Antonello Fassari

Antonello Fassari

Nacimiento : 1952-10-04, Roma, Italy


​Figlio di Osvaldo Fassari e di Adriana Gambardella, si è diplomato all'Accademia Nazionale d'Arte Drammatica Silvio D'Amico di Roma nel 1975. Parallelamente alla sua attività teatrale ha affiancato quella televisiva e radiofonica con partecipazioni a sceneggiati e varietà tra cui: Avanzi, Anni '50, Al di là delle frontiere e I Cesaroni. Nel 1984 incide una canzone rap dal titolo "Romadinotte", di cui scrive il testo, con base elaborata da Lele Marchitelli, Danilo Rea e Pasquale Minieri. Per la radiolavora allo sceneggiato I tre moschettieri. Nel 1992 si è sposato con Maria Fano e ha avuto una figlia di nome Flaminia, nata nel 1988. Nel luglio 2004 ha messo in scena e interpretato La ricotta diPier Paolo Pasolini al festival di Todi. Si è cimentato anche come regista cinematografico con il filmIl segreto del giaguaro (2000), interpretato da Er Piotta. Nel 2005 ha interpretato nel film Romanzo criminale il personaggio di Ciro Buffoni.


Antonello Fassari


Pooh - Un attimo ancora
Tell It Like a Woman
Priest #1
Tell It Like A Woman comprises of seven segments that are directed by female directors from different parts of the world and shot in Italy, India, Japan, and the U.S. Each segment is an inspirational and empowering story about women, by women, for everyone.
I cassamortari
dottor Antonucci
In Rome, the Cassamortari are people who work in the funeral business. The Pasti family's agency was founded by Giuseppe, who is willing to do anything to turn a corpse into money, preferably in black.
Burraco fatale
uomo maturo
Irma (Claudia Gerini), Eugenia (Angela Finocchiaro), Miranda (Caterina Guzzanti) and Rina (Paola Minaccioni) are four different women, each with their own character, their own weaknesses and their own eccentricities, but linked by a deep and lasting knowledge over time, united and marked by their essential card games. When they decide to participate in a national buraco tournament and get out of their everyday life, they will suddenly find themselves with their cards exposed. Life always offers a second chance and love can go back to upsetting at any age. After all, it is the game of burraco that has taught him that a game must be played completely, to the end, and that no result is ever taken for granted.
Appena un minuto
L'agenzia dei bugiardi
Fred is the head of an agency that creates alibi for cheating people until Clio, daughter of one his client, falls in love with him.
All You Need is Crime
Suocero di Giuseppe
In the present day, three friends to make ends meet invent a "criminal tour" for the places which were scenes of the Banda della Magliana criminal acts, even with vintage clothes. Suddenly they are catapulted in the 1982, during the Spain World Cup, facing the real Banda della Magliana, which at that time had the control over illegal bets.
L'amore rubato
The stories of five women very different from each other, yet linked by morbid and violent love experiences, are intertwined in a drama inspired by the collection of short stories by Dacia Maraini published in 2012 by the same title of the film, "Love Stolen ".
Istruttore di scuola guida
Padre di Sebastiano
Una Roma repleta de políticos, malhechores, figuras de las instituciones, eclesiásticos y mafiosos que, en lugar de verse perjudicados por los escándalos de corrupción, aumentan de manera exponencial: “una gangster movie que refleja el final de una era, de un mundo político y un mundo criminal que se está convirtiendo en otra cosa, aún no sabemos bien en qué, y que, por tanto, se agita dejando a su paso restos de sangre a la espera de una especie de nuevo orden”, lo define el director. Un gran proyecto inmobiliario que inundará de cemento la periferia de la ciudad sirve de trasfondo para relatar la historia de un político y el hijo de un constructor sin escrúpulos.
La mossa del pinguino
Two temp workers, a pensioner and an old bully discover the sport of curling by chance and, convinced of their potential, plan to compete at the 2006 Winter Olympics in Turin.
Summer Is Ending
A group of eight university friends spend a late summer weekend at the seaside, at the villa of one of them on the Roman coast, before embarking on a new academic year of exams and lessons. The boys spend their time having fun, sunbathing and going to the beach, until one of the components happens an accident that turns their holiday into a nightmare.
