Christopher Biggins

Christopher Biggins

Nacimiento : 1948-12-16, Oldham, Lancashire, England, UK


Christopher Biggins


Cameron Mackintosh - The First 50 Years
Archival footage provides a glimpse into the life of Cameron Mackintosh; the storied producer famous for Les Misérables, Phantom of the Opera, Cats and many more.
Our Cilla: The One and Only
Doumentary telling the story of Cilla Black, who rose from working-class roots in Liverpool to become one of the nation's most successful and best-loved singers, presenters and all-round entertainers.
When Eurovision Goes Horribly Wrong
Angela Rippon presents a guide to some of the Eurovision Song Contest's most disastrous moments. Including the kiss that ruined the chances of Danish singer Birthe Wilke.
The Paul O'Grady Story
A razor-witted entertainer who found fame as two people - first his drag queen alter ego, Lily Savage, and then as himself. This documentary film charts the unique career of a working class Merseysider whose life away from the spotlight has often been far more dramatic than the consistently successful career he has enjoyed on stage and screen.
Absolutamente fabulosas
Christopher Biggins
Versión cinematográfica de “Absolutely Fabulous”, serie producida de 1992 a 1995, que presentaba las desventuras de Edina y Patsy, dos amigas inmaduras, fumadoras empedernidas, alcohólicas y adictas a cualquier tidpo de droga, que llegaron en la edad media, pero se niega a envejecer. En la comedia escrita por Jennifer Saunders, las dos amigas continúan buscando los placeres de la vida. Sin embargo, durante una fiesta en un yate, accidentalmente matan a la modelo Kate Moss. Huyendo de las autoridades, las dos deciden esconderse en la Riviera Francesa.
Most Shocking Celebrity Moments 2015
A look back at the most outrageous antics by the rich and famous.
Our Cilla
Tribute to entertainer Cilla Black.
Most Shocking Celebrity Moments 2014
Annual countdown of the 40 most shocking celebrity moments of the year.
Run For Your Wife
Bobby Franklin
John Smith has been happily involved in a bigamous marriage for five years. He lives with Stephanie in Finsbury and Michelle in Stockwell. Fortunately, for John, he's a taxi driver which involves varying shift work! Simple? Well, when John unwittingly becomes a have-a-go hero and the Finsbury and Stockwell police forces discover something suspicious in their paperwork, John's happy bubble is about to be burst. The action of the movie takes place during the next hectic 24 hours as John, with the assistance of his gullible neighbor Gary, rush between North and South London attempting to thwart the police and prevent the two loving wives coming face to face!
Rocky Horror Tribute Show
Recorded at London's Royal Court Theatre in front of an audience of faithful fans, various cast members from different productions of the Rocky Horror Show come together in a one off concert extravaganza paying tribute to the phenomenon.
Life Beyond the Box: Norman Stanley Fletcher
Spoof documentary looking at the life of Normal Stanley Fletcher, the star of 1970s sitcom Porridge played by Ronnie Barker. Featuring fictional footage and interviews with the character's family, friends and associates, the film documents Fletcher's chequered career.
Quiz Master / Lop Ears/ Various
A surreal film about surrealism.
Éxito por los pelos
President of the British Hair Federation
El concurso anual de peluquería llega un año más a la pequeña población de Keighley. Phil, el propietario del salón más famoso del pueblo, no participa en el concurso desde que lo dejó su mujer hace diez años. Sin embargo, en esta ocasión ella se empeña en que participen juntos en la competición. Por su parte, el vigente campeón del concurso, dispuesto a todo con tal de ganar; sólo teme a un rival y ése es Phil.
Circus. El círculo del crimen
Leo Garfield y su elegante esposa Lily forman la pareja más interesante de la ciudad sureña de Brighton. Ambos sueñan con escapar de la aburrida rutina criminal de la que viven y están dispuestos a conseguir su objetivo: viajar hasta Cuba en barco. Antes, sin embargo, tienen que atender algunos temas pendientes que les permita dar el último gran golpe. Mientras esperan su oportunidad, se topan con Tory, quien les anda buscando desde hace algún tiempo para recuperar una deuda de juego. En su intento de huida también tropezarán con Bruno, el jefe de una banda local, y el excéntrico contable Julius.
Yosef y su Sorprendente Manto de Sueños en Tecnicolor
The Baker
Musical que cuenta en clave humorística la historia bíblica de José.
Behind the Music: The Rocky Horror Picture Show
Un documental sobre la película de 1975 The Rocky Horror Picture Show
Hey, Mr Producer!
'Hey, Mr Producer!' presenta escenas seleccionadas de las producciones del productor musical más exitoso del mundo, Cameron Mackintosh: canciones clásicas de musicales clásicos interpretados por el elenco máximo.
Caught in the Act
Lucinda goes on a trip away with her two friends Katherine and Amanda and convinces them to join her on form a variety act in order to impress her childhood crush Neville, a talent agent holding a gala night.
Absolutely Fabulous: The Last Shout
Christopher Biggins
