Kate Percival


Un puñado de polvo
Miss Ripon
Tras siete años de matrimonio, Brenda, hastiada de su vida en la mansión Hetton, que es el orgullo y la alegría de su marido, entabla relación con un solicitado joven londinense. Lo que empezó siendo una simple vía de escape, está a punto de derrumbar los pilares de su tradicional modo de vida. Adaptación de "A Handful of Dust", de Evelyn Waugh, un retrato de la alta sociedad inglesa del periodo de entreguerras que muestra el carácter artificioso y frío de unas relaciones sociales no exentas de cinismo y crueldad.
Careless Talk
A BAFTA award winning drama, set on the Isle of Man, looking at the policy of mass internment of all people of enemy nationality by the British government during World War II.
Forever Young
A lonely young boy idolizes his local priest. An old acquaintance of the priest shows up one day, and the boy learns that his idol isn't exactly what he seems to be--it turns out that many years before, the priest had betrayed his friend, and now his friend has come back for revenge.
Soft Targets
A Russian in London finds himself targeted by British Intelligence.