Magdalena Koleśnik

Magdalena Koleśnik

Nacimiento : 1990-02-27, Bialystok, Podlaskie, Poland


Magdalena Koleśnik (nacida el 27 de febrero de 1990 en Białystok) - actriz polaca. Ganadora del Festival de Largometrajes de Polonia en Gdynia por el papel protagonista femenino en la película Sweat (2020).


Magdalena Koleśnik
Magdalena Koleśnik
Magdalena Koleśnik
Magdalena Koleśnik


Ukryta sieć
Julita Wójcicka
Miłość na pierwszą stronę
The story of Nina - a modern day Cinderella and Robert - the son of the presidential couple. She is undergoing a transformation in life and is making her first steps in the paparazzi profession. He also wants to live on his own terms and free himself from the spotlight, which may turn out to be more difficult than he thinks. Only fleeting "front page love" or a great feeling for life will spark between the characters?
Other people
Varsovia, Polonia. Kamil, un rapero callejero que dedica su tiempo a ir de fiesta en fiesta, comienza una aventura amorosa con Iwona, una adinerada mujer casada.
Sylwia Zajac
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Mary, just about to turn 50, works in a supermarket and her life isn't all that exciting. Then, one day, plagued by the annoying symptoms of her menopause, she overdoses on the hormon patches her doctor prescribed to her and when her vibrant and free-spirited niece Helena decides to crash at her house, Mary’s senses and imagination suddenly come alive. Now the two women are not only forced to redefine their relationship - in order to break free once and for all, Mary has to be ready to finally lose her virginity.
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Playing Hard
Żona Prezesa
Stories of three women struggling with alcohol. Dorota is a great prosecutor. Using her immunity, she tries to avoid responsibility for her offenses committed under the influence of alcohol. Her husband, a famous politician, helps her keep the problem secret and rescues her from many troubles but he slowly loses patience. A respected children surgeon Teresa has lost her family due to drinking problem, all she is left with is her job at the hospital where she is the main doctor. The situation goes out of control when the woman comes drunk to the hospital. A student, Magda, likes to party hard and because she is a good student and has a great job, no-one opposes that. At one moment, the girl loses control. A tragedy happens.
Stones for the Rampart
Monia, dziewczyna "Rudego"
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