Based on the historical novel by Flaubert, "Salammbo" tells the story of the Mercenary War between Carthage and the Barbarians in the third century BC.
Pharaoh Menapta
En Tanis, Egipto, el príncipe Seti, heredero al trono, conoce a la joven Merapi (Luna de Israel) que vive como una esclava en su propio reino y cuyo padre acaba de ser asesinado por un oficial, que quería vengarse de ella por haberle rechazado. Entre Seti y la joven se inicia una especial relación que habrá de enfrentar a los dos países y a otras fuerzas mayores… al tiempo que brota el amor.
A film about the Abbasid Caliph
Lord Chancellor
Alexander Korda's early German adaptation of Mark Twain's historical fiction novel about two young boys who are born on the same day and identical in appearance but of very different origin: Edward the Prince of Wales son of Henry VIII and Tom Canty the son of an lowly pauper.
One night Toni forces Rose to reveal where in his house Bergern keeps his money. As Toni is robbing the house, the banker unexpectedly returns and is shot dead by Toni. Rose and Toni escape to the Austrian "Semmering" to avoid capture as well as starting a new life.