Gordon Thorpe


La patrulla del amanecer
Remake del filme bélico homónimo dirigido por Howard Hawks en 1930. Un oficial británico al mando de un escuadrón de pilotos novatos se verá obligado a ordenar a sus inexpertos hombres que se enfrenten a los veteranos aviadores alemanes.
Abraham Lincoln
Tad Lincoln
La primera película hablada del maestro D.W. Griffith hace un repaso a la vida del famoso presidente norteamericano.
Shivering Shakespeare
Effeminate boy
The gang is participating in a program sponsored by the Golden Age Dramatic League. They present their own fractured version of Quo Vadis. Things go from bad to worse when the neighborhood tough kids disrupt the show. The pie fight is given a new twist by use of some slow motion sequences.
Noisy Noises
Our Gang member
Joe Cobb is suffering through a toothache as well as having to babysit his little brother Rupert who won't stop crying. Every effort to calm Rupert is undone by an immediate commotion to wake him up. Joe rocks him to sleep, but then the neighbor starts playing his bass fiddle. Joe then rocks the cradle so hard it falls apart, and he trips and stumbles moving Rupert to the baby carriage, which subsequently rolls down hill through traffic with Rupert and a neighbor's monkey enjoying the ride.
El destino de la carne
Un empleado de banco feliz pierde su identidad después de un robo y luego se presume muerto.