Marcel Sabat

Marcel Sabat


Marcel Sabat


Amid alcohol addiction, the mother's sudden return disrupts a chaotic Polish family's routine, leading to a rebellious teen sibling's disappearance, burdening the elder sister and pushing the mother to the brink of surrender.
Gaunt Russian
Armado solamente con una palabra, Tenet, el protagonista deberá luchar por la supervivencia del mundo entero y evitar la Tercera Guerra Mundial, en una historia de espionaje internacional. La misión se desplegará más allá del tiempo real. No son viajes en el tiempo, es inversión.
Los niños de Windermere
Berish Lerner
Tras la II Guerra Mundial, un grupo de niños judíos supervivientes de los campos de exterminio es acogido en una mansión cerca del lago Windermere, con el fin de ayudarlos a superar su traumática experiencia y a reinsertarlos en la sociedad.
Above Us Only Sky
How do you start an investigation into chance? By a late journey. The narrator tells how the eruption of the Icelandic volcano Eyjafjalla stopped the plane he should have taken for Prague in 2010 from taking off. Meditating on the powerful images of the “Earth’s anger”, Kleinjan remembered another flight that never arrived: the aircraft crashed in northern Czechoslovakia in 1972, before reaching Belgrade. Only a Serbian stewardess miraculously survived the crash. She was included in the Guinness Book of Records and got to meet the Beatles, when John Lennon was considered like “Lenin” by the young Czech anti-communists.
The Butler
Kurt von Krauss
The love between Mateusz Krol, a Kashubian boy, and Marita von Krauss, a Prussian aristocrat in whose family home he is taken in when his mother dies, grows and matures thorough the years, while Kashubia, the northern Polish region where they live, suffers the consequences of the tragedies that will ravage Europe from the beginning of the 20th century until the end of the World War II.
Crímenes oscuros
Un detective polaco sospecha de un autor polémico cuando advierte que los incidentes descritos en su novela inédita se asemejan a los detalles no divulgados de un asesinato que permanece sin resolver…
Stones for the Rampart
Tadeusz Zawadzki "Zośka"
Ser derrotado y no ser - una victoria. Este es el lema de que la vida es guiada por tres jóvenes amigos: Alek, Sophy y Rudy. Scouts, graduados de la escuela secundaria en Varsovia a la deriva ambiciosos planes para el futuro rotos hasta septiembre de 1939. Entrar en la edad adulta en tiempos muy dramáticos, lo que les da una opción: sobrevivir a cualquier costo o unirse a la lucha por una patria libre, arriesgándolo todo. Los muchachos criados en hogares patrióticos, moldeados por los ideales del escultismo, deciden luchar. Se convierten en soldados, y aunque cada rasguño con la muerte, pueden vivir una vida plena.
Sophie Seeks 7
After breaking up with her cheating boyfriend, a 30-year-old woman reconnects with six of her exes while trying to find the love of her life.
The Ghosts in Our Machine
Through the heart and photographic lens of international photographer Jo-Anne McArthur, 
we become intimately familiar with a cast of non-human animals. The film follows Jo-Anne over the course of a year as she photographs several animal stories in parts of Canada, 
the U.S. and in Europe. Each story is a window into global animal industries: 
Food, Fashion, Entertainment and Research.
siatkarz, kolega Michała
Michael y Karina, dos estudiantes polacos, se enamoran en un verano en España. Todo parece inocente en este tórrido romance, pero ambos esconden secretos que ensombrecerán su amor cuando vuelvan de regreso a Polonia.
Wieczór kawalerski
Maks, the Witness and the Groom decide to organize an epic party to say goodbye to the "freedom" of one of them. They are accompanied by three attractive women who receive a considerable amount of money for their participation in the implementation of the idea. It seems that all the details are buttoned up. Nothing could be more wrong.