George Crone

Nacimiento : 1894-10-06, San Francisco, California, USA

Muerte : 1966-10-01


Eight years in the making, Boetticher’s portrait of his longtime friend, the famous bullfighter Carlos Arruza, was a labor of love that the renowned director of westerns pursued despite contending with illnesses, bankruptcy, jail time, and lucrative offers from Hollywood. The result is an astonishing work of poetry, immediacy, and violence that fearlessly wrestles with the filmmaker’s own ambivalence about the titular matador’s triumphs prior to his death by automobile accident at the age of 46.
A Life in the Balance
A widower's young son leads the police to a killer of sinners in Mexico City.
One Big Affair
El abogado Jimmy Donovan opina que un paseo en bicicleta por México es lo que más le conviene mientras espera a su cliente, pero en su camino se cruza la profesora Jean Harper, y todo se tuerce...
Canasta Uruguaya
Screwball comedy about country girl who inherits a fortune.
My Outlaw Brother
Denny se traslada a Texas para visitar por sorpresa a su hermano, de quien un ranger de Texas sospecha que está conchabado con el bandolero El Tigre. Denny se enamora de la novia de su hermano, al tiempo que son capturados por el Tigre y su banda.
Rosauro Castro
La muerte de Cardoza, candidato a presidente municipal de un pueblo y enemigo del cacique Rosauro Castro, lleva al licenciado García Mata a emprender una investigación. Al llegar se da cuenta de que el pueblo entero, incluyendo al presidente municipal, vive atemorizado por el cacique y que solo la venganza logrará poner fin a las injusticias cometidas por Rosauro Castro
El ahijado de la muerte
El vaquero Dionicio busca un padrino para su hijo recien nacido, Pedro; la borrachera hace que Dionicio vaya al cementerio, donde se aparece la muerte y se ofrece como Madrina de su hijo.
Pasaje al futuro
Durante el viaje que les lleva de camino a la fábrica de aviones de guerra, cinco trabajadores recuerdan como era su vida antes del conflicto de la II Guerra Mundial.
El Halcón en peligro
Un avión de pasajeros, el vuelo 65 de Washington DC sufre un accidente y se estrella al aterrizar, cuando llegan los equipos de rescate se encuentran un avión completamente vacío. La tripulación, los pasajeros y $ 100.000 en valores de títulos han desaparecido, este será el detonante para que el hálcon (Tom Conway) con la ayuda de su prometida de Texas, Bonnie (Amelita Ward), acometa el caso más extraño que jamás ha investigado.
El Halcón a la defensiva
El Halcón es inculpado por el asesinato de un banquero y el robo de bonos de guerra. Escapa a las montañas, donde se esconde en una cabaña rústica. Desde allí descubre una operación de bonos de guerra falsos.
A siete millas de Alcatraz
Dos prisioneros escapan de la famosa prisión de Alcatraz y se refugian en un faro utilizado por espías nazis. Con su gran honestidad, el farero y su hija se ganan la confianza de los dos fugitivos, quienes sacrificarán su libertad para salvar a la ciudad de San Francisco de un ataque submarino.
El intrépido Halcón
Primera de una serie de 16 películas producidas entre 1941 y 1949, que tuvieron la intención de reemplazar a "El Santo". Gay Lawrence, alias "The Falcon" es un detective privado al que le apasiona resolver crímenes; todo un caballero inglés que siente una gran debilidad por las mujeres hermosas.
A Girl, a Guy, and a Gob
Steve is a shy quiet man who is an executive for a shipping firm. He meets Dot at the Opera where she had his seats and the next day she shows up as his temporary secretary. Then Coffee Cup comes to town to see Dot, his gal. When Steven is with Cecilia, everything is boring. When he is with Dot and Coffee Cup, everything is exciting and he falls for Dot. But Coffee is getting out of the Navy in a few days and he plans to marry Dot.
Wildcat Bus
A broke playboy signs on to help a young beauty save her ailing bus line.
La familia Robinson suiza
Cuando una tormenta los hace naufragar, la familia Robinson debe unirse para crear un hogar en una isla desierta. Pero el reto definitivo se presenta cuando un grupo de piratas despiadados amenaza con destruir su paraíso improvisado.
La pequeña rebelión
James Smith es un cazador de indios famoso en todo el territorio de Pennsylvania. Un día, merodeando por la frontera, descubre que los traficantes ingleses suministran armas a los indios, camuflándolas en los convoyes militares. Smith se propondrá entonces tomarse la justicia por su mano. Él y sus hombres, disfrazado de indios, interceptarán uno tras otro todos los convoyes.
Beauty for the Asking
Denny breaks up with his fiancée Jean to marries wealthy Flora. When Jean is fired from her job she decides to market the face cream she invented. After sending it to twelve rich woman, only Flora decides to invest in the business. As Denny has no job, the girls give him an office at the factory. The business takes off, but Jean finds that she is still in love with Denny and Denny seems to forget he is married to Flora.
The Law West of Tombstone
A blustering gunfighter talks himself into the position of mayor in a small western town.
El hotel de los líos
Los Hermanos Marx tratar de estrenar una obra antes de que el dueño del hotel donde se alojan se entere de que se han quedado sin dinero. Para hacer tiempo, simulan que el autor de la obra ha contraído alguna enfermedad grave y no se puede mover. Originalmente era una obra de teatro, pero la película es cosecha Hermanos Marx
Quick Money