Box Office 3D - Il film dei film
An Italian parody of the biggest U.S. blockbusters such as "Gladiator, " "Harry Potter", "Fast and Furious" and "The Da Vinci Code".
The marriage of an actor and a freelance film editor breaks up unexpectedly in front of two filmmakers' camera.
Le ragioni dell'aragosta
Political Target
The return of the Red Brigade in Italy, after 11 years of silence from this terrorist organization, was a traumatic event for the entire country. Especially for the families of the victims killed: professors D'Antona and Biagi, and subsequently the police superintendent Petri.
The Goodbye Kiss
Sergio Cosimato
Leftist radical-turned-terrorist Giorgio—who fled to Latin America in the '70s to escape justice—decides to surrender after hearing about the fall of the Berlin Wall. Determined to lead a comfortable, bourgeois life in his native Italy, he cuts a deal with a shady police chief, getting his sentence reduced in exchange for ratting out former comrades. Once released, Giorgio obsessively pursues his dream of becoming a "respectable" citizen, even if the way is paved with larceny, pimping, drug-dealing, rape, heist, and murder...
Romanzo criminale
Ciro Buffoni
Roma, años 80. Tres jóvenes delincuentes, Libanés, Frío y Dandy, con la ayuda de una improvisada banda de malhechores, entre ellos El Negro, un extremista que se cree el último samurai, secuestran y asesinan brutalmente a un rico propietario. El dinero del rescate deciden invertirlo en el negocio de la heroína. Así nace una organización criminal despiadada que elimina a todos sus rivales, controla completamente el tráfico de drogas y se alía con la Mafia. Al mismo tiempo se beneficia de la protección de los hombres sin rostro a los que el gobierno asigna el trabajo sucio. Mientras tanto, las autoridades están enfrascadas en la lucha contra el terrorismo de las Brigadas Rojas y subestiman la avalancha de violencia y dinero sucio que inunda y domina Roma.
Mitraglia e il verme
Mitraglia e il verme
L'amore ritorna
Después de caer gravemente enfermo, un conocido actor se cuestiona su vida y sus relaciones.
Gente de Roma
Rome 2003, the camera follows citizens of Rome. Night, in a flat, a woman prepares her husband's lunch. The man takes a bus, but the camera follow another bus ... a woman cleans the mayor's office... A man interviews passengers on a bus about immigration...... the owner of a bar is racist person... a survivor woman of Holocaust remembers the Ghetto deportation... deportation that is filmed by a director... Stefania Sandrelli plays with her grand daughter in a park a man tries to seduce the bus night life... sunrise at Piazza Navona, a noble man and a tramp are sitting together. - - - Gente di Roma is a 2003 Italian comedy mockumentary film directed by Ettore Scola. It is close to Federico Fellini's Roma. The film is dedicated to Alberto Sordi, who Scola wanted to close the film, as a noble man, but he could not film him because he died. Scola's daughters helped to co-write the script. (From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia)
And now sex
Padre di Barbara
Eight episodes vaguely inspired to real events. The "fil rouge" is the relationship between the Italians and sex in the first years of 2000s. From prostitution to virtual sex all the categories are represented in a funny way that anyway tries to investigate this kind of reality.
La vita cambia
Commissario Paglia
Il segreto del giaguaro
Il segreto del giaguaro
Il segreto del giaguaro
R.D.F. Rumori di fondo
Aldo Fabrizi
Narra el sufrido rodaje de "Roma, città aperta", la obra maestra de Roberto Rossellini filmada en 1946. (FILMAFFINITY)
Bruno aspetta in macchina
Mario Nardone
A group of Italian tourists on a Caribbean holiday finds itself stranded on a deserted island after a plane crash.
Who Killed Pasolini?
Rocco Mangia
1975: poet, intellectual, and filmmaker Pier Paolo Pasolini is bludgeoned to death and run over with his own car in the outskirts of Rome. Charged with murder, 17-year-old hustler Pino Pelosi pleads self-defense -- after all, Pasolini was a well-known pederast. However, many inconsistencies start to undermine his version of events, pointing to him not having acted alone or even being assaulted in the first place. Was Pasolini also murdered for another reason?
