En la primera parte de su trilogía bélica, Zafranovic cuenta la historia de la distinta evolución ideológica y moral de tres jóvenes amigos y la hermana de uno de ellos durante el auge del fascismo, ya a las puertas de la Segunda Guerra Mundial. Película extremadamente cruda en algunos de sus pasajes (que recrean el terrorismo y crímenes de la Ustacha), lírica en otros, de narrativa enérgica, que plantea un profundo dilema moral y constituye un gran fresco de la sociedad croata en aquellos convulsos años. (FILMAFFINITY)
A small coastal town, where almost everybody are into fishing. Niko and Mato are friends, both in loved with the same girl Visnja, in charge of the fishermen's strike against the owners of the fishing boats. After being caught, Mato betrays his friends. Thus he becomes the subject of scorn both by the entire village and Visnja, who then marries Niko.
A story about a young man tempted to kill his rival for a girl, only to find out that he may be his illegitimate son. The story is set in XIX century Dubrovnik.