Eddy and Patsy prepare to go on a skiing holiday to hopefully indulge in the jet-setting lifestyle of the international celebrity elite when Saffy is proposed to by her stuffy, upper-class boyfriend, Paolo. Eddy hits the slopes and has a near death experience where God appears to her and tells her it's not yet her time. When Eddy comes to, she waits for a sign that she should get involved in Saffy's wedding. As she returns to the house, it appears all hell has broken loose- relatives piling up, practically squatting, and Saffy about to lose her mind. Eddy calms her by throwing money at her as they bond together, planning Saffy's dream wedding. What could go wrong?
Astérix en América
Lucullus (voice)
En la pequeña aldea gala, unos niños han empezado una discusión infantil. En el transcurso de la reyerta, el caldero en el que Panoramix está preparando la poción mágica cae al suelo, derramando el preciado contenido. El druida sale entonces al bosque a buscar los ingredientes para preparar una nueva marmita, pero es secuestrado por sus temibles enemigos: "los romanos". Astérix y Obélix, con la ayuda de Idéfix, descubren el hecho y persiguen a los romanos para liberar a su amigo. Los romanos tienen intención llegar hasta los confines del mar y arrojar a Panorámix al precipicio del mundo (pues suponen que es plano), pero se encontrarán con América. Y los dos pequeños galos van tras ellos...
Two couples betray the decadence which lurks beneath the surface of high society: Steve, wealthy but ignorant, is engaged in a kinky relationship with Helen, a posh socialite living in Belgravia; meanwhile, Steve's nouveau riche wife Sybil is having an affair with Les, a private eye hired to kill her husband.
The Tempest
Stephano, a drunken mariner
Prospero, a potent magician, lives on a desolate isle with his virginal daughter, Miranda. He's in exile, banished from his duchy by his usurping brother and the King of Naples. Providence brings these enemies near; aided by his vassal the spirit Ariel, Prospero conjures a tempest to wreck the Italian ship. The king's son, thinking all others lost, becomes Prospero's prisoner, falling in love with Miranda and she with him. Prospero's brother and the king wander the island, as do a drunken cook and sailor, who conspire with Caliban, Prospero's beastly slave, to murder Prospero. Prospero wants reason to triumph, Ariel wants his freedom, Miranda a husband; the sailors want to dance.
Adventures of a Plumber's Mate
Randy plumber Sid South enjoys a profession which offers him ample opportunity to bed sexy housewives.
This Is Love
Father Christmas
Tearjerker about an estranged couple and their terminally ill son.
Cuento de Navidad
Un hombre avaricioso y miserable, Ebenezer Scrooge, obligado a enfrentarse con sus fantasmas interiores, personificados en tres espíritus: el espíritu de las navidades pasadas, el espíritu de las navidades futuras. El anciano se dará cuenta de los terribles errores cometidos y del terrible futuro que le espera, por lo que cambiará recuperando la bondad y generosidad de su alma. Al historia tuene el genial acierto de mostrarnos cómo una sociedad cruel puede influir en sus propios ciudadanos, hasta convertirlos en un mero reflejo de sus propias injusticias. Ebezner Scrooge es un reflejo de todos nosotros y nos enseña cómo su pasado ha moldeado su presente, cómo la única salida para vencer su futuro es aceptar las consecuencias de sus actos, y tomar las riendas de su vida para llevarla en la dirección que él de verdad quiere.
It Could Happen to You
An educational film about the perils associated with sexually transmitted diseases (STDs). The drama is interspersed with scenes of a medical adviser directly addressing the camera giving advice and information about STDs.
Porridge: No Way Out
Fletcher discovers that his fellow inmates are planning to escape.
The Rocky Horror Picture Show
The Transylvanians
Cuando una pareja regresa de la boda de unos amigos, estalla una violenta tormenta y el coche se les avería. Así las cosas, no tienen más remedio que refugiarse en un castillo, donde el doctor Frank-N-Furter vive entregado a la fabricación de una especie de Frankenstein.
Eskimo Nell
Three young men, a scriptwriter, a producer and a director are called in by Benny U Murdoch, an exotic movie producer. He wants to make a new erotic movie starring a big woman - the "Eskimo Nell" of the title. However problems start from the beginning, the scriptwriter is a virgin, a lover of penguins and hasn't a clue on how to write an erotic movie, each of the three main backers want a different type of movie - a western, an erotic and a kung-fu movie with different people in the main part. However problems really start for the three when Benny runs off with all the money and they have to make three different versions of the same film and try not to let the backers and stars know what has happened. And this is made harder when there is a clean-up-filth society breathing down their necks....
The Sex Thief
Porky Prescott
A struggling pulp fiction writer who doubles as an incompetent jewel thief. He gets caught in the act every time, but he uses his looks and charm to make the best of it. Soon he becomes a celebrity. Wealthy women start leaving their jewels out like milk and cookies for Santa Claus in hopes that the sex thief will unlawfully invade their domiciles.
Ant and Dec's 30 Greatest Moments
The Geordie superstars' path to national treasure status.