Kathryn Nixon


Esto es todo amigos
Costume Design
Sam Kleinman , se presenta de noche y por sorpresa en casa de sus hijos en Nueva York; su mujer Muriel se ha ido de casa y lo ha abandonado tras 47 años de matrimonio dejando tras de sí una escueta nota sin demasiadas explicaciones.
The Music in You
Wardrobe Designer
A short documentary following five teenage girls who share their thoughts on music and being a musician. This documentary is included as a special feature on the 2003 Barbie of Swan Lake DVD.
Quiero ser famosa
Costume Design
Val tiene 23 años y es una soñadora. Viaja a Nueva York para convertirse en actriz. Se encuentra sola en un país extranjero, en una ciudad extranjera, con poco dinero y sin amigos. En su camino, conoce a varias personas que también persiguen sus sueños, aunque cada día la vida cotidiana interrumpe su camino.
La pesadilla
Costume Design
Ed Saxon está en la cama, despierto. Ed no sabe cuánto tiempo ha pasado sin conciliar el sueño.
Signs & Wonders
Costume Design
Under the influence of signs and premonitions, a man allows himself to veer in and out of a love affair with his colleague.
Julie Johnson
Costume Design
A New Jersey housewife is dissatisfied with her everyday life because she is smarter than she or anyone else knows. While taking a computer class, Julie discovers her abilities and finds the courage to make dramatic life changes. This is a story of realizing one's potential and being willing to turn one's life upside down to take a chance on finding happiness. Claire, Julie's best friend, goes along with Julie's secret quest and eventually moves in with her. Both women are on a search to realize their dreams and come to terms with their love for each other.
Un pez en la bañera
Costume Design
Sam y Molly llevan 40 años casados, sus hijos ya tienen su propia vida y hogar, y sólo les queda su relación. Pero un día Molly decide criar una carpa en la bañera, lo cual va a poner su ya larga convivencia en jaque.
Costume Design
Happiness es un agudo retrato de varias personas conectadas por lazos familiares o sociales, viviendo en estado de desesperación o de simple depresión, y forzadas a tomar actitudes delictivas o inmorales. Verdadera, trágica y divertida, es una película de culto en el cine americano de los años 90.
Man Is a Woman
Wardrobe Master
Hasta ahora, Simon sólo se ha interesado en chicos. Hace mucho tiempo que dio la espalda a su familia, sus deberes y a todo lo relacionado con la tradición judía. Rosalie fue criada en una familia judía de Nueva York y ahora da conciertos para el Circuito Cultural de Judíos Franceses, cantando canciones en Yidis con su voz de soprano. Cuando ve a Simon por primera vez, se enamora de su clarinete; Simon lo toca como un virtuoso. Rosalie no sabe nada de sus preferencias sexuales, y se lo imagina como un ser inspirado. A pesar de sus diferencias, el destino acaba por cruzar sus caminos...
Costume Design
This film concerns two mysterious characters who meet on a Sunday in Queens. Madeleine the most unsettling creature of that name since "Vertigo" is a middle-aged, moderately successful actress. Oliver/Matthew is either a homeless man or a famous film director or both. Madeleine hails him on the street as the latter, launching a bizarre chain of events that includes a conversation in a diner, a very unromantic sexual encounter, the arrival of Madeleine's odd husband and unsuspecting daughter, and a child's birthday party. The film also compassionately tracks the daily rounds of Oliver/Matthew's fellow denizens of the homeless shelter, some of whom will be recognizable to New York audiences.
Roy Cohn/Jack Smith
Costume Design
When Jill Godmilow’s documentary Roy Cohn/Jack Smith premiered at the 1994 Toronto International Film Festival, the number of AIDS-related deaths was reaching an all-time high in the United States (over 270,000). In New York City, the epicenter of the AIDS epidemic, many artists and filmmakers were grappling with the disease. While Broadway was hosting the second part of Tony Kushner’s award-winning play Angels in America, downtown New Yorkers were fondly recalling another recent production, Ron Vawter’s one-man show Roy Cohn/Jack Smith, in which the actor, who died of AIDS in April 1994, performed two monologues, first as Cohn, the conservative lawyer, and secondly, as Smith, the flamboyant experimental filmmaker—both of whom died of AIDS-related causes in the late 1980s.
The Wife
Costume Design
A sudden visit from a patient and his unstable, outrageously candid wife leads to a delirious night of shattering revelations for a husband and wife team of therapists.
The Pesky Suitor
Costume Design
A girl makes friends with a nice old man and his wife, who live near her school bus stop. But after a while she starts trying to avoid him, because he talks so much.
What Happened Was...
Costume Design
Jackie and Michael are coworkers at a large law firm. They decide to meet at Jackie's for dinner one night.
Assistant Costume Designer
Thomas es un delincuente que se despierta una mañana sobre una acera de Nueva York, sin un céntimo en el bolsillo y totalmente amnésico. Isabelle es una monja virgen y, según ella, ninfómana, que se gana la vida escribiendo relatos porno.