Tom Quinn

Tom Quinn

Nacimiento : , Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.


Tom Quinn is a writer and director based outside Philadelphia. His debut, THE NEW YEAR PARADE, was nominated for a Gotham Award as well as an Independent Spirit Award in the John Cassavetes Award category. Tom was listed as one of the “25 Faces of Independent Film” by FILMMAKER MAGAZINE and one of the “Ten Young Writer-Directors to Watch,” by MOVIEMAKER. Quinn has participated in the TIFF Talent Lab, The Biennale College, IFP No Borders, and the Sundance Film Music and Sound Design Lab. His most recent film, COLEWELL, received a Kenneth Rainin foundation grant from the San Francisco Film Society. COLEWELL was nominated for two Independent Spirit Awards: the John Cassavetes Award and Best Female Lead, for Karen Allen. Tom previously worked as a visual effects producer on films including SAFETY NOT GUARANTEED and SAFE. Tom is the program director for Film & Television Production at Drexel University.


Tom Quinn


In tiny Colewell, Pennsylvania, the residents gather at the post office for mail and gossip, while the days pass quiet and serene. That is until news comes that the office is to close, and beloved clerk Nora is left to fight for her job and reflect on the choices she has made that kept her in Colewell for so many years.
In tiny Colewell, Pennsylvania, the residents gather at the post office for mail and gossip, while the days pass quiet and serene. That is until news comes that the office is to close, and beloved clerk Nora is left to fight for her job and reflect on the choices she has made that kept her in Colewell for so many years.
In tiny Colewell, Pennsylvania, the residents gather at the post office for mail and gossip, while the days pass quiet and serene. That is until news comes that the office is to close, and beloved clerk Nora is left to fight for her job and reflect on the choices she has made that kept her in Colewell for so many years.
Atrapados en Chernóbil
Visual Effects Producer
Un grupo de amigos que están pasando las vacaciones en Europa van a a parar a Prypiat, una ciudad abandonada, donde se refugiaron después del accidente los trabajadores de la central nuclear de Chernobil; pero pronto se darán cuenta de que no están solos.
Visual Effects Producer
Mei, una niña china que vive en los bajos fondos de Nueva York, tiene una mente prodigiosa para las matemáticas. Las triadas chinas, la mafia rusa e incluso la policía de NY la persiguen porque en su memoria guarda un código secreto de alta importancia para todos ellos. El destino hace que se cruce con Luke, un exagente de élite que ha tocado fondo y se ha convertido en un fracasado. Juntos trazarán un plan para librarse de los perseguidores de la niña.
The New Year Parade
When Mike and Lisa separate, their children suffer quietly in the middle of the annual Mummer's Parade.
The New Year Parade
When Mike and Lisa separate, their children suffer quietly in the middle of the annual Mummer's Parade.
The New Year Parade
When Mike and Lisa separate, their children suffer quietly in the middle of the annual Mummer's Parade.
The New Year Parade
Director of Photography
When Mike and Lisa separate, their children suffer quietly in the middle of the annual Mummer's Parade.
Las vírgenes suicidas
First Assistant Director
A mediados de los 70, en un barrio residencial de una ciudad americana vive en perfecta armonía la familia Lisbon. Todos los chicos suspiran por las cinco hermosas hermanas Lisbon. Sin embargo, ese paraíso se desmorona cuando Cecilia, la menor, se suicida a los doce años. ¿Cómo puede convivir la belleza más pura con una macabra historia adolescente? Ésta es la pregunta que persigue a uno de aquellos adolescentes que, ya en su madurez, aún no ha podido olvidar los sucesos ocurridos veinte años antes.
Via Bicycles
A father takes his two young songs to the working class neighborhood where he grew up to buy bicycles.
Via Bicycles
A father takes his two young songs to the working class neighborhood where he grew up to buy bicycles.