Alberto trabaja en la oficina de Correos de una pequeña ciudad del norte de Italia. Presionado por su mujer Silvia, está dispuesto a todo con tal de conseguir el traslado a Milán, incluso a fingirse inválido; pero cuando es descubierto lo sancionan mandándolo a un pueblecito de Campania, lo cual para un italiano del norte es una auténtica pesadilla. Solo y lleno de prejuicios se traslada a la que considera la tierra de la camorra, de los paletos, los holgazanes... Su sorpresa será enorme cuando descubra un lugar fascinante, unos colegas entrañables, gentes muy hospitalarias y, sobre todo, un gran amigo, el cartero Mattia. Ahora el problema es cómo contárselo a Silvia y a sus viejos amigos.
When a story ends and the two do not know how to say goodbye comes the classic excuse "I'm leaving you because I love you too" With this sentence Daniela says goodbye to Mariano and literally disappears. The friends try to help Mariano in the most classic ways, presenting other girls. But Daniela is always in his thoughts. Finally seems to portend the nail that will drive the nail in the guise of a beautiful Brazilian. But winning does not show up at all easy.
When a story ends and the two do not know how to say goodbye comes the classic excuse "I'm leaving you because I love you too" With this sentence Daniela says goodbye to Mariano and literally disappears. The friends try to help Mariano in the most classic ways, presenting other girls. But Daniela is always in his thoughts. Finally seems to portend the nail that will drive the nail in the guise of a beautiful Brazilian. But winning does not show up at all easy.