McClure Capps


A lo loco
Art Direction
Elvis Presley interpreta a Johny Tyrone, una estrella del espectáculo secuestrado y conducido a un lejano reino árabe aislado del mundo. Allí conocerá al jeque árabe y tendrá que luchar para evitar el asesinato del rey del desierto en esta aventura co-protagonizada por la actriz y Miss América Mary Ann Mobley, en el papel de una doncella en apuros. (
The Ghost of Sierra de Cobre
Art Direction
Terrified of being buried alive, a woman installs a phone in her crypt. A few days after her death, the phone suddenly rings and paranormal investigator Nelson Orion is brought in to probe the case.
Las aventuras de Huckleberry Finn
Art Direction
Huckleberry Finn, un joven aventurero que vive en un pequeño pueblo, decide huir por el río, para dejar atrás a su padre alcohólico y a la viuda Douglas que pretende cuidarlo. En su viaje por el Mississippi lo acompaña Jim, un afable hombre negro.
Go, Johnny, Go!
Art Direction
Rock-n-roll promoter Alan Freed holds a talent search to develop a new rock star, then must find the elusive, mystery contestant (Jimmy Clanton) who doesn't know he has won.
Ride Out for Revenge
Art Direction
When an Indian chief is murdered in a hateful town, a sympathizing ex marshal tries to stop the Indians from attacking for revenge.
The Careless Years
Art Direction
A high school girl from a wealthy family falls for a fellow student from a poor family. Both families disapprove, and, unable to stand the pressure, the couple quit school and flee to Mexico.
No. 5 Checked Out
Art Direction
A young deaf women confronts desperate crooks who are using one of her remote resort cabins for a hideout. Originally aired as episode 16 on the American TV series Screen Directors Playhouse.
Menace from Outer Space
Art Direction
A nontheatrical (16mm) film comprise of three contiguous episodes of the TV series "Rocky Jones, Space Ranger".
Manhunt in Space
Art Direction
Rocky Jones, Space Ranger fights space pirates over an invisible spaceship.
Crash of Moons
Art Direction
A three-part episode from the TV series Rocky Jones, Space Ranger edited together and released as a feature for 16mm rental only. Season 1 episodes 21, 22, 23. Episode 21: Rocky saves a space station and his friends when they are trapped between gypsy moons. Episode 22: Cleolanthe tries to destroy one of the gypsy moons with a barrage of missiles. Episode 23: Rocky evacuates the gypsy moon Posetta and stops Cleolanthe's missile barrage.
Blades of the Musketeers
Art Direction
In 1625 France, D'Artagnan joins the king's musketeers, meets three new friends - Athos, Porthos and Aramis - among them and, together, the four quickly find themselves embroiled in court intrigue with Prime Minister Richelieu attempting to sabotage the congenial relationship existing between France and England. Originally produced as a 60-minute episode of THE MAGNAVOX THEATER on CBS as THE THREE MUSKETEERS. This has the distinction of being the first movie specifically made for TV. Later retitled and released theatrically.
Ellis in Freedomland
Art Direction
Westinghouse claims its electric appliances "freed women from the drudgery of housework." The first half involves a dream salesman at work; the second half is focused on the "Spring Sales Event," called "Freedomland."
Jack y las Habichuelas Mágicas
Art Direction
Una noche, Jack (Lou Costello) debe hacer de canguro del travieso e inteligente Donald. A la hora de acostarlo y sin saber muy bien cómo, los dos se intercambian los papeles, de modo que el niño acaba leyendo el cuento al adulto. Su lectura favorita: Jack y las habichuelas mágicas. Cuando Jack se queda dormido, empieza a soñar que él es el joven protagonista de la historia. Así, entrará en un mundo imaginario en el que todo es posible y donde aparecerán sus amigos y conocidos del mundo real.
Tales of Robin Hood
Art Direction
The story of Robin Hood, how he met his Merry Men and Maid Marian, and saved England from Sir Guy de Clairmont and his henchman. Compiled from the few filmed episodes of an unsold TV series.
Tarzán y la fuente mágica
Art Direction
Una mujer piloto emerge de la jungla tan joven como cuando su avión se había estrellado muchos años antes. Unos cazadores descubren que este fenómeno se debe a la existencia de una fuente secreta cuyas aguas proporcionan la eterna juventud. Tarzán tratará de mantener a los cazadores alejados del valle donde se esconde la fuente.
Sword of the Avenger
Art Direction
Roberto Balagtas is falsely arrested for treason and sent to prison where he is tortured. He escapes with other prisoners, but only Batagtas survives the escape, carrying with him a treasure map left by one of the others. He crosses paths with Ming Tang (Strong) and a group of Chinese smugglers, with whom he finds the treasure. The booty makes him extremely wealthy, and he changes his name to Don Diego Sebastian. He then goes back to the Philippines to seek his revenge.
Tarzán y las sirenas
Art Direction
La última ocasión en la que Weissmuller ofrece su grito de guerra en su papel de hombre-mono. Pero no antes de cumplir la misión de rescatar a una bella sirena que es forzada a contraer matrimonio con un impostor que se hace pasar por el Dios Balu. Tarzán incluso llega a estar atrapado por un pulpo gigante cuando trata de llevar la calma a una comunidad de buscadores de perlas.
The Marauders
Art Direction
Hoppy, California and Lucky take refuge from a storm inside a supposedly abandoned church outside a ghost town, only to meet a young woman and her mother there, then find themselves surrounded by a gang of "workmen" intent on tearing down the church if they have to kill the five to do it.
La casa roja
Art Direction
Un granjero decide enfrentarse a los misterios que oculta un viejo caserón, donde suceden continuamente extraños fenómenos que asombran y aterrorizan a los habitantes del lugar.
Un hombre fenómeno
Assistant Art Director
Edgar, un tímido bibliotecario es persuadido por el fantasma de su extrovertido hermano gemelo Buzzy Bellew, asesinado por un jefe mafioso, para que ocupe su lugar como showman de un nightclub y vengue su muerte
Bola de fuego
Assistant Art Director
Gracias a la donación de un cuarto de millón de dólares, un grupo de profesores estrafalarios, todos solteros salvo uno que es viudo, trabajan en la elaboración de una enciclopedia del saber humano. Cuando el trabajo se encuentra ya en una fase bastante avanzada, la visita sorpresa de una bailarina de cabaret les hace replantearse su labor, pues caen en la cuenta de que viven de espaldas al mundo.