Robert B. Harris


Costume Supervisor
Un comando de mercenarios es contratados por la CIA para rescatar a unos pilotos apresados por las guerrillas en la selva Centroamericana. La misión resulta satisfactoria, pero durante su viaje de regreso se dan cuenta de que algo está dándoles caza uno a uno, ese algo resulta ser un cazador alienígena que se queda con las calaveras de sus víctimas como trofeos
Costume Supervisor
El coronel John Matrix, experto en artes marciales, es un comando sin igual; sin embargo, debido al número de operaciones especiales en las que ha intervenido, ha sido 'jubilado' para protegerlo de quienes desearían vengarse de él. Pero un dictador sudamericano despiadado y vengativo ha logrado localizarle y secuestrar a su hija. Para recuperarla, Matrix deberá volver a Sudamérica con una última misión: acabar con el presidente Velásquez.
Born to Be Sold
Wardrobe Supervisor
A social worker tries to break up a ring of crooks who buy newborn babies from teenaged mothers and sell them to couples who can't obtain them through legal adoption channels.
Wardrobe Supervisor
Mike Connors is a suave gambler who owns a floating hotel/casino which takes a turn when the passengers are stalked by a saboteur during the casino ship's maiden voyage.
La Chica que Vino en un Paquete de Regalo
So how can a swinging bachelor learn a lesson about love? As magazine publisher Michael Green celebrates his big 4-0, he finds a bikini-clad Sandy Benson wrapped in a big bow as a birthday present supposedly courtesy of his drinking buddies. After trading barbs with the former beauty pageant winner, they find they have an attraction of sorts and she sticks around. Romance abounds as this country girl goes looking for romance in the big city in a typical television romantic comedy fashion.
Sole Survivor
Costume Design
In 1960, the ruins of an American bomber were found in the Libyan desert, but the remains of the crew were never located. In Guerdon Trueblood's teleplay, the ghosts of a bomber crew hang around their derelict plane, awaiting the day that their bones will be recovered and given a decent burial. The sole survivor, navigator Russell Hamner, has in the intervening 25 years become a General. He joins an investigation team that has come across the wreckage, while the ghosts, headed by Major Devlin, plot to expose Hamner as a coward who deserted his post and left his crew mates to die.