Figlio di Azzaro
Sognando la California
Giovanni Sbariggia
Non chiamarmi Omar
Un'altra vita
Saverio, a dentist, comes out as naive as usual while he falls in love with Alia, a Russian immigrant he met in Rome. He must now deal with issues a guy like him would never have thought to come across.
El conde Max
Christian de Sica interpreta el papel que hizo su padre en 1937 en "Bajo aristocrático disfraz" y Alberto Sordi en 1957 en "El conde Max", el de Max, un romano de a pie fascinado con la clase alta, que confundido por un aristócrata, se hace pasar por enamorado del status y sobre todo, de una mujer.
The Invisible Wall
June 27, 1980, an Italian DC 9 flying from Bologna to Palermo falls in the sea close to the Ustica island. 81 people die. The official version is "structure failure" of the airplane, but a number of clues lead the journalist Rocco Ferrante toward a different truth. Thanks to his perseverance against the invisible wall erected by air force officers, politicians, judges, secret agents, we come to know that, with all probability, the DC 9 has been mistakenly shot by a missile during a sort of air fight among U.S., French and Libyan top guns.
Dark Illness
Giuseppe Marchi, un escritor, abandona a la viuda con la que tenía una relación y se casa con una chica mucho más joven que él, a la que ha dejado embarazada. Se siente insatisfecho profesionalmente, sufre dolores y hace que le operen una úlcera y una apendicitis inexistentes, hasta que un psiquiatra le hace comprender que todo obedece a los problemas no resueltos con su difunto padre, un despótico oficial de carabineros.
Rubias de frasco
La película retrata la Italia de los nuevos ricos... La Italia donde una vez la belleza fue de color moreno y pelo negro, y que ahora está invadida por las falsas rubias... En todos los sitios, salones, restaurantes, barcos, playas están llenos de falsas rubias y nos muestran su pseudo-cultura. Tratan desesperadamente de ser lo que no son y sus maneras ridículas y sus actitudes afectadas sólo muestran su enorme vulgaridad. Esta es la Italia de la segunda casa, de los teléfonos en el coche, de los fines de semana, de las criadas filipinas, de los nombres rimbombantes, incluso para perros falderos. Esta es la Italia en que ahora la cultura se aprende en las peluquerías... en resumen, esta película es un feroz retrato de la Italia que está perdiendo su ancestral cultura.
Italian erotic thriller television series that originally aired on Italia 1 from September 29 to December 22, 1989. It is based on the Valentina comics series by Italian artist Guido Crepax. The series follows a Milanese fashion photographer, Valentina Rosselli, and her supernatural encounters and investigations.
An Ancient Mayan curse is awakened in the ancient temples in Mexico, and people are killed in strange and gory ways by an invisible force.
My House My House...
Di Pietro, capo antisfratto
Bartoloni from Milan exchanges apartments with his colleague from Rome and moves toa new place. And everything could be good, if not unexpected trouble with which he will have to face ..
Montecarlo Gran Casinò
L'estate sta finendo
15-year-old Giuliana doesn't want to spend the summer with her rich mother, so—without a word—she leaves with Romeo, the son of the janitor of her building, embarking on a backpacking trip through Italy. Her divorced father is worried and decides to go in search of his daughter.
Italian Postcards
Lidia (Christiana Borghi) passes herself off as a stage actress to interview international star Silvana (Genevieve Page) for her writer boyfriend (David Brandon). Her first obstacle is the boarding house owner and former stage star Pola Mareschi, who is very protective of her tenant's privacy. Lidia is robbed by a motorcycle gang in the middle of the living room and is caught up in a performance put on by the residents. Lidia soon finds herself wanting to stay with the quirky actors as she becomes a performer in their offbeat antics.
Italian Fast Food
Marcello De Cesari
La chicharra
Tras abandonar su ciudad natal, una chica, conocida como la Chicharra, conoce a Wilma, una antigua cantante, que la introduce en el mundo de la prostitución.
Vado e vengo