TWO POINTS OF FAILURE (2013) is a conceptual experimental 35mm film that frames this demise (1976-2013) and takes as its primary subject matter Godard's failed prototype for the compact 35mm camera - a camera which suffered from myopia and was simply too loud. The film as you see it was constituted by dissolving negative emulsion in a chemical solution while recording the sounds of its own making. Through an extended, repeated looking, it functions as both an index of a disappearance and the remainder of the objects, techniques and medium which is now lost.
Associate Producer
Año 1776, Guerra de Independencia entre los colonos de Nueva Inglaterra y las tropas de Jorge III (1760-1820). En Carolina del Sur, el viudo Benjamin Martin (Mel Gibson), heroico soldado en Francia y en la India, renuncia a combatir para cuidar de sus siete hijos. Pero la pacífica vida de la familia Martin se ve alterada cuando Gabriel (Heath Ledger), el hijo mayor, se alista en el ejército; mientras tanto su padre se esfuerza por sacar adelante a la prole. Sin embargo, los británicos, al mando del cruel coronel Tavington (Jason Isaacs), llegarán hasta las puertas de su casa poniendo en peligro a toda la familia...