Akira Yoshimura

Nacimiento : 1927-05-01, Tokyo, Tokyo Prefecture, Japan

Muerte : 2006-07-31




Fires in the Dark
Seventeenth century. Set in a small village, nestled between the sea and the mountain, the father of Alan, a young fifteen-year-old boy, has sold himself for two years to indentured service. Alan is forced to take the place of his father and struggles to support his family.
Prison Break
One late night in June 1942, Sakuma Seitaro dangles from the frame of a skylight in an isolation cell in Akita Prison. He forces open the glass window and breaks out of jail. This crime even reaches the ears of Urata Susumu, the chief warden of Kosuge Prison in Tokyo. Urata had been in charge of those sentenced to life in the prison until last year. Although Sakuma is a dangerous person who had also broken out of jail in Aomori, he submits to Urata who is the only person who had treated him kindly in the past. However, three months after escaping from jail, Sakuma shows up at Urata’s house. He has come to complain about the inhumane Akita prison officers. But he is locked up again after Urata notifies the police during an unguarded moment. A year later, Sakuma is sent to Abashiri Prison and Urata is also ordered to transfer as the prison’s chief warden.
The Last Revenge
This is the true story of the last officially recorded case of adauchi, when a young man avenged the death of his father by brutally killing the murderers in broad daylight. Samurai revenge killings, or adauchi, was considered a rightful and noble act of honor and virtue.But all that changed abruptly on February 7, 1873, when adauchi became prohibited as part of the Meiji Restoration’s goal to Westernize Japan.
Original Story
The prison guards working in penitentiaries where death row inmates are locked up are forced to spend their daily lives constantly facing death.
Saturday Night Live: The Best of Phil Hartman
Mr. Sulu
Classic Saturday Night Live skits featuring the hilarious Phil Hartman.
La anguila
Después de ocho años en la cárcel por haber matado a su esposa, a la que encontró en la cama con otro hombre, Takuro Yamashita sale en libertad condicional. Cuando estaba en la prisión captura una anguila, que se convierte en su mascota y única compañera. Yamashita se establece en una pequeña población a las afueras de Tokio y regenta una barbería, presidida por un aquario en el que nada su anguila. Un día conoce a Keiko Hattori, una joven que intenta suicidarse y que le recuerda a su esposa. Poco a poco se van conociendo y terminan enamorándose. Cuando la vida comienza a sonreirle, se encuentra con un antiguo compañero de cárcel. Yamashita comprende que toda la lucha por convertirse en un hombre nuevo podría desmoronarse si su pasado es revelado. Sobre todo, teniendo en cuenta el interés de los excéntricos habitantes del pequeño pueblo, por conocer más del nuevo barbero.
The Catch
Original Story
A young man tries to overcome the hostility of his girlfriend's father, a tuna fisherman, by getting the father to teach him the trade's secrets.
The film tells the story of a man who was washed ashore on an uninhabited island after a ship wrecked by a storm, and after twelve years, he returned to human society.
A Secret Rendezvous
Original Story
After witnessing a murder, a married woman and a student agree not to meet and see each other out of fear of exposing their affair.
An adaptation of Akira Yoshimura's original suspense novel starring Rentaro Mikuni. 4th year of the Taishō era. About 15 families who moved in search of agricultural land to the land of the pioneers in Hokkaido led a peaceful life. One day, one of the pioneers, Mikio Shimakawa's wife Yura, and her child Taichi are attacked and killed by a bear that cannot hibernate. To resolve the situation, Shimakawa goes against all odds and turns to Ginshiro, the most hated hunter in the village, for help. While Shimakawa was away from the village, Yura and his friends were holding a funeral, the bear attacked again...