Michele Esposito


Salieri's Student (uncredited)
Antonio Salieri es el músico más destacado de la corte del Emperador José II de Austria. Entregado completamente a la música, le promete a Dios humildad y castidad si, a cambio, conserva sus extraordinarias dotes musicales. Pero, después de la llegada a la corte de un joven llamado Wolfang Amadeus Mozart, Salieri queda relegado a un segundo plano. Irritado por la pérdida de protagonismo, hará todo lo posible para arruinar la carrera del joven músico. Mientras tanto, Mozart, ajeno a las maquinaciones de Salieri, sorprende a todos con su genialidad como músico, pero también con sus excentricidades.
Laura... a 16 anni mi dicesti sì
Duccio, Gino's son
A young fisherman from Pozzuoli, Gino Esposito, is in love with the sixteen-year-old Laura who reciprocates him with passion; but her family is opposed to the idyll and even goes so wildly to beat the young man. The two pigeons, however, on the advice of the common friend Tito, flee to Venice but are immediately resumed; she is brought back home, he in prison for a minor rat. Laura marries Tito to save Gino from prison. So they spend about ten years, the two lovers meet again by chance in the record store that he has opened and they discover they still love each other. Gino remained a widower with a lively little boy, Duccio; Laura has a daughter Lisa, whom her father Titus adores. The marriage without love of Laura, after the meeting with Gino, goes into crisis. Tito is jealous of his wife who now hates him; so to take revenge on his rival he decided to have a bomb put in Gino's shop.
I figli... so' pezzi 'e core
Before It's Too Early
Francesco Improta is an honest fruit and vegetable peddler who lives with his elderly mother Assunta and daughter Fiorella. His wife Lucia left home two years earlier, as, in order to help the family, she did not hesitate to give herself to the boss Peppino Ascalone, with whom she is now forced to live together.