Mircea Vodă

Mircea Vodă

Nacimiento : 1937-09-06, Bucharest, Romania


Mircea Vodă


Makeup Designer
En 1818, la familia Bell empieza a percibir extraños fenómenos. Al principio, son simples sonidos: pequeños ruidos inexplicables, una respiración dificultosa, pasos; pero con el tiempo la potencia de estas manifestaciones paranormales aumenta. El espíritu que las produce se vuelve agresivo y empieza a descargar su ira sobre John Bell y su hija Betsy, víctima de violentos y constantes ataques. En 1998 fue hallado un manuscrito de un maestro de escuela (que había convivido con los Bell), en el que se revelaba la causa del maleficio.
Key Makeup Artist
La Doctora Samantha Gaines, una especialista en mitos históricos, es secuestrada para que localice la mítica espada de "Attila", la cual, tiene el poder de volver invencible a aquel que la empuñe. El único problema, es que si la espada es retirada del sepulcro de "Attila", la bestia conocida como "Cerberus", despertará y perseguirá a todo aquel que haya profanado la tumba.
Forgotten by God
Makeup Artist
The survivor of a cursed family seeks revenge on the lover who jilted her.
François Villon: The Maverick Poet
Makeup Designer
The film is a novelized biography of François Villon (1431-1463), known as the Wandering Poet, who led a troubled life due to the fact that he supported the free expression of people in a coercive climate.
The Last Assault
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The film tells about the period when Romania joined the Allies against the Axis in WW2.
Dragostea și revoluția
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Being in an unhappy marriage, the wife of an important director complains to the party when she is threatened by divorce, saying that her husband has an antisocial behavior. This is an occasion for the people present at that meeting to evaluate their own personal lives.
At the End of the Line
Makeup Artist
Crișan and Cicea, two recently released prisoniers, are trying to reintegrate into a society which proves to be a hostile environment.
Makeup Artist
The life of Dacian war-leader Burebista who ruled between 80-44 B.C.and founded a strong Dacian Kingdom despite considerable pressure from the neighboring Celtic warlords and the Greek cities of the Black Sea coast.
Vlad the Impaler: The True Life of Dracula
Makeup Artist
Vlad Tepes, otherwise known as Vlad the Impaler and Dracula, fights the Ottoman Turks on the battlefield and the Hungarian Boyars in his court.
The Romanian Musketeer
Makeup Artist
During the 18th century when Moldavian Prince Dimitrie Cantemir writes The History of the Rise and Fall of the Ottoman Empire the manuscript is stolen and offered to the highest bidder.
Ciprian Porumbescu
Makeup Artist
This film envisions the patriotic and tragic life of Romanian composer Ciprian Porumbescu.
Black Sea Adventures
Makeup Artist
A counterespionage office get a mission to go to the Black Sea shore and catch a spy network that got their hands on a secret fuel formula.
La última cruzada
Makeup Artist
En los años de reinado de Miguel el Valiente desde 1593 hasta 1601, voivoda de Valaquia que pretendía unir las tres tierras de la lengua de sus ancestros: Valaquia, Transilvania y Moldavia.
The Revenge of the Outlaws
Makeup Artist
Second of 2 films set during the 18th century in the mountains of Wallachia, about a band of outlaws aiming to undermine the rule of the Phanariots and the Ottomans. The story evolves around the two stepbrothers who lead this band, Sarbu and Amza, with their complex and violent relationship.
The Kidnapping of the Maidens
Makeup Artist
In 19th century Wallachia war-bands of Ottoman Turks from across the Danube river raid Wallachia with impunity while Wallachia's Phanariote rulers don't oppose them.
Memories of My Childhood
Makeup Artist
Based on Ion Creanga's book, the story of a child from his childhood to his manhood.
Our Lads
Makeup Artist
A star of a small town soccer team gets involved with the pretty sister of his main rival in the team.