In October 1941 the Nazis decide to crush a rebellion in Serbia by mass shootings of civilians. In the city of Kragujevac thousands of people, including entire high school classes, were rounded up and shot in one day. The movie follows the fate of one of such classes.
Emilova kći
En un pueblo del interior, donde la tierra es pobre y casi nadie tiene trabajo, un parado concibe la idea de construir una carretera que una el pueblo con la ciudad. Se pone a trabajar él solo, con su familia, sin permisos ni haber hablado con nadie. Pronto, el resto del pueblo se les unirá. No tardarán en llegar los conflictos, los problemas, pero también los amores y otras buenas noticias...
Celebrating the end of World War II and liberation of their city, a group of students is set on holding a cultural evening. They invite Ema, a reclusive piano teacher from the same building, to play for them. Ema declines, but starts reminscing back on her own life and the historical events that have seemingly overshadowed it.