Andrey Astrakhantsev

Andrey Astrakhantsev

Nacimiento : 1967-12-11, USSR


Andrey Astrakhantsev


The Nerd and the Supergirl
A shy guy, due to problems in communicating with girls, invents an android robot and goes with him to a reunion.
Gogol. A Terrible Vengeance
Gogol's father
Soon after Gogol's death, Binh names him guilty for the deaths of the Cossacks and the young women at the hands of the Dark Horseman, since he was the one who ordered them to be hidden in the barn. Bomgart is unable to perform a post-mortem analysis on the Gogol's body, while Vakula's daughter Vasilina (who secretly has magic abilities) proclaims denial about Gogol's demise.
Gogol. Viy
Gogol's father
A mysterious Dark Horseman slays young girls near the village of Dikanka, and he has already butchered 11 ladies. Nikolai Gogol, a scribe from Saint Petersburg has to take charge of the investigation, but the closer he gets to solving the case, the more fits he has, causing macabre visions. When he learns the next victim is his beloved, Liza, he doubts that he can protect her and resist the murderer. Fortunately, he meets somebody who can help him: Khoma Brut, the witch hunter, martial artist and philosopher. Together they spend three dreadful nights in an old chapel reading the funeral service for Ulyana, the witch, and calling upon the ghastly evil spirit Viy.
Won’t Come Back
Andrey Lyutsius
Una mujer joven que creció en el orfanato tiene muchas ganas de ser amado, pero no tiene el amor de los demás. En tal situación es falsamente acusada de cometer un crimen y se esconde en un orfanato sin despertar ninguna sospecha. Allí, conoce a una persona sin hogar de 13 años de edad como ella misma, Kristina, y juntas parten a un viaje largo a un pequeño pueblo en Kazajstán, donde vive la abuela de Kristina...
Miniserie de televisión sobre la vida del famoso monje ruso Grigori Rasputín (Gérard Depardieu), que llegó a ejercer una enorme influencia sobre la familia Romanov, especialmente sobre la zarina Alejandra (Fanny Ardant).
Butterfly Kiss
Potseluy babochki (Russian: Поцелуй бабочки, meaning Butterfly Kiss) is a 2006 Russian film directed by Anton Sivers. The world premiere of the film was held July 21, 2006. He (Nikolai Orlanov) is the genius of industrial espionage. She (Li) is a Chinese. She has nothing, she does not even have a name. They love each other madly, but they belong to the system. Go away from the system can only be to the madhouse, or to the grave.