Sound Effects Editor
Qing Cheng es una pobre niña huérfana que roba comida y vestido a los muertos para poder sobrevivir; pero un día, mientras huye de un niño a quien le ha robado, se encuentra con una Diosa y ella le hace una tentadora propuesta: la convertirá en una hermosa princesa que tendrá todo tipo de riquezas y no volverá a pasar hambre, pero, a cambio, ella jamás podrá encontrar el amor verdadero, pues, cualquier hombre que ella ame terminará sus días de manera trágica. Qing Cheng no se lo piensa demasiado y acepta el trato, pero, conforme los años pasan, ella se arrepiente de la decisión que tomó, pues, tal como lo sentenció la Diosa, todos los hombres que ella ama, terminan sufriendo desdichas.
Dialogue Editor
A story of romance and humour set in Australia's far North East. Former journalist Tom Stopple escapes Brisbane and heads north to find himself immersed in a world of immense beauty, bounty hunting and a three-way fight for the girl of his dreams.
Dialogue Editor
Margaret O'Halloran sets out to discover whether a dog killed her friend and mentor, Harry Bowman. To do this, O'Halloran must delve into the dark secrets of her home town and what she finds not only turns her world upside down, it could cost her life.
Dialogue Editor
Margaret O'Halloran is a dog trainer with a unique talent and a nose for a mystery. Now an old lady has been savaged to death, her faithful dog is the prime suspect. But Margaret smells a murderer of the two legged variety.
Foley Editor
En la granja Hogget vive toda clase de animales. Cada animal atiene un trabajo que sabe como hacer y cada uno intenta hacerlo bien, porque sabe cual es su sitio. A la granja llega Babe, un cerdito que el granjero ha ganado en un concurso. Hogget siente que hay algo especial en Babe y decide enseñarle el oficio de perro pastor y de esta forma tan peculiar, Babe evita ser la cena de Navidad.
Assistant Sound Editor
Peter Hehir plays full-time loser Sid McCall, professional vagrant and alcoholic on the skids. Haydon Samuels is his young son Christopher who lives with him. At the insistence of those who seek to help, child welfare workers are called-in to retrieve the lad from what authorities classify as "inappropriate living conditions." Someone seems to have overlooked the fact that Christopher does not consider his plight as distressing however and with each visit to the home, all the social workers can get in the way of co-operation, is Christopher's stock-standard reply to their questions..."I live with me dad!"