A full-length documentary that follows the history of Captain America from 1941 to present and explores how “Cap” has been a reflection of the changing times and the world he has existed in throughout the years. Fans will hear from various Marvel luminaries including Stan Lee, Joe Quesada, Clark Gregg, Ming-Na Wen, Chloe Bennet, Jeph Loeb, Louis D’Esposito, Chris Evans and Hayley Attwell, as well as family members of Cap’s creators.
This documentary explores the connections between elite athletes and Marvel superheros such as Spider Man, Black Widow and Captain America.
En la celebración del 75 aniversario de la editorial, el especial de una hora de duración analizará en detalle el viaje de la compañía desde la incipiente editorial de cómics hasta el gigante multimedia. Presentada por Emily VanCamp (agente de S.H.I.E.L.D., Sharon Carter), la característica de estilo documental incluirá entrevistas con iconos de cómics, autoridades de la cultura pop y estrellas de Hollywood. ¡El especial también promete un "vistazo extraordinario al futuro de Marvel!" ¿Podría Marvel lanzar el primer video oficial de Avengers: Age of Ultron o Ant-Man del próximo año? Si lo hacen, lo sabrás aquí.
Un repaso a la historia de Marvel Studios y el Universo Cinemático Marvel, con entrevistas y escenas making-of de todas las películas Marvel, los Marvel One-Shots y la serie "Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D."
A look at the comic book history of the title character, one section a piece dedicated to 70s, 80s, 90s and 2000's by way of some interesting interviews with the various artists and writers who have worked on the different incarnations of the Marvel Comics that the film was based on. When combined the four parts of this documentary clock in at just over forty-five minutes in length. Those who are familiar with the various comics will definitely enjoy this look back at the character's history and hearing about it from the people who made it happen.