Ryan Daniel Dobson


Ryan Daniel Dobson is an actor and director.


The Dalton Gang
Bill Powers
Cuando su hermano Frank es asesinado por un forajido, los hermanos Bob Dalton, Emmett Dalton y Gray Dalton se unen al departamento del sheriff local. Cuando son engañados por la ley, recurren al crimen, robando trenes y cualquier otra cosa que puedan robar en el transcurso de dos años a principios de la década de 1890. Tratando de superar a Jesse James, intentan robar dos bancos a la vez en octubre de 1892, y las cosas se ponen feas
A modern-day retelling of an ancient story through the eyes of its forgotten female character.
A modern-day retelling of an ancient story through the eyes of its forgotten female character.
Order of Chaos
Lawyer #1
Almost rich, almost thirty, he never lies or cheats, even when his beautiful fiancé orders him around and his ball-busting boss uses threats as motivation. John never makes a sound, eager to do right. Rick Carlson is not. A smooth talking and coercive, Rick turns John's life upside down when he not only moves into his building, but starts working at his competitive law firm.
Prattle: Your Words Are Empty and So Is Your Heart (now in black and white!)