Veronica Doran

Nacimiento : 1948-05-17, Carlisle, Cumberland, England, UK


Veronica Doran (born 17 May 1948) is a British character actress.


Precious Bane
Mrs. Callard
In the early 19th century, a young woman with a harelip falls foul of her family's ambition and the superstitions of the local community, but meets a man who may see her differently.
Miss Burns
Dos jóvenes entran en un videoclub y roban tres vídeos de terror. Sólo cuando finaliza la tercera cinta se dan cuenta del terrible precio que tienen que pagar por el robo, ya que una fuerza irresistible exige su pago en sangre.
London Is Drowning
"Many areas of London might be under water for days. For example, the Isle of Dogs could be under eight feet of water for six days. River engineers believe that it is not a matter of if there is a flood, but when the flood comes." (Greater London Council)
Cuento de Navidad
Un hombre avaricioso y miserable, Ebenezer Scrooge, obligado a enfrentarse con sus fantasmas interiores, personificados en tres espíritus: el espíritu de las navidades pasadas, el espíritu de las navidades futuras. El anciano se dará cuenta de los terribles errores cometidos y del terrible futuro que le espera, por lo que cambiará recuperando la bondad y generosidad de su alma. Al historia tuene el genial acierto de mostrarnos cómo una sociedad cruel puede influir en sus propios ciudadanos, hasta convertirlos en un mero reflejo de sus propias injusticias. Ebezner Scrooge es un reflejo de todos nosotros y nos enseña cómo su pasado ha moldeado su presente, cómo la única salida para vencer su futuro es aceptar las consecuencias de sus actos, y tomar las riendas de su vida para llevarla en la dirección que él de verdad quiere.
Adventures of a Private Eye
While a private detective is away on vacation, his not particularly bright assistant takes it upon himself to "solve" a case that comes in. Complications ensue.
It Could Happen to You
An educational film about the perils associated with sexually transmitted diseases (STDs). The drama is interspersed with scenes of a medical adviser directly addressing the camera giving advice and information about STDs.
Escort Girls
It s Christmas Eve in London, 1974 - and seven lonely people are on the town, looking to grab that elusive slice of enjoyment. So who better to contact than an escort agency- providing high-class ladies and gentlemen for anyone willing to pay the right price. But even in the saucy seventies, things weren t that easy- and our intrepid pleasure seekers have to face everything from inadequacy, rejection and catharsis to racism, violence and grand theft. Just goes to show how lonely a place the throbbing metropolis can be, especially during the holiday season...
The Sex Thief
Meter Attendant
A struggling pulp fiction writer who doubles as an incompetent jewel thief. He gets caught in the act every time, but he uses his looks and charm to make the best of it. Soon he becomes a celebrity. Wealthy women start leaving their jewels out like milk and cookies for Santa Claus in hopes that the sex thief will unlawfully invade their domiciles.
For the Love of Ada
Walter and Ada Bingley are celebrating their first wedding anniversary unaware that their friends and family are planning a surprise party for them.
La casa maldita
Una reunión de jóvenes a finales de los años sesenta degenera en una sesión de aburrimiento. Para evadirse de él, se les ocurre ir a una antigua casa abandonada en las afueras de la ciudad con la intención de “cazar fantasmas”. Al poco de permanecer allí, uno de ellos aparece muerto, salvajemente asesinado.