Original Music Composer
The two drivers Giovanni and Gaetano are friends. Gaetano, bold and ruthless, thrives in the black market, while Giovanni, who is a naive and fundamentally honest worker from the North of Italy, cannot get any profit and his wife, an energetic and talkative Roman woman, can't help blaming him for his poor business skills. Returning from a trip to Naples, he brings home a little hungry orphan, Nello. At first Giovanni's wife doesn't want the boy, but then she begins to like him. The little boy does whatever he can to help the family. Nello's father, who everybody thought to have died during the war, finds his little son and, being a rich business man, he employs the good and generous Giovanni. Meanwhile the former friend Gaetano is caught by the police and convicted for his illegal trades.
Original Music Composer
En la Roma de 1800, la cantante de ópera Floria Tosca se enamora del pintor Cavaradossi. Cuando el artista es arrestado por ayudar al hermano de Floria, un líder de la resistencia, a escapar del policía Scarpia, Tosca deberá entregarse al agente a cambio de la libertad de su amado.
A famous American director is looking for a special type of girl he needs to play in his next film.
Original Music Composer
In his first feature, great Italian clown Totò plays a carefree tramp moving from job to job, in order to provide for himself and his young Shirley Temple-like protégée.
There were very few commercial feature films made during the Italian fascist era that were as openly propagandistic as this famous (notorious?) dramatic paean to the Blackshirts. The story takes place in a small village in Italy in October of 1922, on the eve of the fascist "March on Rome", in which King Victor Emanuel III was persuaded to consign power to Benito Mussolini. Gianfranco Giachetti is Dr. Cardini, a doctor at the local psychiatric hospital, where a strike has been called by the local socialists. Cardini turns to the fascists to help avert the strike. His son Roberto (Mino Doro) rounds up fascist friends to fight those aligned with the strikers and the town's socialists.