Joram ten Brink


La mirada del silencio
Associate Producer
A través de la obra cinematográfica de Joshua Oppenheimer sobre los responsables del genocidio en Indonesia, una familia de supervivientes descubre cómo fue asesinado su hijo y la identidad de los hombres que lo mataron. El hermano más joven se decide a romper ese silencio y miedo con el que viven los supervivientes, enfrentándose a los responsables del asesinato de su hermano, algo inimaginable en un país en el que los asesinos siguen en el poder.
The Act of Killing
En 1965 hubo un golpe de estado en Indonesia. Miles de comunistas, reales o presuntos, fueron asesinados por escuadrones de la muerte. Unas décadas después, el pasado pervive y un relato se perpetúa. Pero nada será igual después de este filme.
The Act of Killing
Executive Producer
En 1965 hubo un golpe de estado en Indonesia. Miles de comunistas, reales o presuntos, fueron asesinados por escuadrones de la muerte. Unas décadas después, el pasado pervive y un relato se perpetúa. Pero nada será igual después de este filme.
Journey Through the Night
A man is travelling on a long haul express train journey from Amsterdam to Paris. He shares his sleeper compartment with another man who he engages in conversation. He learns that the man is a cannibal who intends to kill and eat him. The man is unsure of where his life is going and begins to be swayed by the cannibal's assertions that being eaten would give his life meaning and purpose. However, how long can the man stall for, with questions on the finer points of eating someone?
Journey Through the Night
A man is travelling on a long haul express train journey from Amsterdam to Paris. He shares his sleeper compartment with another man who he engages in conversation. He learns that the man is a cannibal who intends to kill and eat him. The man is unsure of where his life is going and begins to be swayed by the cannibal's assertions that being eaten would give his life meaning and purpose. However, how long can the man stall for, with questions on the finer points of eating someone?
'Man Who Couldn't Feel' and Other Tales
'Man Who Couldn't Feel' and Other Tales