The accident during an air show in Ramstein in the summer of 1988 is one of the greatest tragedies in German post-war history. Against the backdrop of the momentous collision of two aerobatic planes on "Open Day" at the American air base, this film tells the story of four families in fictionalized form - they are visitors to the air show who lost their loved ones in the horrific inferno, and an emergency doctor who cannot forget the sight of the dead and injured. They all suffer from post-traumatic stress syndrome. Years after the disaster, they finally have the opportunity to share their experiences and come to terms with the trauma in a specially founded aftercare group. Meanwhile, a duo of investigators commissioned by the German Federal Ministry investigates the background to the air accident and uncovers massive failures in safety precautions and rescue measures. Beyond political responsibility on both the German and American sides, both come up against a wall of silence.
Jakob Fabian es un joven escritor enamorado de una aspirante a actriz que, en el turbulento Berlín de 1931, intenta mantener a flote su idealismo mientras el mundo se desmorona a su alrededor.
A breathless criminal hunt, which leads into the remote mountain world of Romania, with the portrait of a foreign country, which has remained standing in time. Hanna Landauer and Sven Schröder are part of a special unit of the LKA, which traps fugitives across the borders to the remotest corners of the world.
Comedy - Flora (Isabella Parkinson) the librarian is hitchhiking to a job in a faraway town. Simplehearted plumber Tim (Oliver Reinhard) is headed to the Black Forest, a cow for his nuptials in tow. But when their paths intersect, the cow isn't the only one who loses its bearings. In this quixotic road movie, Flora is an endearing handful -- misplacing the cow, then adding a runaway to Tim's cargo load -- and soon Tim's wedding plans are fading from view. - Isabella Parkinson, Oliver Reinhard, Hannah