Gösta Hillberg


Räkna de lyckliga stunderna blott
The old Victor Branzell has a grandson, Alf, who is in love with a clerk in a glove shop, Lilian Lind. But Lilian with her simple background doesn't get accepted in the circles where Alf belongs, and they have now reached the conclusion that they can't have a future together. Marriage is impossible. Victor summons Lilian and Alf and starts telling them his life story.
The Sin of Anna Lans
At a meeting at the Salvation Army a female soldier tells the story of her life.
A Crime
Prison Guard
"A Crime" - A murder is committed in an apartment building in Stockholm. And afterward all clues point toward the Justice of the Supreme Court and his sons. But who did it? And why? And will they be able to live with the guilt?
Där fyren blinkar
Johan Ulfstjerna
Secretary General
The story of a man who makes a great sacrifice for his country and for his son. Based on the play of the same title by Tor Hedberg.
Mälar Pirates
Durante las vacaciones de verano, un niño "toma prestado" un velero y se embarca en una aventura por el Lago Mälaren. (FILMAFFINITY)
La saga de Gunnar Hedes
Gunnar Hedes, un joven sueco, quiere convertirse en músico profesional, pero cuando su padre muere repentinamente, su familia le presiona para que se haga cargo del negocio familiar, criando y vendiendo renos. No le gusta el negocio y no es adecuado para él, pero se rinde y se hace cargo. Sin embargo, cuando un día se lesiona gravemente en un accidente mientras conduce la manada sobre el Ártico congelado y sufre un traumatismo craneal grave, su familia teme que sufra daños mentales permanentes y que pierdan tanto a Gunnar como al negocio familiar.
The Mill
Forest Warden
The wife of a dull-witted miller is in her deathbed and the miller must find a new woman to marry. He is expected to marry the sister of a local forester, a refined woman he wants to love. She is gentle and motherly, though a rather austere Christian. But the miller lusts after his maidservant, Lise, a ruthless and calculating woman determined to climb up the social ladder. Lise tries to use her lower class sensuality and a bit of magic to entice the miller.