Bluford H. Smythe, who has made it big in the big city, has returned to his small hometown of Glenwood after being away for twenty years. Accompanying him is his personal secretary, Ambrose Ames. Despite it being purely a vacation to get some rest and relaxation, the leading citizens of the town welcome him back with some official gatherings. Mayor Jonas Tompkins, who never liked Bluford, holds no grudges against him and too welcomes him with open arms. Although Bluford had no intention of making the news public, the townsfolk learn that he has indeed come back to do business, specifically develop a summer resort in Glenwood to rival that of the best summer resorts worldwide.
New Faces of 1937
A crooked producer makes money from Broadway flops by selling more than 100% interest to multiple parties. He only fails if it makes a profit.
Make Way for a Lady
An imaginative teenager decides to play matchmaker for her widowed father. Director David Burton's 1936 comedy stars Herbert Marshall, Anne Shirley, Gertrude Michael, Margot Grahame, Clara Blandick, Frank Coghlan Jr., Willie Best and Maxine Jennings.
Two in the Dark
Ford Adams regains consciousness in Boston, bloody and suffering from amnesia. Information he eventually uncovers (with the help of Marie Smith) connects him to a well-known producer--who's just been murdered.
To Beat the Band
An eccentric heir must marry a widow in order to collect the millions left to him in his aunt's will, so a suicidal neighbor agrees to marry the man's young fiancée before offing himself.
Old Man Rhythm
Romantic rivalries between father and son enrolled at the same college.
Hooray for Love
A wealthy young man falls hard for a beautiful showgirl, and her wily father quickly realizes the naïve boy would make the perfect investor for his daughter's new show. Comedy with music.
A Dog of Flanders
Adaptation of Ouida's sentimental classic about a poor Flemish boy (Frankie Thomas) whose ambition is to become a painter.
Gridiron Flash
A college football team recruits a tough convict.
La venus de oro
Dorothy Hunter (Miriam Hopkins), una joven millonaria, se hace pasar por su secretaria Sylvia (Fay Wray), antes de embarcarse en un romance con Tony Travers (Joel McCrea). La razón es que Dorothy aspira a que la quieran por sí misma y no por su dinero
We're Rich Again
La boda de su hija aporta muchas sorpresas, incluidos un cobrador de recibos muy decidido, un negocio fallido, una novia en fuga y dinero caído del cielo
Strictly Dynamite
A failed poet ends up becoming a gag writer for a bombastic comedian.
Sing and Like it
Un gángster se enamora de una cantante del tres al cuarto y trata de obligar a un productor a montarle un espectáculo.
Leon trades in his old car for an expensive new car, which promptly begins to fall apart.
On Your Guard
An ex-con makes for a backwoods town intending to rob the bank, and becomes involved in protecting three orphans from land swindlers instead.
Flaming Gold
Two friends working a jungle oil field clash when one marries a lady of the evening.
Speed Madness
More mile-a-minute action with the stunt ace Richard Talmadge playing the loafer son of a shipbuilder facing financial ruin. Bob Stuart takes charge of the company's development of a new speedboat - unaware that gangsters and saboteurs want to thwart them and won't stop at murder. Filled with gymnastic action-packed fights, Speed Madness is "a knockout for fans who cheer the hero and hiss the villain.
Get That Girl
A young girl, who is about to receive a large inheritance, is abducted to an isolated sanitarium where a crazed doctor is performing strange experiments.
A film by George Crone
What a Man
Wade Rawlings, a former Captain in the Gold Stream Guards, has lost his fortune and has become a wanderer in the United States. He is hired as the Kilbourne-family chauffeur after Mrs. Kilbourne, whose hobby is reforming tramps, takes note of his skill as an auto-mechanic. The rest of the family objects strongly, especially 22-year-old Eileen who takes an immediate dislike to him, but Mr. Kilbourne allows him to stay on. Shortly afterward, Mr. Kilbourne is surprised to learn that Eileen has eloped and he has a new son-in-law, and even more surprised to learn this his son-in-law is the family chauffeur.
Thus is Life
A British ex-Grenadier Guards officer moves to America, but struggles to find work. After he is employed as a chauffeur to a wealthy family, he falls in love with his employer's daughter.
Blaze o' Glory
On trial for the murder of Carl Hummel, Eddie Williams tells his story, which begins just before the World War
The Floating College
College Life - Love - and the big things of life under the light-heartedness of youth.
Let It Rain
Let-It-Rain Riley (MacLean) is a devil-may-care Marine sergeant who falls in love with a girl (Shirley Mason) who he assumes to be rich. His rival for the girl's affection is his pal, Kelly (Wade Boteler). The guys find out that the object of their affections is but a modest switchboard operator but she proves to be invaluable when she deciphers a code and discovers that a mail train is about to be robbed.
Let It Rain
Let-It-Rain Riley (MacLean) is a devil-may-care Marine sergeant who falls in love with a girl (Shirley Mason) who he assumes to be rich. His rival for the girl's affection is his pal, Kelly (Wade Boteler). The guys find out that the object of their affections is but a modest switchboard operator but she proves to be invaluable when she deciphers a code and discovers that a mail train is about to be robbed.
That's My Baby
On the eve of his wedding, businessman Alan Boyd gets a telegram notifying him that his "bride" has fallen in love with another man and eloped with him. Announcing that he is through with women, an hour he meets pretty Helen Raynor, who takes to him (and is also his business rival's daughter). Helen's mother, though, doesn't take to Alan at all. In addition, Schuyler Van Loon, who is also after Helen, comes up with a scheme to embarrass Alan in Helen's eyes and ruin his reputation in the bargain--he comes up with a "baby" he claims is Alan's illegitimate son.