The vastness of our planets oceans guards unimaginable secrets. One of its most precious is Kaluokahina, the enchanted reef whose magic protects it against humans finding it. Kaluokahinas colorful inhabitants have thus always lived in peace... until the volcano erupts, and the spell is broken.
Emil es un niño que viaja a Berlín para visitar a su abuela, pero en el tren un hombre le roba el dinero mientras Emil duerme. Cuando despierta, ve al tipo alejarse entre la gente de la estación, y en la capital alemana, Emil contará con la ayuda de unos detectives para dar con el ladrón.
After living in a psychiatric hospital for many years, Winkler knows how to play by the rules. His behavior is perfectly adapted to the daily routine of occupational therapy, medication and boredom. Unlike his rebellious roommate Jan who was just committed to the hospital, Winkler has known for a long time that only the most inconspicuous patients eventually get a chance to be released. As Winkler’s annual evaluation draws near, all signs points to his imminent release. His doctor, as well as his friends in the ward, encourage him to prepare for his new freedom, but Winkler becomes increasingly aware that little awaits him in the outside world.