Serge Avédikian

Serge Avédikian

Nacimiento : 1955-12-01, Yerevan, Armenia


Serge Avédikian


Back to Sölöz
Turkey, a village, today. A French filmmaker of Armenian origin returns to his roots. Four times in three decades, the director and actor Serge Avédikian returned to Sölöz, his grandparents' village located 170 km south of Istanbul. Throughout his successive returns from 1987 to 2019, he has drawn from this experience a powerful film on the themes of identity, historical truth and reconciliation.
La travesía
Jon (voice)
Un pequeño pueblo saqueado, una familia obligada a huir. Los dos hijos mayores, Kyona y Adriel, son rápidamente separados de sus padres y afrontan solos el camino del exilio. Se embarcan en un heroico viaje que los lleva de la infancia a la adolescencia en busca de refugio, paz y la esperanza de encontrar cobijo y a su familia. Atravesando un continente desgarrado por la guerra y la persecución a los migrantes, estos valientes hermanos sobreviven a increíbles desafíos.
Lost in Armenia
Lost in Armenia
Una historia de locos
Aram, un jóven de origen armenio explota el coche del embajador de Turquía en París. En ese momento, un ciclista que pasaba por allí fue herido de gravedad. La madre del jóven armenio se siente culpable y siente la necesidad de ir a la habitación del hospital del herido para pedirle perdón, algo que este no entiende. Por otra parte, Aram en contra de la opinión de sus compañeros decide ir a conocer a su víctima.
Unexpected Love
Jeanne Dorwa, 57, faces early retirement when she falls head-over-heels in love with 35-year-old Pascal, throwing her life and everyone around her into turmoil.
Entre vientos y mareas
En Bretaña, un notable recibe dos disparos en la cabeza. Su esposa Josephine es sospechosa. Su esposo acababa de vender parte de su propiedad a dos promotores.
Film director Sergey Paradjanov creates brilliant films. His nonconformist behavior conflicts with Soviet System. He is committed to prison for being eccentric. His indestructible love for beauty allows him to withstand the years of imprisonment, isolation and oblivion.
Film director Sergey Paradjanov creates brilliant films. His nonconformist behavior conflicts with Soviet System. He is committed to prison for being eccentric. His indestructible love for beauty allows him to withstand the years of imprisonment, isolation and oblivion.
Ceux d'en haut
Pollo con ciruelas
Le père d'Irâne
Nasser Ali Khan es un virtuoso del violín que decide dejarse morir después de que su mujer rompa su amado instrumento durante una riña conyugal. Pero los verdaderos motivos de su decisión son mucho más complejos.
Wrong Tense
For seventeen year old Avaz, family is like a sentence. His mom is the subject, his father the verb, and he is the complement. He shows us his family's life through this prism until his father leaves for the hospital.
Pahanjvum e milionater
La isla de los perros
Constantinopla, Imperio otomano, 1910. Hay demasiados perros callejeros en las calles, así que el Gobierno decide deportar a miles de ellos a una isla desierta situada frente a las costas de la ciudad.
Shanghai: The Roaring 20's
Shanghai in the 30s: money rules in this city open to all adventures and whose reputation attracts all the bold adventurers of the world. Albert Londres, one of the most famous journalists of the time, who is in Shanghai in 1924 reports to his newspaper. In 1932, the city is plunged into an armed conflict triggered by Japan, served as a curtain raiser for a new dispensation. Following the lashing rise of Du Yuesheng in Shanghai, the godfather of the Green Gang, we embark on an exploration of the period when bankers and drug traffickers, revolutionaries and nationalists made history. Unpublished Chinese archive materials, private archives, old feature films, period newspapers, police reports, diplomatic correspondence, journalism by Albert Londres and explorations of present-day Shanghai, sketch the portrait of a world that continues to fascinate the West.
