Vladimir Vladislavskiy

Vladimir Vladislavskiy

Nacimiento : 1891-06-13, Kiev, Russian Empire [now Ukraine]

Muerte : 1970-10-05


Vladimir Vladislavskiy


Operación Y y otras aventuras de Shurik
директор склада
El argumento sigue las aventuras del aplicado y genuino estudiante soviético Shúrik, que a menudo se mete en difíciles situaciones de las que suele salir más o menos limpiamente. La película se halla dividida en tres partes y se rodó en Moscú, Leningrado, Bakú y Odessa. -Naparnik (“Compañero de trabajo”) El compañero de trabajo.En un autobús, un patán y borracho llamado Fedia se sienta en un asiento reservado para niños e incapacitados y rechaza dejar sentarse a una joven embarazada argumentando “que no es ni una niña ni una incapacitada”. Shúrik, que viaja en el mismo autobús, se pone unas gafas de sol y finge ser ciego... -Navazhdeniye (“Déjà vu”) Es época de los exámenes de verano en la Universidad, y todo el mundo está asustado por los exámenes. Shúrik (y los demás) busca desesperadamente apuntes y finalmente los ve en manos de una chica, Lida, que estudia en la misma Universidad.
Товарищ Арсений
Eugénie Grandet
Eugénie Grandet is set in the town of Saumur. Eugénie's father Felix is a former cooper who has become wealthy through both business ventures and inheritance (having inherited the estates of his mother-in-law, grandfather-in-law, and grandmother all in one year). However, he is very miserly, and he, his wife, daughter, and their servant Nanon live in a run-down old house which he is too miserly to repair. His banker des Grassins wants Eugénie to marry his son Adolphe, and his lawyer Cruchot wants Eugénie to marry his nephew President Cruchot des Bonfons, both parties eyeing the inheritance from Felix. The two families constantly visit the Grandets to get Felix's favour, and Felix in turn plays them off against each other for his own advantage.
A Groom from the Right Society
Semyon Danilovich Petukhov was very surprised to found upon returning from vacation that he was declared dead and... buried.
Phonetics professor Mr. Higgins decided to prove that he could, thanks to his knowledge and teaching skills, turn Eliza - a simple street flower girl with terrifying speech and manners - into a socialite and introduce her to guests as a duchess.
Night Guard
The accountant of the commodity base discovers a small mistake in the documents, as told by the manager of the base. That night, someone hacked and robbed a safe with accounting documents, and committed the killing of an accountant. The case for the search for criminals was entrusted to police commissioner Krechetov and lieutenant Kasyanov.
The Anna Cross
Modest Alexeyevich
Based on the short story by A. P. Chekhov. Beggar 18-year-old beauty Anna marries a rich 52-year-old official to help her father and brothers. After the death of the mother, the father drinks, the brothers go hungry. For the sake of her relatives, she is ready for anything, even to become the wife of an elderly, rude, vulgar and hated Modest Alexeyevich.
Volki i ovtsy
На всякого мудреца довольно простоты
Neil Fedoseevich Mamaev
Sportivnaya Chest
boss of the football team "Shorty"
The Yellow Stork
Mandarin (voice)
The film is based on an ancient Chinese fairy tale about the simple people of China who despite of heavy work and oppression, did not lose belief in life and love to freedom
Meeting on the Elbe
General MacDermott
Soviet and American soldiers are meeting on the shores of the Elbe river in Germany in 1945.
Sud chesti
The Great Glinka
Count Mikhail Yurelivich Vielgorsky
Admiral Nakhimov
Capt. Lavrov
A biography of a famous Russian Admiral Pavel Stepanovich Nakhimov.
Girl No. 217
Iogann Krauss
A Russian peasant woman is captured by Nazis and sold into slavery in Germany. Shown in Cannes in 1946.
The Romantics
Set in the high North, this tale of a Russian teacher who begins to educate the children of the Chukchi tribe reinforces the director's firm belief in the power of education to overcome distrust and establish a shared civilizational foundation for all human beings.
Как поссорился Иван Иванович с Иваном Никифоровичем
Демьян Демьяныч, судья
Lenin en Octubre
Karnayukhov (as V. Vladislavsky)
Lenin regresa a Moscú para participar en la reunión del comité central acerca de la crucial cuestión de la insurrección. Deberá enfrentar las dudas de sus compañeros y los intentos de asesinato. Un clásico del cine soviético.