Kamil Szeptycki

Kamil Szeptycki

Nacimiento : 1991-01-27, immenstadt, Bavaria, Germany


Kamil Szeptycki


These Damn Peonies
Rita is twenty-four years old and has never had an orgasm. All she remembers from her first sexual experience is disappointment and a kitschy painting of peonies hanging on the wall before an old sofa creaking beneath her.
Día de la Madre
Brick agent
Nina, una secreta ex agente de operaciones especiales de la OTAN, debe usar todas sus habilidades letales para salvar a su hijo que ha sido secuestrado por gángsters despiadados. Encontrar a Max es una doble oportunidad para ella. Una oportunidad para una nueva sensación de adrenalina y la posibilidad de volver a la vida para su hijo, a quien debió haber tenido más.
Porady na zdrady 2
Don't Talk to Me Like That
Tina and Julian are musically talented siblings. They are preparing for a concert that is supposed to change their lives. However, fear, addiction, and conflicts that should have been resolved a long time ago, stand in the way of their success.
Desfile de corazones
Una mujer que le tiene miedo a los perros viaja a Cracovia para salvar su trabajo. Allí conoce a un encantador viudo, a su hijo... y a su mejor amigo de cuatro patas.
El campeón de Auschwitz
El filme narra a modo de 'biopic' la historia del campeón de boxeo del periodo de entreguerras Tadeusz 'Teddy' Pietrzykowski. De aspirar a convertirse en leyenda, acabó en 1940 llegando transportado en el primer transporte de prisioneros al campo de concentración de Auschwitz, que acababa de instalarse.
Black Sheep
Magda and Arek create a harmonious marriage with 25 years of experience, caring for their sick grandfather. They live with their son, Tomek, who is in a long-term relationship with his girlfriend Asia. Seemingly everything is fine - typical family. And yet - Magda, a teacher in a Catholic high school, hides the fact that she prefers women, Arek has not been able to find a job for a long time, and Tomek - a popular YouTuber, is mainly driven by his interests. The embarrassment begins when Magda, tired of living in hiding, decides to follow her heart, setting off an avalanche of new events. Asia breaks up with Tomek, grandpa disappears, and Arek has a problem with re-gluing reality. When crises, conflicts and desires, which have been suppressed for years, finally explode, everyone begins to live on their own. Or at least he thinks so - Will each of the heroes find their own way to be happy?
A dead boy is found in Warsaw-on-Sea. Police Superintendent Delman arrives at the scene of the crime and quickly realises that he knew the victim and that the boy’s secret is also his. His investigations lead him to the seaside district of Noamia.
Kazimierz Sosnkowski
The year 1901, a psychiatric hospital in the Russian partition. One of the patients is a political prisoner - Józef Pilsudski (Borys Szyc). The Polish underground independence movement is preparing their mission to rescue the famous activist. Pilsudski is freed, but he will not get back his idyll family life that he once knew. Uncertain years are coming, marked by revolutionary events, violence and betrayal. Pilsudski must find a way to man oeuvre on the boggy ground - between the conservative passivity of the Polish Socialist Party and the aggression against the invaders, resulting in retaliation. The year 1914 is coming, and the chance for restoring an independent country, independent Poland, is now or never.
Stones for the Rampart
Maciej Aleksy Dawidowski "Alek"
Ser derrotado y no ser - una victoria. Este es el lema de que la vida es guiada por tres jóvenes amigos: Alek, Sophy y Rudy. Scouts, graduados de la escuela secundaria en Varsovia a la deriva ambiciosos planes para el futuro rotos hasta septiembre de 1939. Entrar en la edad adulta en tiempos muy dramáticos, lo que les da una opción: sobrevivir a cualquier costo o unirse a la lucha por una patria libre, arriesgándolo todo. Los muchachos criados en hogares patrióticos, moldeados por los ideales del escultismo, deciden luchar. Se convierten en soldados, y aunque cada rasguño con la muerte, pueden vivir una vida plena.
Gorzko, gorzko!