El Éjercito del Crimen
Micha Aznavourian
Segunda Guerra Mundial (1939-1945). En París, el poeta obrero Missak Manouchian encabeza un heterogéneo grupo de partisanos (22 hombres y una mujer) que luchan clandestinamente contra la ocupación nazi con la esperanza de recuperar la libertad. La información sobre sus osadas acciones, que incluyen el asesinato de un general de las SS, termina por llegar a Berlín. Siguiendo órdenes de la Gestapo, la policía francesa y los colaboracionistas asediarán a Manouchian y a sus compañeros de la Resistencia. (FILMAFFINITY)
Le bucheron des mots
Narrator (Voice)
Bonded Parallels
"The Armenian film Bonded Parallels tells two intersecting stories: a mother who gives life to a child at the cost of her own and a daughter who repeats a similar love story that once resulted in her own birth. The two ‘bonded parallel’ stories provide a close look at two different societies in entirely different time frames, and in doing that they bring unexpected similarities to the surface. On one side, there is the story of Hanna, who lives in a small village in Norway during World War II, waiting for her husband. Meanwhile, she meets Arakel, a Russian prisoner of war of Armenian origin and gives him asylum, an event that inevitably leads to a love affair. As for daughter Laura, love comes from a disobeying student. Her story takes place during the 1980s, when the demonstrations of Armenians for independence reached their climax." - IFFR
Nous avons bu la même eau
Documentary on the Armenian genocide
Jean-Pierre Durieux
A hard-hitting French drama detailing the intersecting destinies of five characters whose lives cross over the current war in Iraq: three young French Arabs who each for a different reason joins a jihadi group to fight against the Americans; a 40-something French woman running an NGO in Baghdad at the outbreak of the war who gets kidnapped and held by the jihadi insurgents; and a mid-level French diplomat who uncovers the corruption of the UN Oil for Food program while gathering evidence to support the French effort to prevent the war.
Le voyage en Arménie
Al enterarse de que está gravemente enfermo, Barsam decide volver a su tierra natal. Antes de irse a Armenia, le deja a su hija Anna numerosas pistas para que pueda encontrarlo. Anna emprende entonces la clase de viaje que su padre quería que hiciera: un viaje iniciático, una forma de educación sentimental, un regreso a la adolescencia. Anna encontrará a su padre en un pueblo perdido del Cáucaso, sentado bajo un árbol frutal en flor.
Viva Algeria
Monsieur Fares
This movie portrays three women living in today's Algeria between modern society and Islamic fundamentalism, self-determination and dependence. Goucem, a young woman who works for a photographer and mistress of a rich doctor, her mother Papicha, a former cabaret star, and her best friend Fifi, a prostitute, all live in a hotel in the city center of Algiers. Their difficult personal situation and the growing influence of Islam lead to dramatic consequences...
Agentes secretos
Igor Lipovsky
Un agente secreto, viajando a tierras exóticas, cambiando de identidad, encabezando misiones altamente confidenciales... aunque, por debajo de la excitación y el peligro, él trata con una existencia solitaria. Cada misión nueva es un juego más peligroso. "Agentes secretos" nos lleva a un viaje por África y Beirut, a elegantes capitales como París y Ginebra, donde la lujuria, las drogas, redes de contrabando, sofisticados chips de ordenador y asesinatos están a la orden del día. Cuando el poder y el dinero están involucrados ¿En quién se puede confiar?
Les semeurs de peste
In 1630, a plague epidemic ravages the city of Milan. In a climate of suspicion and terror, two men are accused of spreading the disease in the city. Interrogated and tortured, they are forced to expose the story of an imaginary crime. Then, before dying, they invent the story of the Sowers of Plague.
Un parfum nommé Saïd
As Gerard is shooting a documentary in Marrakesh, he turns his camera toward a young Moroccan boy: Saïd. A love story starts and it will bring Gerard all over Morocco. Through encounters, love adventures, youth's memories, Gerard tries to define his destiny so tied to Morocco.
Ligne de vie
Ligne de vie
The King of the Misty Forest
Aram, an ex-soldier from the Armenian cause, has come to France to close an arms deal under secret service surveillance. Held responsible and banished by his faher for his brother's injuries in a terrorist ttack, he's also come to seek revenge for the drama that has marked his family and his life.
Paris, My Little Body Is Very Tired of This Big World
Two women, angry Myope and happy Lunette (both played by Franssou Prenant), bounce ideas off each other in a small apartment, until Lunette fashions a story about Agathe (Cecile Garcia Fogel) and her husband Pierrot (Manuel Cedron), a one-time musician who now teaches gym. While the two love each other, they cannot communicate without quarreling.
Vive la mariée... et la libération du Kurdistan
Kurdish expert Hiner Saleem (Shero) wrote and directed this French comedy-drama, set inside the 100,000-population Kurdish community in Paris. The original French title translates as "Long Live the Bride...and the Liberation of Kurdistan." Cheto (Georges Corraface) seeks a wife via videotapes while still seeing his French girlfriend, immigration office worker Christine (Stephanie Lagarde). Cheto places an order for a beautiful girl, but he's disappointed when her sister, country girl Mina (Marina Kobakhidze), arrives at the airport as a substitute. Family pressure forces him to marry her. Unhappy with the way she's treated by Cheto, Mina acquires some progressive notions from Leila (Schahla Aalam) and other local feminists, leading to confrontations with Cheto.
