Nao Nekota


(segment "Merde")
Tokio es una antología de tres cortometrajes de los directores Michel Gondry (Francia), Leos Carax (Francia) y Joon-ho Bong (Corea), cada uno de los cuales ofrece una visión imaginativa y transnacional / sobrenatural de la Megapolis de Tokio.
The Foreign Duck, the Native Duck and God in a Coin Locker
A university student finds himself wrapped up in the bizarre world of his next door neighbor, learning about his history and relationship with a girl who changed his life.
One Piece!
Made under the restrictions of "no zoom, pan, editing or post-sound", directors Shinobu Yaguchi and Takuji Suzuki skewer Japanese social conventions in 14 short episodes. In one segment a woman misreads an advertisement and arrives at a job interview dressed in a bunny suit. Another concerns a woman who hides to surprise her friends only to overhear their unkind appraisal of her hygiene. And another entitled "Grandpa from Hell" is a surreal yarn about a cult leader. Ranging from the humorous to the deeply bizarre, the film's static, minimalistic style makes such "Dogme 95" films as The Celebration (1998) look extravagant.