Françoise Guégan

Françoise Guégan


Françoise Guégan


Los chicos del coro
Costume Design
En 1948 Clément Mathieu, profesor de música desempleado, acepta un puesto como profesor vigilante en un internado de reeducación de menores. El sistema represivo aplicado por el director conmociona a Mathieu. Enseñándoles música y canto coral a estos niños tan difíciles, Mathieu transformará sus vidas cotidianas.
Night Taxi
Costume Design
It is only a few years into the future, but the face of France has changed drastically, due to its takeover by a moralistic, hypocritical and totalitarian regime. Women with children who want to divorce their husbands are not allowed to do so, all political parties have been outlawed, smoking is illegal and everyone must work. After a spat with her boyfriend, Carole (Laure Marsac) hails a taxi, not realizing that she has done so without any of the money or identification papers she needs. Her driver (Bruno Cremer) attempts to help her, but a variety of mishaps bring her to the attention of the police, who proceed to arrest her on made-up charges and a phoney HIV-positive result on tests given at the time of arrest.
Du côté d'Orouët
Tres chicas francesas disfrutan juntas de los placeres del verano en un pueblo de la costa, pasear a caballo, visitar una granja, pasear en barca, cocinar una anguila, ir al casino...