Clara et son juge
Calvino, the father
Judge Larcher, who has lost his wife and child, leads a quiet and secluded life in retirement; until the day his path crosses that of Clara, a troubled teenager; it doesn't take long for the perceptive Larcher to detect a dark story of incest between the young girl, who has lost her mother, and her father, a bitter widower...
By Then
A child is confronted with the (ever young) old age of the world, its hazards, its cinema and music, shot in seven days in Rome, Fiumicino, Ciampino and Cineccità. What will happen on July 12, 1995, in Rome ? What will become of July 12, 1995, in Rome ?
The hero of the film unexpectedly discovers the ability to be in several places at the same time.
George Sand, une femme libre
This film bears witness to a life that changes... Or how Aurore, a young woman of 26 who is bored in Nohant, with Baron Dudevant, her country husband with the appearance of a gentleman, becomes George Sand.
Fifth Dream
Not a sound, only landscapes, raw sounds... Some births and deaths of bees... Traveling from one to another space, a man looks at them, dreams of them... Sometimes, he remembers his joyful youth. At the end of his travel, he arrives in a colourful market place, but he is alone, isolated in the middle of the organized and cruel society, like the bees.
The Stolen Diary
A young woman in a lesbian relationship keeps a diary that is stolen by a young man who loves her.
Vaksen Papasian
Mientras en Turquía se lleva a cabo el juicio contra Soghomon Tehlirian por el asesinato del ministro del interior Talaat Pacha, el barco en el que viajaba la familia Zakarian, con otros cientos de exiliados, llega a Marsella donde empezarán una nueva vida. Sus tropiezos, sus dificultades para establecerse con dignidad y los ingentes esfuerzos de Hagop Zakarian (Omar Sharif), su esposa Araxi (Claudia Cardinale) y dos comprometidas tías, para sacar adelante al pequeño Azad, es lo que se verá en esta primera parte que termina con "588 Rue Paradis".
Treasure of the Bitch Islands
Le docteur Turc
The world after the atomic age. An engineer disappears, together with his consortium (Kryo'Corp) and his discovery: a new energy source powered by the fusion of two primary substances. Ulysses, Kryo'Corp's heir, organises an expedition to the only place these substances occur.
L'énigme des sables
A team of amateur filmmakers sets off, camera in hand, to the south of Morocco. During their stay, one of the members of the group, Fanette, a vulgar vampire, is murdered. The Moroccan police do not find the culprit, and Paris takes over the case. The inspector in charge of the investigation decides to view all the "works" made on site, in the presence of their author.
Blanche et claire
The Dawn
In a drama in which even God has a role (Philippe Leotard) as well as Michael York, it is certain that serious issues are at stake. Set during the time before the state of Israel was created and established, a British officer has been captured by a band of Jewish resistance fighters with the intent of killing him at dawn. One of the Jews was sentenced to die after being captured by the English, and this death will be in retaliation. The trouble is that a young and ambivalent fighter is left holding the officer captive with orders to shoot him at the pre-arranged time. It is a long night of soul-searching before the Jewish soldier comes up with a solution to his quandary.
La diagonal del loco
La Guerra Fría reflejada en una partida de ajedrez. En la ciudad suiza de Geneva -Ginebra- se un prestigioso campeonato de ajedrez, que enfrenta al gran maestro Pavius Fromm con el actual campeón del mundo Akiva Liebskird. Ambos pertencen al otro lado del "telón de acero", pero mientras que Liebskird es leal al régimen comunista de la Unión Soviética, Fromm es un destacado disidente que vive en el exilio en Occidente.
Rainbow Serpent
Guy Merlin
A reporter enters the world of bodybuilding at a time when there has just been a death at the gym. He befriends an unusually gregarious bodybuilder there.
No Return Possible
"No Return Possible": these three words cross the identity papers of the Armenians who left Turkey after the massacres of 1915.
We Were One Man
Guy Rouveron
Durante los últimos días de la Segunda Guerra Mundial, Guy, un simple campesino francés, rescata a Rolf, un soldado alemán herido, y lo atiende para que se recupere. A medida que su juguetona camaradería crece, los dos jóvenes de bandos enemigos desarrollan un vínculo inimaginable.
The Red Sweater
Christian Ranucci
A film version of author Gilles Perrault's best-selling book about the 1976 trial and execution of Christian Ranucci, the youth who was convicted with extremely inconclusive evidence of murdering an eight-year-old girl in Southern France. The publicity the book and film helped abolish capital punishment in France in 1981.