1923, Gregory Vance, a widower with two children, is a former scholar who has turned from book to bottle. He works, slightly, as a night-watchman, and his children, who know him for what he is and what he isn't, are his only admirers. Then, it is discovered that he is the only registered voter in a key precinct and the politicians, from both parties, arrive in droves bearing inducements. What he does about this situation, and the relatives who want to take his children away from him make up the story.
Joe Armstrong
A Capone-like racketeer named Anderson, who after being chased out of one town by the authorities immediately sets up shop in another. Unable to get any tangible evidence against Anderson, DA Wayne orders his assistant Carter to dig up some dirt on the gangster boss. To do this, Carter pretends to turned crooked, joining Anderson's gang in order to accumulate evidence. Alas, Carter's girl friend Patricia knows nothing of her boyfriend's subterfuge, and she suspects the worst.
'Happy' Hapgood
Feature version of the 1938 film serial FLASH GORDON'S TRIP TO MARS: Flash Gordon fights Ming the Merciless once again to ensure the survival of the Earth.
Ben - Melsa's Chauffeur (uncredited)
Melsa Manton, una jovencita de clase alta, descubre una noche, en una casa deshabitada, un cadáver. Pero cuando llega la policía, el cuerpo ha desaparecido. Al día siguiente, un diario publica la noticia, tomando por una bromista contumaz a Melsa, quien no duda en poner un pleito al autor del artículo, Peter Ames. Deseando demostrar la verdad, Melsa y su grupo de inseparables amigas empiezan a investigar el caso. Un segundo cadáver, éste nada escurridizo, no tarda en aparecer. Los meandros de la investigación son cada vez más espesos. Y entre dudas, sospechas y amenazas, Peter Ames y Melsa Manton empiezan a constatar que del odio al amor hay sólo un minúsculo paso.
Man Greeting Nelson on Studio Lot
A faded star is suspected of killing a studio executive.
El músico Adam Lemp ha inculcado a sus cuatro hijas: Ann, Kay, Thea y Emma, su amor por la música. Ann está enamorada de Felix, pero se casa con Mickey, un joven compositor, porque Emma también ama a Felix, y ella no quiere hacer daño a su hermana.
Girl moves out of her parents house against their wishes. Gets a job in a dress shop, gets mixed up with dirty pictures and blackmail.
Country Club Cloak Room Attendant
A newlywed unhappily discovers that her husband's scheming ex-wife still has a controlling influence in his life and home.
Two daredevil pilots go after the same girl.
A detective investigates the disappearance of a girl's body from the city morgue.
Happy Hapgood
A 15-episode serial starring Buster Crabbe.
Leon's boss buys a racehorse, but doesn't want word to get out that he is the owner, so he has the papers filled out showing Leon as the owner of record. At first, Leon is excited, but the arrangement soon creates difficulty for him. First, he knows nothing about horses except how to bet on them, and second, when his wife finds out, she is furious.
First Taxi Driver
The day after Carol returns from a European trip, she wakes up to find her dead father's creditors hauling everything away. Her aunt wants her to marry a millionaire, but Carol insists on getting a job.
Stagehand (uncredited)
A Broadway producer is in a quandary when he discovers that the opening of his newest big production coincides with that of a major charity event. He despairs that the show will close after opening night until an ingenious writer suggests that he simply give the production snob-appeal by making the tickets nearly impossible to get by fabricating a story that they were all purchased by a flamboyant Texas oil baron who is totally besotted by the show's star.
The Chauffeur
Two men running a carnival airplane ride are hired to fly to retrieve what they think are photos for a reporter. Actually, they are retrieving diamonds stolen from a noted gem dealer. As it turns out, their plane crashes on the very estate of the dealer. Thinking the duo are police officers, the dealer offers his home for their convalescence from the accident. Meanwhile, the diamonds have been snatched by a kleptomaniac dog and buried on the estate. When the smugglers track down the pair, they try to convince the dealer that they are officials from an institution from which the two have escaped. Before long, the carnival fellows, the crooks, the gem dealer and his family, along with a platoon of cops, are tearing up the grounds to find where the dog has buried the diamonds.
Movie Set Crewman
While filming a western on location, the stand-in/stunt double for an egotistical cowboy movie star proves his heroics when a "fake" bank robbery turns out to be the real thing.
Movie Set Assistant (Voice) (Uncredited)
Un cantante que aspira a convertirse en compositor es acusado de un crimen y debe demostrar su inocencia. Por otro lado, los delincuentes responsables le amenazan para que no vuelva a cantar. Mientras medita sobre su futuro, Nino Maretti se enamora de la bella Jean.
Reporter (uncredited)
On the day of her wedding a young woman's fiancé doesn't show up, sleeping off the results of the previous night's wild bachelor party. Miffed, the woman decides to go ahead with the wedding anyway to teach her fiancé a lesson, so she calls her lawyer, Henry, and has him stand in for her missing groom. She intends to divorce her new "husband" at the first opportunity, but Henry--who has been in love with her for a long time--is determined to win his "wife's" hand.
Call Boy
Hildegarde Withers and Inspector Piper try to solve a murder while attending a popular Broadway show.
