Jean-Philippe Guerand


Bernard Blier, façon puzzle
In a career spanning more than half a century, Bernard Blier has shot more than 180 films. He alone represents a history of French cinema without having spent his time cultivating its legend. He crossed his century as an actor with the modesty of a craftsman. He believed in learning, know-how and transmission. He considered himself, like the butcher or the cabinetmaker, as a man useful to his fellow men. Bernard Blier found in Louis Jouvet, who was his teacher at the Conservatory, a master at playing, a mentor and even a spiritual father. Jouvet taught Blier the love of acting, theater and Molière. And if he knew how to take hold of Michel Audiard's best tirades like no one else, notably those of the "Tontons Flingueurs", it is to this apprenticeship that he owes it.
Tati…par le geste
La diagonal del loco
A Guy in the Audience
La Guerra Fría reflejada en una partida de ajedrez. En la ciudad suiza de Geneva -Ginebra- se un prestigioso campeonato de ajedrez, que enfrenta al gran maestro Pavius Fromm con el actual campeón del mundo Akiva Liebskird. Ambos pertencen al otro lado del "telón de acero", pero mientras que Liebskird es leal al régimen comunista de la Unión Soviética, Fromm es un destacado disidente que vive en el exilio en Occidente.