Diego Ortiz Costa
Since Ben has been living apart from his ex-wife Mira and his children, his life has fallen apart. But unexpectedly, he gets a second chance: when Mira, pregnant to the teeth, has to be hospitalized, his children live with him again. This time, everything will be fine - he thinks! But his son Oskar brings a small problem: he wears a dress that he doesn't want to take off.
A friendship is tested when two young men leave their German hometown for a freer life in majestic Barcelona, where fate and choices threaten their once unbreakable bond.
3 friends merge their paths on a cloudy day in Berlin. As they walk along the sunset each one will turn a page on their life. Some will be left behind, others will fly away but only one will stay keeping Berlin still possible for all. —Juan Carlos Lo Sasso
3 friends merge their paths on a cloudy day in Berlin. As they walk along the sunset each one will turn a page on their life. Some will be left behind, others will fly away but only one will stay keeping Berlin still possible for all. —Juan Carlos Lo Sasso
3 friends merge their paths on a cloudy day in Berlin. As they walk along the sunset each one will turn a page on their life. Some will be left behind, others will fly away but only one will stay keeping Berlin still possible for all. —Juan Carlos Lo Sasso
3 friends merge their paths on a cloudy day in Berlin. As they walk along the sunset each one will turn a page on their life. Some will be left behind, others will fly away but only one will stay keeping Berlin still possible for all. —Juan Carlos Lo Sasso
A naïve New Yorker retreats to his dead Grandfather's summer cottage, a datsche in Germany, but instead of peace he finds Adam, a refugee in hiding.
Tom es un joven solitario, durante un ladrón con su mejor amigo: Rachid, se enamora de Lars, un joven profesor de historia que vive en el apartamento. Tom comienza a observar a Lars en secreto, y lo persigue sin revelar su existencia ni sus sentimientos por él. Al mismo tiempo, Tom está desarrollando una segunda obsesión con un motociclista, que se reúne una y otra vez. Cada vez más Tom se pierde en un laberinto de pasiones. Cuando Lars lo descubre, el perseguidor se convierte en perseguido por un momento, pero luego las cosas vuelven a tomar otra dirección ...
En la semana de Pascuas, tres amigos llegan al pequeño pueblo de Betania, lugar sometido futbolísticamente al poderío de Pilatos, el comisario y arquero local. Luego de una trifulca con las fuerzas policiales, los muchachos son apresados y obligados a aceptar el duelo futbolístico propuesto por Pilatos para recuperar su libertad. Todo parece perdido, pero la repentina aparición de un misterioso jugador llamado Jesús, torcerá el trámite del partido y el destino de Betania para siempre.