Twerp - Writer (uncredited)
A Hollywood heartthrob helps a small-town girl achieve stardom.
A small-town veterinarian inherits $2 million from an uncle he barely knew. His attempts to help mankind don't go smoothly.
Mug Butler
This wacky vaudeville-style romp casts the irreverent comedy team as feuding co-owners of a drug company, William “Willy” Hobbs (Wheeler) and Claude Augustus Horton (Woolsey), who agree to wrestle each other for the sole ownership of the business. The winner will take the company and the loser must become the other’s valet for a year. But when Hobbs loses, he sends his wife to Florida and schemes to trick Horton. What follows are hilarious hijinks as only Wheeler and Woolsey can pull off!
Nick Donati, un mánager de boxeo, descubre en un hotel a Ward, un botones que logra noquear a un peso pesado que estaba molestando a Louise, la novia de Nick. Nick le ofrece al chico entrenarlo para hacer de él un boxeador profesional. Ward acepta y se hace llamar 'Kid Galahad'. Las cosas se complicarán porque un tipo sin escrúpulos se interpondrá en los planes de Nick. Además, Louise empieza a sentirse atraída por Ward, pero éste se enamora de Marie, la hermana de Nick.
A jealous trapeze star decides he must eliminate his romantic rival.
Agitated Citizen at Shoeshine Stand (uncredited)
John Thompson is kidnapped by mobsters after quitting his job. Then he is arrested, tried, and sentenced to death for murders they committed. A suspicious detective thinks he is innocent and works to save his life.
Henry Morton just wants to go fishing. Little things thwart him: Maxine the maid makes noise, Sonny, a lad in the household, makes a mess, and Henry's wife wants the car for shopping. A newly arrived friend, Bert, suggests that Henry fake his own death, don a disguise and appear as Bert's English valet, and skulk about. They'll mourn and the truth can later be revealed. Sonny hears the entire plan and alerts Henry's wife and the rest of the household. Only Maxine is in the dark. Henry's wife gives the valet an attic room, throws herself in his arms, complains about her late husband, and sends Henry into a tizzy. He and Bert set up a séance to try to fix their ruse.
Al Wilson
A playboy takes a job as an assistant district attorney, finds himself up against a tough crime boss and his gang.
Jimmy Taylor - Reporter
Madcap society girl June Bolton has a talent for trouble. Trying to evade a subpoena in connection with one of her misadventures, she winds up in jail and has to be bailed out by the family attorney, Dick Clayton. But June is soon in trouble again, this time involved with a mob boss and a shady lady. Exasperated by his wealthy client's reckless escapades, Clayton determines to quit... until he realizes he has fallen in love with the little madcap.
Roscoe the Rainmaker is invited to California (with sidekick "Billy") to relieve a terrible dry spell and to save the community from an unscrupulous businessman who stands to profit from the drought
A Treasury agent gains the trust of a mob gunman while working under cover to smash a crime syndicate.
The wealthy Van Dyke family are constantly in the media for outrageous behavior, much to the frustration of the patriarch, Dan Van Dyke. His self-centered wife has a fondness for foreign imports, including "pet projects" like dancers and such and his spoiled children Tony and Carol have constant run-ins with the law. When Dan himself ends up in the clink for five years for tax evasion, he becomes bunk-mates with ex-bootlegger Joe "Spots" Ricardi. Ricardi lectures him on being such a push-over for an out-of-control family, so a dying Dan makes Ricardi his estate trustee once he is released from prison. Ricardi is then thrust into high society and must do everything he once nagged Dan to do.
An amateur handicapper must help his future son-in-law recoup the money he lost while playing the ponies.
A would-be songwriter and a would-be inventor run a cigar stand and get mixed up in the murder of a song publisher.
Thanks to a series of comic mishaps, a timid, small-town office clerk finds himself wanted by the police and labeled by the media as "Public Enemy No. 2." Comedy.
Museum Tour Guide
When a city councilman is murdered while investigating allegations of drug dealing going on a a somewhat disreputable sideshow, the daughter of the chief suspect teams up with a newspaper reporter to find the real killer.
Drunk shooting Dice
A young girl gets involved with a crowd that smokes marijuana, drinks and has sex. She winds up an alcoholic, pregnant drug addict and is forced to get an abortion.
When his bank fails, a young man loses not only all his money but his fiancée, deserts him, too. Depressed, he joins a circus.
Monte - Lola's Makeup Man (uncredited)
A glamorous film star rebels against the studio, her pushy press agent and a family of hangers-on.
Party Guest (Uncredited)
A devoted wife helps her husband achieve success as a radio comic, but stardom comes at a price.
Mike - Man with Colleen (uncredited)
El ex-convicto Danny Kean decide alejarse de su anterior vida de gánster y se convierte en el fotógrafo de un periódico. Pero se enamora de Patricia, la hija del policía que lo arrestó...
Radio announcer Lloyd Hamilton tries on straw boaters while various performers do things on the mythical station STAR. They include Dorothy Burgess, Donald Kerr, Carlotta King, and Ruth Hiatt.