Adam Blackwood


The Oscar Nominated Short Films 2012: Animation
ShortsHD is once again bringing the wildly popular Oscar nominated short film program (Live Action, Animation, and Documentary) to theaters in the US, Canada, and Europe beginning February 10th. The theatrical release of the Academy Award nominated short films has met with enthusiastic audiences ever since its launch 6 years ago, giving people around the world an opportunity to see the nominated films prior to the Academy Awards ceremony on February 26th.
Wild Life
An English dreamer experiences both the beauty and harshness of nature when he relocates to the Canadian prairie.
Divorcing Jack (I.R.A. y paz)
Young Starkey
1999, Irlanda del Norte. Dan Starkey es un reportero que trabaja en la redacción de un periódico. Su mujer le sorprende en los brazos de una joven, que resulta ser ex novia del líder del IRA. Un día, su amante es asesinada y su mujer secuestrada. La muerte de esta mujer es un misterio que le deparará peligrosas sorpresas. (FILMAFFINITY)
Candle in the Dark: The Story of William Carey
William Carey sailed in 1793 to India with a reluctant wife and four children to bring the message of Jesus. There he encountered so much hardship it is amazing he didn't abandon his mission and go home. But he stayed for over 40 years.
Captain Forbes
Cuando el padre del joven caballero escocés David Balfour muere, él deja la escuela para recoger la herencia de su tío Ebenezer, quien a su vez vende al niño como futuro esclavo a un barco pirata.
La tienda de curiosidades
Dick Swiveller
Miniserie de TV. 9 episodios. Nell Trent es una hermosa joven huérfana que vive con su abuelo en su tienda de antigüedades de Londres. (FILMAFFINITY)
Cause célèbre
Ewan Montagu
When the ailing husband of an adulterous wife is discovered bludgeoned to death and suspicions fall on the older woman's young lover, the newly widowed woman claims that it was she who was solely responsible for the death despite evidence that points to the contrary in this dramatic account of true-life 1935 trial that shocked all of England. Though notable evidence and strong suspicion suggests that the murder may have been of crime of passion perpetrated by the jealous lover only half her age, Alma Rattenbury (Helen Mirren) confesses to the murder of her husband and is soon brought to trial. Despite the fact that Alma is already being deemed guilty by the general public for her adulterous indiscretion alone, her lawyer, star attorney T.J. O'Connor (David Suchet), remains convinced that his client will eventually be cleared of all charges.
Doctor Who: The Mysterious Planet
The Doctor is summoned before the High Council of Time Lords to stand trial for the charges of harmful interference to the course of events during his travels which have threatened the sanctity of the universe. Indignant at these accusations, the Doctor pleads his case to the Inquisitor with the hope that she will see him as a source of hope and goodwill for existence. However, his prosecuting attorney, a sinister Time Lord known simply as the Valeyard, begins a crusade against the Doctor with the motive of framing him as a villainous renegade.
Pasaje a la India
Mr. Hadley
Adaptación de una novela del escritor inglés E.M. Forster. India colonial, años 20. Adela, una joven inglesa, viaja a la India, en compañía de su futura suegra, para contraer matrimonio con un magistrado de Chandrapore. La joven está obsesionada por conocer a fondo la realidad del país y encuentra la oportunidad de satisfacer su deseo gracias al doctor Aziv, un médico hindú. Sin embargo, cuando éste organiza una excursión para mostrarle las cuevas de Marabar, ocurre algo absolutamente impensable.
The Last Term
Devon 1940. The boys of the local public school are alerted after a German parachute drop and as members of the Local Defence Volunteers they prepare to put their youthful enthusiasm for war into practice.