Gerald Turney-Smith

Nacimiento : 1913-06-21, England, UK

Muerte : 1987-01-03


El visitante
Jill, la esposa de doctor Brian Cowper, está en casa trabajando en la tesis que le permitirá licenciarse en Antropología. Inesperadamente, recibe la visita de Max, el fontanero que se encarga de las labores de mantenimiento del sistema de tuberías de la casa. A Jill el comportamiento de Max le resulta algo extraño, pero a su marido y a sus amigos les parece completamente normal. Una reparación en el cuarto de baño obliga a Jill y a Max a estar solos en la casa demasiado tiempo.
Storm Boy
Mike is a lonely Australian boy living in a coastal wilderness with his reclusive father. In search of friendship he encounters an Aboriginal native loner and the two form a bond in the care of orphaned pelicans.
The Fourth Wish
The poignant struggle of a man to grant his terminally ill son three wishes - and the obstacles cast in his way of achieving this goal.
Strange Holiday
Ten boys and a dog are shipwrecked on an island in the Pacific. After a storm they discover another boat has been shipwrecked on the island. They make friends with two of the survivors, a nurse and ship's carpenter, but discover there are three other survivors who are ruthless mutineers.
They're a Weird Mob
Nino Culotta is an Italian immigrant, newly arrived in Australia, and attempts to understand the aspirational values and social rituals of everyday urban Australians of the 1950s and '60s.... and assimilate.
Smiley Greevins is a cheeky, mischievous, imaginative little boy who lives in the small town of Murrumbilla in the Australian outback. His father Bill is a poor drover who is often away from home. Much to the exasperation of his overworked wife, Ma Greevins, Bill is also very fond of the drink. Smiley is determined to buy himself a push bike and so he takes on odd jobs in an effort to save up enough money. But Smiley always seems to get caught up in some sort of misadventure. Smiley is a classic Australian film that will delight audiences of all ages.
Three deep sea divers get involved in murder while searching for a lost treasure.
The Constant Husband
Charles Hathaway wakes up in West Wales with no recollection of who he is or how he got there. With the help of a Cardiff specialist he traces his life back to his gorgeous wife and their large London house, so all seems well with the world. But more detective work starts to uncover an alarming chain of further stunning wives and a way of going on that the new Charles finds pretty unacceptable.
Tres casos de asesinato
Narra tres relatos en clave fantástico de tema sobrenatural: una fantasma regresa a una galería de arte, en la segunda una chica es asesinada y en el último un Lord es castigado por el recuerdo de un hombre al que humilló.
El paraíso del capitán
Henry St. James, capitán de un ferry transmediterráneo, tiene su vida sentimental perfectamente organizada. Tiene una esposa inglesa en Gibraltar y otra más exótica en Tánger. Pero, cuando ambas deciden, cada una por su cuenta, ir a esperarlo al puerto de destino del barco, su idílica vida correrá un grave peligro.
The Story of Gilbert and Sullivan
The career of W. S. Gilbert, a barrister turned comic librettist, and Arthur Sullivan, a composer turned against his will to light music, who together wrote fifteen comic operas between 1871 and 1896, to great public acclaim.
Who Goes There!
When Miles Cornwall returns suddenly to the home he shares with his father and sister in a grace-and-favour house at St. James's Palace, he's amazed to find a pretty Irish girl in his favorite armchair. Intrigued, he turns on the charm but, as she explains her situation, he finds himself unaccountably falling in love with this pretty interloper.
Golden Arrow
On a journey from Paris to London, a Briton, a Frenchman and an American bond with each other and indulge in a romantic fantasy about a girl they see.
Now Barabbas
A humane prison governor deals with a variety of different prisoners, including a charming murderer.
La edad peligrosa
La esposa solitaria de un marido adicto al trabajo conoce a un joven atractivo y encantador en Capri. Su apasionada relación ha de llegar a su fin cuando el marido se entera y enferma. Entonces, la hija entra en escena...
Pleito de honor
Inglaterra, 1912. Los Winslow, una honorable y acaudalada familia británica, preparan el compromiso matrimonial de su hija, Catherine, con John Watherstone. Durante la reunión presidida por el cabeza de familia, Arthur, llega inesperadamente su hijo menor que ha sido expulsado del colegio por haber robado un giro postal de 5 chelines.
Bond Street
Charts the events occurring during a typical 24-hour period on London’s thoroughfare Bond Street. Linking the four stories together is the impending wedding of society girl Hazel Court and Robert Flemyng.