Grant Imahara

Grant Imahara

Nacimiento : 1970-10-23, Los Angeles, California, USA

Muerte : 2020-07-13


Grant Masaru Imahara was an American electrical engineer, roboticist, television host, and actor. He is best known for his work on the television series MythBusters, on which he designed and built numerous robots and specialized in operating computers and electronics to test myths. Imahara began his career at Lucasfilm, where he worked in the THX division as an engineer and in the Industrial Light & Magic division in visual effects. His work is featured in films from franchises such as Star Wars, Jurassic Park, The Matrix, and Terminator. His first foray into television was on the robot combat series BattleBots, for which he designed and competed with his robot Deadblow and later returned as a judge. In 2005, Imahara joined the cast of Mythbusters as a member of the Build Team, appearing in over 200 episodes of the series until his departure in 2014. He starred in the 2016 Netflix series White Rabbit Project alongside his MythBusters co-stars Kari Byron and Tory Belleci. This page is based on a Wikipedia article written by contributors. Text is available under the CC BY-SA 4.0 license; additional terms may apply.


Grant Imahara
Grant Imahara
Grant Imahara


Star Trek: Renegades
Lieutenant Masaru
Ten years after the starship Voyager's return from the Delta Quadrant, the Federation is in a crisis. The Federation's main suppliers of dilithium crystals (the primary catalyst for the fuel used in faster-than-light travel) are disappearing. Space and time have folded around several planets, isolating them from outside contact. The phenomenon is unnatural – someone or something is causing it to happen. The need to stop this necessitates drastic measures, some of which are outside the Federation’s normal jurisdiction.
Sharknado 3
Cuando una nueva oleada de Sharknados amenaza la costa de Florida, nuestro héroe favorito Fin, deberá una vez más arriesgar su vida para salvar la de sus hijos en plenas vacaciones. A medida que se aproxima al sur los sharknados se fusionan y crecen para convertirse en más grandes y devastadores que nunca.
When a deep sea drilling platform penetrates the sea bed it unleashes a prehistoric shark of enormous power and proportions.
Héroes fuera de órbita
Galaxy Quest es el título de una serie de televisión que se ha emitido con gran éxito durante treinta años. Una vez que deja de emitirse, sus protagonistas se dedican a pasear sus antiguos uniformes por convenciones y programas especiales. Lo que no saben es que una raza alienígena del espacio exterior, los Thermians, captaban la serie creyendo que se trataba de un documento histórico. En su lucha contra el perverso Roth'h'ar Sarris, deciden secuestrar a los protagonistas para que les ayuden a combatirlo.